Part 4: What to do In Ramadan and what is siyyam
Siyyam is spiritual retreat, no speaking to humans, listening words of GodAs we will see, there is absolutely no mention of no eating and no drinking in quran.
Nowhere in quran. Ramadan or not ramadan.
First verse give an exact definition of what is siyyam
19:26 ?So eat and drink and be content. If you see any human being, then say: ?I have vowed an abstinence (Siyyam) for the Almighty, so I will not talk today to any of mankind.??Please note that it is formulated as definition. I make Siyyam so i will not talk to mankind.
Let see now the famous verse where "muslims" hallucinate not to speak and drink:
2:187 It has been made lawful for you during the night of SIYYAM to BACHIR your women. They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them. God knows that you used to betray your souls so He has accepted your repentance, and forgiven you;
now you may BACHIR them and SEEK WHAT GOD HAS WRITTEN TO YOU. And you may EAT and DRINK until the white thread is distinct from the black thread of dawn; then you shall complete the fast until night; and do not BACHIR them while you are AAKIFOUN (reraet) in the MASJID.
These are the boundaries of God, so do not transgress them. It is thus that God clarifies His revelations to the people who they may be righteous.First remark is that it is allowed to :
- BACHIR Women and Drink and Eat before dawn
- Only No Bachir after . No mention of no drink and no eat.
That is there is absolutely no mention of not to drink and not to drink. It is a deduction and a very bad deduction.
Bachir has nothing to do with sexual approach. Bachara is the skin, to be in front of. Bachar is humans. Moubachara is the term that mean in direct in TV. Absolutely nothing to do with sex. We are in spiritual retreat context and no to speak to wifes is a minimum. It make no sense for Allah to ask people no to di sex in Masjid. Let be serious.
Not the spiritual retreat is clearly mentionned in the verse through the word Aakifoun. And the place in wich retrat occurs is masjid.
Masjid is not a temple. Masjid derivate from word SJD and means the place where Soujourd occurs. and Soujourd is the obedient listening of word of God. We can even consider site free-minds as masjid. Dictionnary says that soujoud means linstening and acquiesce with movement up and own of head. Like jewish do with exaggeration when readin torah. like some muslims do while reading Quran.
Quranically, we have to oppose masjid to mihrab, that is the place we accommodate home for the salat, that is reading words of Allah. The salat Jomoua is the salat in group, that is connexion to God in group (and not friday), in order to try understand collectively words of god.
However, it is clearly mentionned here :
7:31 O Children of Adam, dress nicely at EVERY MASJID, and eat and drink and do not waste ; He does not like the wasters.that we can eat and drink at every masjid. Ramadan or nor ramadan. We have to be in the better conditions to understand what Allah sent to us.
It is stupid not to drink and eat.
The prophet who was not speaking 3 days in September.It was Zacharie. let's try to proove it.
First, let's remember that in equinox days, laylatou al qadr:
97:3 The Equinox is better than one thousand Full moons.
97:4 The angels and the Spirit come down in it with the permission of their Lord to carry out every matter.When Zachariah asked god for a child, and god accepted, Zachariah asked for a sign.
this sign is mentioned in two verses:
3:41 He said: ?My Lord, make for me a sign.? He said: ?Your sign is not to speak to the people for three days except by symbol, and remember your Lord greatly, and glorify at dusk and dawn.?
19:10 He said: ?My Lord, make for me a sign.? He said: ?Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights consecutively.?Three nights or three days ? What was the sign ?
Unless we admit this a an error in quran and Allah forgot what sign he gave, we have to accept that Zachariah was already making siyyam of speaking during the day and Allah completed the nights. It is the only way to solve the problem.
Zachariah was then fasting 3 days, that is no speaking.
Now let's proove that it was in Spetember. It is more difficult.
First, we have to note that Issa is really born around shahr haram of christmas.
this is given by :
19:25 ?And shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will cause ripe dates to fall upon you.?date are ripes in december. Dates harvesting is from october to december.
