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Started by wrkmmn, March 12, 2016, 01:38:56 PM

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I translated them for english and spanish, I have no time to modify it for this post.

I translated them myself, because I have files and videos about them, and I found that the translators repeated too much the same English words, and I believe that if there are 99 attributes of God, they should all be different.
I used Dictionary of Quranic use, quran corpus, and different verses of Qurans for the meaning of roots, and my own observations for the tense.

                      ھُوَ    إلَّا        اللَّھُ     لا   الَّذِي      إلَھَ    ھُوَ
                      huwa   ila          Allah    la      aladhy             Alah     huwa
                      Him     except    God     no     the one that     God      He
                      juwa    ila          Allaj     la      aladjy              Alaj      juwa
                      El        excepto  Dios     no     el que              Dios     El

[7:180]"God possess the Most Beautiful Names, so call Him with them, and stay away from those who profane them?"
[7:180]"Dios posee los nombres m?s bellos, invocadle pues con ellos, y ap?rtate de quienes los profanen??

000  اللَّھ        Al-lah   The God; Al-laj El Dios.
001 الرَّحْمَنُ  Al-Rahman The Beneficent; Al-Rajman El compasivo.
002  الرَّحِیمُ     Al-Rahym The Merciful; Al-Rajym El Misericordioso.
003 الْمَلِكُ     Al-Malik The Master/king/owner; Al-Malik El Amo/Rey/Due?o .
004   الْقُدُّوسُ  Al-Qudus The Most Sacred-one; Al-Qudus El M?s Sagrado.
005   السَّلامُ   Al-Salam The Peace; Al-Salam La Paz.
006  الْمُؤْمِنُ   Al-Mwmin The Faithful, the believer; Al-Mwmin  El fiel, El creyente
007  الْمُھَیْمِنُ  Al-Muhaymin  The Guardian; Al-Mujaymin El Guardian.
008  الْعَزِیزُ   Al-'Azyz The Mighty One; Al-hazyz El Poderozo.
009 الْجَبَّارُ    Al-Jabbar The Omnipotent One; Al-llabar El Omnipotente.
010 الْمُتَكَبِّرُ  Al-Mutakabir The Proudone; Al-Mutakabir EL Orgulloso.
011 الْخَالِقُ    Al-Khaliq The Creator; Al-Kjaliq El Creador.
012 الْبَارِئُ   Al-Bary The Evolver, The maker; Al-Bary El hacedor, El Que Hace Evolucionar.
013 الْمُصَوِّرُ  Al-Musawir The Shaper; Al-Musawir El formador.
014 الْغَفَّارُ       Al-Ghafar The Forgiveness; Al-Gafar  EL Perd?n.
015  الْقَھَّارُ   Al-Qahar The All-Prevailing One, the compeller; Al-Qajar El Que Prevalece, El que compele.
016 الْوَھَّابُ  Al-Wahab The Bestower; Al-Wajab El Que Otorga/ Confiere.
017 الرَّزَّاقُ    Al-Razaq The Sustainer, The Provider; Al-Razaq El Sustentador, El Proveedor.
018  الْفَتَّاحُ   Al-Fattah The Opener; Al-Fataj El Que Habre.
019 العَاِیمُ      Al-'Alym The Omniscient; Al-hAlym El Omnisciente.
020 الْقَابِضُ   Al-Qabid The one that draws near, The one that grabs; Al-Qabid El que acerca, El que agarra.
021 الْبَاسِطُ Al-Basit The spreader; Al-Basit El Propagador.
022 الْخَافِضُ Al-Khafid  The one that humbles; Al-Kjafid El que humilla.
023 الرَّفِیعُ Al-Rafi' The Elevated-one ; Al-Rafih  El Elevado.
024 المُعِزُّ  Al-Mu'iz The Honourer; Al-Muhiz El que honra.
025 المُذِلُّ  Al-Mudhil The Dishonorer; Al-Mudjil El que deshonra
026 السَّمِیعُ Al-Samy? The Hearer; Al-Samyh El Escuchador
027 الْبَصِیرُ Al-Basyr The Seeing-one; Al-Basyr El que Ve
028 الْحَكَمُ Al-Hakam The Judge; Al-Jakam El juez.
029 الْعَدْلُ Al-'adl The Justice; Al-hadl La Justicia.
030 اللَّطِیفُ Al-Latyf The Subtle One; Al-Latyf El que es Sutil.
031 الْخَبِیرُ Al-Khabyr The All-Aware-One; Al-Kjabyr El Conciente de Todo
032 الْحَلِیمُ Al-Halym   The lenient-one, The Tolerant-one; Al-Jalym El Indulgente, El Tolerante
033 الْعَظِیمُ Al-'Atym The Great-One; Al-Hatym El Grandioso.
034 الْغَفُورُ  Al-Ghafwr The Forgiver; Al-Gafwr El perdonador.
035 الشَّكُورُ Al-Shakwr  The one that gratifies; Al-Shakwr El que Gratifica.
036 الْعَلِيُّ Al-'aly The High; Al-Haly El Alto.
037 الْكَبِیرُ Al-Kabyr The magnificent; Al-Kabyr El Magnifico.
038 الْحَفِیظُ Al-Hafyz The Preserver; Al-jafyz El preservador.
039 المُقیِت Al-Muqyt The sustainer; Al-Muqyt El Sustentador.
