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Ramadaan The Correct Tiime To Break Fast

Started by Al Khidr19, May 27, 2016, 11:49:18 PM

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Al Khidr19

As Salaamu Alaykum

The Sunni sect breaks fast for Ramadaan at the wrong time which is Maghrib (Sunset) and they have no bases at all in the Holy Qur'aan to support this.  However, some Muslims that follow Qur'aan alone has been deceived by the Sunni sect to break fast at Maghrib (Sunset).  Allah has clearly prescribed Al Layl (The Night) for the correct time to break our fast.  It is important that we follow the Qur'aan alone and not sectarian schools of thought or man-made innovations.  For those who are interested in examining the evidence, the facts in the Qur'aan in regards to the correct time to break fast, feel free to download the pdf documents that I wrote.  You can download the document in English or Arabic.

Ramadaan Correct Time To Break Fast (English)

Ramadaan Correct Time To Break Fast (Arabic)
Qur'aan 2:2-This scripture is infallible; it?s a guidance to the select, who tremble at the mention of Allah.


Would isha be al layl then? Or maybe 30 minutes after maghrib?


Peace Al Khidr19,

I was on the same stand as yours but brother Wakas has clarified it from 36:37.

وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمُ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُم مُّظْلِمُونَ

As you know HU from minHU is referring to alLayl in the above aayat.
That means "...We withdraw alLayl [i.e.,night] FROM alNahaar [i.e.,day]..."

It clearly shows that alLayl was still IN alNahaar before it was taken out.
So time of ghuroob or maghrib also includes alLayl in it.

This is clear to me. Please take close look at it.

May Allah increase our knowledge and guide us on His path :pr
6:162    قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين
6:162    Say: My contact prayer, and my rites, and my life, and my death, are all to Allah, Lord of the worlds.


Al Khidr19

Salaam agphys

Isha falls under the umbrella of Al Layl.  Note that Al Layl comes first before Isha comes.  We break our fast when Al Layl first appears, not when Isha first comes.  You raised the following questions, when do Isha come in during the period of Al Layl, keep in mind that time is relative so the time when Isha comes in may very from day to day, month to month, year to year.
Qur'aan 2:2-This scripture is infallible; it?s a guidance to the select, who tremble at the mention of Allah.

Al Khidr19

Quote from: mmkhan on May 28, 2016, 04:36:36 AM
Peace Al Khidr19,

I was on the same stand as yours but brother Wakas has clarified it from 36:37.

وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمُ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُم مُّظْلِمُونَ

As you know HU from minHU is referring to alLayl in the above aayat.
That means "...We withdraw alLayl [i.e.,night] FROM alNahaar [i.e.,day]..."

It clearly shows that alLayl was still IN alNahaar before it was taken out.
So time of ghuroob or maghrib also includes alLayl in it.

This is clear to me. Please take close look at it.

May Allah increase our knowledge and guide us on His path :pr

Salaam mmkhan

If this is wakas argument, my document that you can download clearly rebuttals that distorted interpretation.  In my document I have clearly proven through tons of examples that during the period of al Layl there is no light outside or in the horizon.  Now pay close attention to the verse that you highlighted which proves that there is no light during the period of Al Layl:

Below are more examples in the Qur'aan that I presented in my document:

Now any one can see these verses and understand that there is no light outside or in the horizon during the period of Al Layl.  Wakas interpretation is flawed and I'm not surprised because they distorted Salaat by pushing the "3 Salaat Theory" where they have to distort the true meaning of Al Layl in order to support their unfounded theory in Al  Qur'aan.
Qur'aan 2:2-This scripture is infallible; it?s a guidance to the select, who tremble at the mention of Allah.

