Quote from: Novice on June 24, 2016, 12:19:52 AM
Urdu is a mixture of different languages like Arabic, Turkish, Persian etc but that does not mean that Arabic roots can be understood with Urdu words. For example word غَلِيظ in Arabic means "hard/firm/strong" but in Urdu it has negative meanings. So be careful when you study Quran because Urdu background could give you wrong understanding.
did i say arabic root understood with urdu words?
what i say urdu is also a language like other languages that derived from arabic,, arabic is master over it ,,
and i was just giving an example... when i used the urdu word..
Quote from: Novice on June 24, 2016, 12:19:52 AM
Word Malik is from root م ل ك which means "to have control/power" So Malik is one who has control/power. God is the ultimate Malik. A mailk could be an angel or a human. So Arabic roots convey specific meanings and derived words convey these meanings. If you know a root you can understand a word derived from it.
yeh i know what is the route of mlk ,, becoz corupus.quran is there to tell us,,
but nature of malik in three beings are different ,, the malik when reffered to God and its malkiat is eternal,,and over all things competent.
the malik in human is not eternal and have limited powers... and angels also have limits and taskks assigned to them,,,
root better understand when its used in sentence used ... we cannot use malik root for human being if he want to perform the functions of malika,,, for example driving the winds, putting men to death...
and what you want to tell me i still did not understand , i think you are telling me how to study roots or how to use roots in sentence or . ... something else...