040 الْحسِیبُ Al-Hasyb The One that pays for the account; Al-Jasyb El Que paga por la cuenta.
041 الْجَلِیلُ Al-Jalyl The Majestic-One; Al-Llalyl El Majestuoso
042 الْكَرِیمُ Al-Karym The Generous One; Al-Karym El Generoso.
043 الرَّقِیبُ  Al-Raqyb The observer; Al-Raqyb El Observador.
044 الْمُجِیبُ  Al-Mujyb The Responder; Al-Mullyb El que Responde
045 الْوَاسِعُ Al-Wasi' The Infinite/vast; Al-wasih El Infinito/vasto.
046 الْحَكِیمُ  Al-Hakym The Wise; Al-Jakym El Sabio.
047 الْوَدُودُ  Al-Wadwd The Affectionate. Al Wadwd El Afectuoso
048 الْمَجِیدُ Al-Majyd The Glorious-One; Al-Mallyd El Glorioso.
049  الْبَاعِثُ Al-Baith The one that Resurrects; Al-Ba'itd El que resucita.
050 الشَّھِیدُ Al-Shahyd The Witness; Al-Shajyd El Testigo.
051 الْحَقُّ  Al-Haq The Truth; Al-Jaq La verdad
052 الْوَكِیلُ  Al-Wakyl The Trustee; Al-Wakyl El Fideicomisario.
053 الْقَوِيُّ  Al-Qwy The Strong; Al-Qwy El Fuerte.
054  الْمَتِینُ  Al-Matyn The Firm, The Resolute; Al-Matyn  El Firme , El resuelto.
055 الْوَلِيُّ Al-Waly The Friend; Al Waly El Amigo.
056 الْحَمِیدُ Al-Hamyd  The Praiseworthy; Al-Jamyd El Alabado.
057 الْمُحْصِي  Al-Muhsy The Counter, The Reckoner; Al-Mujsy El Contador, El enumerador.
058 الْمُبْدِئُ Al-Mubdi The one that reveals the concealed; Al-Mubdi El que revela lo oculto.
059 الْمُعِیدُ Al-Mu'yd The Restorer; Al-Muhyd El Restaurador.
060 الْمُحْیِي Al-Muhyy The Lifeguiver; Al-Mujyy El dador de vida
061 الْمُمیتُ Al-Mumyt The afflictor of Death; Al-Mumyt El Dador de Muerte.
062 الْحَيُّ  Al-Hay The Living One; Al-Jay El viviente
063 الْقَیُّومُ Al-Qywm The constant; Al-Qywm El constante.
064 الْوَاجِدُ Al-Wajid (38:44) The one that Perceives; Al-wallid El que percibe.
065 الْمَاجِدُ Al-Majid The Glory-giver; Al-Mallid  El que da Gloria.
066 الْواحِدُ  Al-Wahid The One that is one, the unique; Al-Wajid El que es Uno, El ?nico
067  اَلاَحَدُ Al-Ahad The One; Al-ajad El Uno.
068 الصَّمَدُ Al-Samad The Eternal; Al-Samad El Eterno.
069 الْقَادِرُ   Al-Qadir The one that subdues ; Al-Qadir El que sojuzga
070 الْمُقْتَدِرُ Al- Muqtadir The Dominant ; Al- Muqtadir El Dominante.
071 الْمُقَدِّمُ Al-Muqadim The Leader, The Preceding one;  Al-Muqadim El Lider, El que precede.
072 الْمُؤَخِّرُ  Al-Mwakhir The Delayer; Al-Mwakjir El postegador.
073  الأوَّلُ  Al-Awal The First ; Al-Awal El primero.
074 الآخِرُ Al-Akhir The Last ; Al-Akjir El ultimo.
075 الظَّاھِرُ  Al-Zahir The Perceptible ;  Al-Zahir El perceptible.
076 الْبَاطِنُ  Al-Batin The Imperceptible;  Al-Batin El Inperceptible.
077 الْوَالِي Al-Waly The supporter/ally; Al-Waly El partidario/aliado.
078 الْمُتَعَالِي Al-Muta'aly  The Most Exalted one; Al-Mtahaly El Exaltado.
079 الْبَرُّ  Al-Bar the good; Al-Bar El bien.
080 التَّوَابُ  Al-Tawab The repentance; Al-Tawab El arrepentimiento.
081 الْمُنْتَقِمُ Al-Muntaqim The Avenger, The punisher . Al-Muntaqim El Vengador, El que castiga.
082 العَفُوُّ Al-'Afw The relief;  Al-Hafw El alivio.
083 الرَّؤُوفُ Al-Rawwf The benevolent?One; Al-Rawwf El Ben?volo.
084  الْمُلْكِ   مَالِكُ Malik-al-Mulk owner the Kingdom; Malik-al-Mulk Due?o del Reino.
085  الإكْرَامِ وَ  ذُوالْجَلاَلِ Dhw al-Jalal wa al-Ikram Possessor of the Majesty and the honor; Ddw al-llalal wa al-Ikram  Poseedor de la Majestad y el honor.
086 الْمُقْسِطُ Al-Muqsit The Equitable; Al-Muqsit El Equitativo.
087 الْجَامِعُ Al-Jami' The Gatherer; Al-Llamih El Que Reune.
088  الْغَنِيُّ Al-Ghany The Rich;  Al-Gany El Rico.
089 الْمُغْنِي Al-Mughny The Enricher;  Al-Mugny El enriquecedor.
090 اُلمَانِعُ Al-Mani'  The impregnable; Al-Manih El impenetrable.
091 الضَّارَّ Al-Dar The Distress; Al-Dar La Afliccion.
092  النَّافِعُ Al-Nafi' The beneficent; Al-Nafih El ben?fico
093 النُّورُ Al-Nwr The Light ; Al-Nwr La luz
094 الْھَادِي Al-Hady The one that Guides ; Al-Jady El Guia.
095 الْبَدِیعُ Al-Bady? The Origin, The producer of new things ; Al-Badyh El Origen, El productor de cosas nuevas.
096 الْبَاقِي Al-Baqy The Everlasting-one ; Al-Baqy El Imperecedero
097 الْوَارِثُ Al-Warith The Inheritor; Al-Waritd El Heredero.
098 الرَّشِیدُ Al-Rashyd The one with good judgment; Al-Rashyd El que tiene buen juicio
099 الصَّبُورُ  Al-Sabwr The Patient; Al-Sabwr El Paciente.