Noon waalqalami

Quote from: Al Khidr19 on May 28, 2016, 10:21:25 AM
If this is wakas argument, my document that you can download clearly rebuttals that distorted interpretation.  In my document I have clearly proven through tons of examples that during the period of al Layl there is no light outside or in the horizon.  Now pay close attention to the verse that you highlighted which proves that there is no light during the period of Al Layl:


There's always some light present never complete darkness. It can get close to total darkness and remember as a young man on a ship in the ocean it was cloudy and could not see anything even a few meters away since it was pitch black; otherwise there's always some stray light.

In addition, there's a difference لىله night with trailing "ه" entire night similar to making a hotel reservation for so many nights which Qur'an check in time is sunset i.e. sun not visible and checkout time at dawn when the sun is visible -- otherwise not possible to define darkness.

2:187 احل permitted لكم for you لىله laylata/night الصىام the fast الرفث the sexual relations الى to نساىكم womenfolk yours هن they لباس garment لكم for you وانتم and are you لباس garment لهن for them علم knowledge الله the god انكم indeed you كنتم be/were you تختانون deceiving انفسكم yourselves فتاب so turned علىكم upon you وعفا and forgave عنكم about you فالان so henceforth باشروهن have relations with them وابتغوا and seek ye of ما what كتب written/prescribed الله the god لكم for you وكلوا and eat ye of واشربوا and drink ye of حتى until ىتبىن is shown لكم for you الخىط the thread الابىض the white من from الخىط the thread الاسود the black من of الفجر the dawn ثم furthermore اتموا complete ye of الصىام the fast الى to اللىل al-layli/the night ولا and not تباشروهن have relations with them وانتم and are you عاكفون devoting فى in المساجد the mosques تلك those حدود limits الله the god فلا so not تقربوها thou approach ye it كذلك like such ىبىن shows الله the god اىاته signs his للناس to the humankind لعلهم perhaps they ىتقون righteous being

Clear definition is given one sees the sunlight (sun is visible) or sun is not visible i.e. night.

10:67 هو he الذى the one جعل made لكم for you اللىل al-layla/the night لتسكنوا to rest فىه in it والنهار wal-nhar/and the sunlight مبصرا visible of ان surely فى in ذلك such لاىات surely signs لقوم for folk ىسمعون hearing

If Anchorage Alaska fast time 20-21 hours; hence best to feed the poor always an acceptable alternative.

Al Khidr19

Quote from: Noon waalqalami on May 28, 2016, 02:06:29 PM

There's always some light present never complete darkness. It can get close to total darkness and remember as a young man on a ship in the ocean it was cloudy and could not see anything even a few meters away since it was pitch black; otherwise there's always some stray light.

In addition, there's a difference لىله night with trailing "ه" entire night similar to making a hotel reservation for so many nights which Qur'an check in time is sunset i.e. sun not visible and checkout time at dawn when the sun is visible -- otherwise not possible to define darkness.

2:187 احل permitted لكم for you لىله laylata/night الصىام the fast الرفث the sexual relations الى to نساىكم womenfolk yours هن they لباس garment لكم for you وانتم and are you لباس garment لهن for them علم knowledge الله the god انكم indeed you كنتم be/were you تختانون deceiving انفسكم yourselves فتاب so turned علىكم upon you وعفا and forgave عنكم about you فالان so henceforth باشروهن have relations with them وابتغوا and seek ye of ما what كتب written/prescribed الله the god لكم for you وكلوا and eat ye of واشربوا and drink ye of حتى until ىتبىن is shown لكم for you الخىط the thread الابىض the white من from الخىط the thread الاسود the black من of الفجر the dawn ثم furthermore اتموا complete ye of الصىام the fast الى to اللىل al-layli/the night ولا and not تباشروهن have relations with them وانتم and are you عاكفون devoting فى in المساجد the mosques تلك those حدود limits الله the god فلا so not تقربوها thou approach ye it كذلك like such ىبىن shows الله the god اىاته signs his للناس to the humankind لعلهم perhaps they ىتقون righteous being

Clear definition is given one sees the sunlight (sun is visible) or sun is not visible i.e. night.