9 months before. we are in march. Around laylatou el qadr of spring in wich Mary was "inseminated" by an angel. As we know, angels are sent down layalatou el qadr and they can come also in laylatou al qadr of march.
Gospel of Luc is the only place in old scriptures where story of Zacharime is mentioned. It is mentionned that he couldn't speak and it is also mentionned that Yahia had a name never used before. Quran confirmed all That giving a strong power to this passage. And This passage of Gospel of Luc give us another information. Yahia is born 6 months before Issa.
So the announce to Zachariah was made 6 months before the announce to Mary. And it was then around equinox of September, in which we have found our Zachariah fasting from speaking.
Can people of "no drink and no eat" show me someone that don't eat and drink in Quran ?
About Hajj:it is not the main object of the thread. So i will be brief
Hajj derive from root hjj wich mean proof, arguments. That is what i do here, in masjid free-minds where i study words of god giving arguments (hojajs)
The aim of hajj is double nourishment. Body Nourishment and spiritual nourishment.
During hajj we give eating to poor. We have to bring Marwa (drinking) and SAFA (eating or more exactly aligned livestock).
But there is also the spiritual noursishment.
During the Hajj there is two main kind of particpants:
1- The hojjajs that is the debators, the people who come for debating.
2- The ones making Omra. That is literally the ones who fills (imara is building filled by humans). That is participants who comes for listening to debates and learn about what Allah sent for them. During the day, they have to fast from speaking since they are here to learn and not to make noise. And during the night of the seminar, it is feast for all, drinking and eating.
Monoheist Traduction:
2:196 And conclude the Pilgrimage and the visit for God. But, if you are prevented, then provide what offering is affordable; and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its destination. Whoever of you is ill or has an ailment to his head, then he may redeem by fasting or giving a charity or a rite. But if you are secure, then whoever makes the visit, but decides to continue until the Pilgrimage, then he shall provide what offering is affordable; but for he who cannot find anything, then he must fast for three days during the Pilgrimage and seven when he returns; this will make a complete ten - this is for those whose family is not resident at the Restricted Temple. And be aware of God, and know that God is severe in retribution.My Traduction:
2:196 And conclude the Hajj and the OMRA for God. But, if you are restricted, try to obtain what is possible of guidance; and do not raise your heads until guidance reaches its destination (that is your minds). Whoever of you is ill or has an ailment to his head (not able to understand), then he may redeem by fasting or giving a charity or whatever way that bring him closer to god.
AND When AMANA was given to you (same root as iman and that is the knowledge), then:
whoever was there for Omra (learning) in Hajj, then he take what he found of teachings and if he didn't found then he have to make the spiritual retreat and siyyam (learn alone)
and when back home, he have to add seven day of siyyam (for review of teachings) to complete the ten days, that is for those whose family is not present at the Listening of haram during Hajj. And be aware of God, and know that God is severe in retribution.
So: Hajj is :
3 days of Siyyam during the forum/conferences
7 days of spiritual retreat for those who were there with family (so we can suppose that others have to transmit what they learned to their family).
10 days For God.
and of course, there is 4 hajj in the year.
Full moon is of course a good way to illuminate special nights with natural light.
48:23 Such is the way of God with those who have passed away before, and you will not find any change in the way of God.People who believe that islam is a new religion brought by prophet Muhammad are very far from truth.
Islam is the search of silm in the aim to be salim, that is to have good health, body (ins) and spirit (jinn).
Spiritual health is obtained by seeking for teaching of Allah, verses or natural ayats (science), by reading, thinking, meditating, observing, debating.
Allah is light. What people in the darkness do cannot be your deen.
5:103 God did not decree BAHIRA (??), or SAIBA(??), or WASSILA(??), or HAM (??); but the people who rejected invented lies to God, and most of them do not comprehend.
5:104 And if they are told: ?Come to what God has sent down, and to the messenger;? they say: ?We are content with what we found our fathers doing.? What if their fathers did not know anything nor were guided?FinishedPlease don't do stupid things next month.
With greetings of Jomoa Dukhani of Salat (Dukhani group and not Dukhani friday
Hope that you will no more go to the pagan temples called masjid nowadays.