Quote from: Taro Hiroshi on May 29, 2016, 10:55:52 AM
Al Khird19,
Excellent post regarding Jinn, by the way. As you know, the Quran suggests that Jinns have been created from fire. And it suggests that humans have been created from mud/clay.
I'd like to ask you a few questions. Do you believe that Jinn and Humans belong to the same race? Do you believe that Jinn are clans/tribes among humans? It would be interesting to hear your thoughts.
Salaam Taro Hiroshi
I'm honored that an intelligent brother like your self took the time to read my document on the Jinns exposing Arnold Yasin pseudo interpretation of the scriptures and also thank you for the questions.
As I have discussed in my document on the jinns, I believe that Allah used the word "fire" to denote or to let us know that they are deadly, dangerous, not that there is literally fire in the Spiritual Realm.
I will be happy to respond to your questions below:
"Do you believe that Jinn and Humans belong to the same race?"At one time, Iblis/Devil/Jinns were in Jannah (Heaven or Spiritual Realm) along with Adam and Hawaa and as we can see in the verse below, Allah placed them on al ard (the planet earth or physical realm):

When they transcended/manifest/incarnated/translated (or what ever term one wants to use) from the Spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm, they (all of them) became physical human beings. It is important to highlight that grammatically the Jinns in the Qur'aan has always been used in the plural form. You will never find the word "Jinns" in the singular form. Also the word devil or satan in Arabic has been used in the singular and the plural form throughout the Qur'aan and this is some of the reasons why they are described as: PEOPLE, MEN, TRIBE, FAMILY, CLAN. Allah tells us clearly in the Qur'aan that the devil or jinns on the planet earth have a descendant, bloodline, progeny, offspring which further destroys the false Christian belief that they are invisible spirits floating around in the air:

Now to directly answer your question, I do not believe Jinns and Humans belong to the same race. I believe both Jinns and Humans are
RIJAAL (MEN, PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS) but they are separate races from each other. I believe they have their bloodline and we have our bloodline; I believe we are the direct descendants of Adam
(Qur'aan 4:1) and the Jinns are a direct descendants of the devil or of themselves
(Qur'aan 18:50). Adam, Hawaa and the devil/jinns came down on al ard (the planet earth) as separate people
(Qur'aan 2:36-38).
Qur'aan 4:1O people, observe your Lord who created you from one being, and created from it its mate, and through them He spread many men and women. You shall regard Allah in whose name you appeal to one another and the ties of relationship. Allah is watching over you.
Now I would like to answer your other question:
"Do you believe that Jinn are clans/tribes among humans?"Yes I believe that Jinns are clans/tribes among humans.
Let me share this verse with you to show how we and the jinns are living among each other and also note that Allah says that He sends US (HUMANS AND JINNS) Messengers (Rusul). Messengers (Rusul) are men, human beings so this verse further proves that the Jinns are men, people, human beings like us on the planet earth:

I want to present this outline below for the masses of Muslims that may be viewing this post who believes that the Jinns are invisible spirits, spooks floating in the air. Note that there is not one verse in the Qur'aan that describes the Jinns as a ruwh (spirit) while they are on al ard (the planet earth). Allah has presented an outline in the Qur'aan and He always describes the devils or Jinns as: MEN, PEOPLE, HUMAN BEING, TRIBE, CLAN, FAMILY WHO ALSO HAVE A DESCENDANT, BLOODLINE, OFFSPRING, PROGENY but never as a spirit: