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Gabriel's self map

Started by hmk, October 30, 2016, 05:58:47 PM

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Hi all,
I have a kind of pressing question. Do any of you have heard of Gabriel's self-map?  It is a map of the world with a baby drawn across it. I have spotted it years ago. It could have been this site, I can't remember.  I would like to see it again because it is dear to me in ways I cannot oversee yet.

Apparently, it is well known in the paranormal scene. That's why I'm posting this question here. If you happen to know any paranormally inclined people please ask them.

Anyway, thanks for reading this,


gabi dnt need maps , maps are for humans ...


Yeah.. who need map when he has a GPS?

Man of Faith

Quote from: Jafar on October 31, 2016, 10:02:55 AM
Yeah.. who need map when he has a GPS?

A GPS normally shows the location on a map using a calibration between satellites. Coordinates say little about the terrain without map reference although you could possibly navigate without one if you know where you are heading although you are blind to what kind of spatial environment you will encounter. A map is recommended to navigate in the best possible way.

Gabriel would obviously not require a map, but for correspondence with humans it might be a decent medium for comprehension.

Be well
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


GPS is also for humans  ;)

may b the technology due to which things will transport from one location to another.. with the same sequence how pictures and  voices transfer... but again we may advance to the technology of solomon one day perhaps but still far away the technology what God use to communicate with his controllers/maliks who knows what sort of technology they have ,

more than what we can even imagine...


Quote from: Man of Faith on October 31, 2016, 10:22:32 AM
A GPS normally shows the location on a map using a calibration between satellites. Coordinates say little about the terrain without map reference although you could possibly navigate without one if you know where you are heading although you are blind to what kind of spatial environment you will encounter. A map is recommended to navigate in the best possible way.

Gabriel would obviously not require a map, but for correspondence with humans it might be a decent medium for comprehension.

I heard Gabe uses GLONASS instead....

Quote from: imrankhawaja on October 31, 2016, 11:07:12 AM
may b the technology due to which things will transport from one location to another.. with the same sequence how pictures and  voices transfer... but again we may advance to the technology of solomon one day perhaps but still far away the technology what God use to communicate with his controllers/maliks who knows what sort of technology they have ,

There seems to be a latency of 1000 years for things to reach God sitting on a throne in Heaven.. according to the so called "Holy Books"...

He manages and regulates affair from the heavens to the earth; then it (affair) will go up to Him, in one Day, the space whereof is a thousand years of your reckoning. (32:5)

Wait.. it's actually longer than that.. it's 50,000 years

The angels and the Ruh ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years. (70:4)

With such far distance to travel.. no wonder Gabriel need a (star) map...

Soon human will teach Gabe and his angelic friends on how he can save time for both communication and also travel..(to anywhere)
The secret lies in the way the space and time continuum could actually being 'flexed'... and also the way that every quantum particles can be 'paired'..

But wait... aren't God supposed to be here there and everywhere?
So what's this need for travel and latency communication?

Man of Faith

QuoteBut wait... aren't God supposed to be here there and everywhere?
So what's this need for travel and latency communication?

Is not the sectarian interpretation of Quran wonderful? The god seems to have a location somewhere. Well, the same god is emotional and has typical worldly human characteristics.

Be well
Website reference: [url=""][/url]

Noon waalqalami

Quote from: Jafar on October 31, 2016, 06:34:36 PM
There seems to be a latency of 1000 years for things to reach God sitting on a throne in Heaven.. according to the so called "Holy Books"...

So what's this need for travel and latency communication?

It's not about latency or ping time e.g. London to Tokyo 220 ms or 40 min for signal to reach Mars rover and back to earth; rather verses are about the perception/relativity of time...

70:1 سال asked ساىل questioner بعذاب in punishment واقع and real 70:2 للكافرىن for the skeptics لىس not is له for it دافع any preventer 70:3 من from الله the god ذى owner المعارج the stairways 70:4 تعرج ascends الملاىكه the angels والروح and the spirit الىه toward him فى in ىوم day/epoch كان be مقداره measure its خمسىن fifty الف thousand سنه sanatin 70:5 فاصبر so be patient صبرا patience of جمىلا beautiful of 70:6 انهم surely they ىرونه see it بعىدا far 70:7 ونراه and we see it قرىبا near of


Quote from: Man of Faith on November 01, 2016, 12:23:18 AM
Is not the sectarian interpretation of Quran wonderful? The god seems to have a location somewhere. Well, the same god is emotional and has typical worldly human characteristics.

your interpretation is more wonderful than secterians...

haram = blessed
hereafter = incranation = second third fourth birth...
God =  vibrating strings = portion / share of creation
jinn and devils = human...

and lot more wonders of your interpretation...  :bravo: 

RED exactly its only you who see in that way... everybody very well aware that God do not have any human characteristics

its only you who want to see God in human way.... aww i forget you see God already it must b a convo between you and God to tell people that quran is false now new prophet ammanuel is on earth ...  :hmm

NOTE do you have anything in all your posting that will help community to learn something productive apart from attacking quran all the times...  you almost ruined all the threads... by you faulty interpretation...


Quote from: Jafar on October 31, 2016, 06:34:36 PM

There seems to be a latency of 1000 years for things to reach God sitting on a throne in Heaven.. according to the so called "Holy Books"...

where its written in any holy book that God is sitting in throne... ? do you really grasp what is the throne ..?

apart from this we may have debate on the verses that you just posted... everybody understandings are different ..

the throne is a supreme control of affairs of human kind what you can say an office of human files which is metaphorically calculated as the time which is out of our perception... if somebody really ponder about these verses  then it give them  more accurate understanding that time is relative ...

why you guys think that there is any mistake in the verses which you guys dnt have knowledge off...?

can you calculate the speed of angels ? do you know what is throne(supreme authority of God controlling) ? when you able to understand it literally then point out the mistakes literally...  i think so ... but every body have their own way ... of getting things ...

and yeh according to holy book God is everywhere .. i see you forget to mention those verses...
and again everywhere mean , control everywhere, see everywhere, hear everywhere...