10:67 هو he الذى the one جعل made لكم for you اللىل al-layla/the night لتسكنوا to rest فىه in it والنهار wal-nhar/and the sunlight مبصرا visible of ان surely فى in ذلك such لاىات surely signs لقوم for folk ىسمعون hearing

If Anchorage Alaska fast time 20-21 hours; hence best to feed the poor always an acceptable alternative.

Salaam waalqalami

"There's always some light present never complete darkness. It can get close to total darkness and remember as a young man on a ship in the ocean it was cloudy and could not see anything even a few meters away since it was pitch black; otherwise there's always some stray light."

Its funny to see how people try to mystify things that are so simple.  We have different periods and they are distinct from each other.  The period of Al Layl comes after the period of Maghrib so that is enough to let you know that it is dark outside, with no light unlike we see during Maghrib or other periods of time such as zuhr, Asr  etc. etc.  When you read the Qur'aan Allah defines the words "Al Layl" and "Maghrib" and the distinction between the two periods are clear.  Read my earlier post when I responded to mmkhan so you can see how Allah makes it so crystal clear that there is no light during the period of Al Layl and you know exactly what I mean by that; no one is saying that the sun disappeared or vanished from the universe.

Look at the verse carefully which is the only verse that Allah gave us the COMMAND, LAW to break our fast and it is during the period of Al Layl (The Night) which comes after the period of Maghrib (sunset):


I'm curious waalqalami do you break your fast at Maghrib?

Qur'aan 2:2-This scripture is infallible; it?s a guidance to the select, who tremble at the mention of Allah.

Al Khidr19

Salaam waalqalami

"There's always some light present never complete darkness. It can get close to total darkness and remember as a young man on a ship in the ocean it was cloudy and could not see anything even a few meters away since it was pitch black; otherwise there's always some stray light."

Its funny to see how people try to mystify things that are so simple.  We have different periods and they are distinct from each other.  The period of Al Layl comes after the period of Maghrib so that is enough to let you know that it is dark outside, with no light unlike we see during Maghrib or other periods of time such as zuhr, Asr  etc. etc.  When you read the Qur'aan Allah defines the words "Al Layl" and "Maghrib" and the distinction between the two periods are clear.  Read my earlier post when I responded to mmkhan so you can see how Allah makes it so crystal clear that there is no light during the period of Al Layl and you know exactly what I mean by that; no one is saying that the sun disappeared or vanished from the universe.

Look at the verse carefully which is the only verse that Allah gave us the COMMAND, LAW to break our fast and it is during the period of Al Layl (The Night) which comes after the period of Maghrib (sunset):


I'm curious waalqalami do you break your fast at Maghrib?
Qur'aan 2:2-This scripture is infallible; it?s a guidance to the select, who tremble at the mention of Allah.

Noon waalqalami

Quote from: Al Khidr19 on May 28, 2016, 03:19:51 PM
Salaam waalqalami


I'm curious waalqalami do you break your fast at Maghrib?

that is nonsense there is always some light present simply go outside see for yourself.

break fast exactly as it says when sun drops below horizon i.e. sunset it's the only way.

otherwise you are guessing about how dark it is and it's never totally dark proven fact!

end of discussion! peace!


light is what our eyes see due to atmosphere of planet earth with respect to the phenemon of rotation of sun (blue  ,sky blue, black, orange/red, cloudy smoky white, light blue, darkk blue, navy blue,smoky gray) these all are some colors thats our eyes catch dring different time in 24 hours.its nothing to do with day and night.

the time of night by default started with the sunset, i mean when the sun is not visible on horizon.(day finish/daybreak)

same when sun is about to rise , there is also a light but day started when sun is visible on horizon.

light is atmosphere phenomenon, cannot apply to day and night, , day and night is sunrise and sunset,

so one can open fast at sunset. no harm in it.