I my file the Roots are one color, and the letters that modify the meaning are different color, but is too much work to color everything here. If somebody can tell me how to post the file, I will post it, for Microsoft-word file and for open office.

If I am wrong in one translation, tell me why, the root, the modifier, and the effect of the modifier, and how it reflects in the English translation.

may God increase our knowledge and give us wisdom



Thank you for this list. :)
10:109 Follow what is being inspired to you and be patient until God judges.

57:3 He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Innermost. And He is fully aware of all things.


Salam wrkmmn.

First of all, thanks for a well spent effort.

One item, I'd like to highlight to you is that the Arabic word (رحمان) does mean Beneficent, but when it comes to the term (الرَّحْمَنُ)  in Qur'an (note the difference in spelling) it does seem like a unique name for Allah - the meaning of which is closest to the English term "Almighty" - based on the usage of the term in Qur'an. There is a detailed article about this in the article section of this forum which I found very useful and informative.

I strongly recommend this article for you:

In my view the terms Ar-Rahman (الرَّحْمَنُ) and Ar-Rahym (الرَّحِیم) both are linked to the root word R-H-M implying "womb of a mother" and they represent two reciprocal relationships between the mother and the child in the womb. The Ar-Rahym (الرَّحِیم) denotes the mercy / kindness like the kindness of mother to its child in the womb. This is a special type of kindness because unlike the kindness between friends / spouses this kindness is not generated out of mutual interaction, this kindness generates unconditionally and unilaterally on part of the mother due to the fact that the child in the womb is completely dependent on her kindness. On the other hand, Ar-Rahman (الرَّحْمَنُ) denotes the supreme authority which One commands when others are completely dependent upon the One - like the child in the womb is dependent on its mother. The term "Almighty" is perhaps the closest English term to denote this sense.

May Allah increase us in knowledge and wisdom.


Indeed I have faced my face to the One who farmed the heavens and the earth in precision; and I do not happen to be among the ones associating partners (with Him).

Man of Faith

ر ح م is symbolic for womb because it is in which the child is brought into completion. The root means 'complete', but twisted in meaning by interpreters.

Be well
Website reference: [url=""][/url]



please, do not tank me, all I do is to please God, and I am just sharing what my Lord allows me to see of the truth. glorify God.

PEace Arman: may God reward you for your commentary. yes, The root  Rhm has to do with what you say. And, based in my observations, when the letter " y" is added to a root makes the being to whom is applied be what the word means; thus, RaHaM= mercy,  RaHYM=merciful/one who is mercy. However, The word Al-Rahman is one of the words that I translated based on the meanings I got from quran translations and dictionaries; Because, based on the Arabic rules I have, the root+n would be translated as "they(femenine) +perfect/participle of the word" and it is not possible with the word mercy, and it did not make sense. Furthermore, regarding your translation of Al-Rahman as "Almighty", there is the root 'zz that has to do with might/power, thus Al-'Azyz The Mighty One/Almighty.

There are roots in which I corrected the meaning, but I translated the tense in the same way as commonly translated, because I did not have enough evidence to do it otherwise.  may God forgive my mistakes.

may God increase our knowledge and give us wisdom



Arman; by the way, the way you give meaning to the word Ar-Rahman would be more interpreting than translating.


Salam wrkmmn.

Hope you got a chance to study the article that I referred. If not, I strongly recommend you do. It will greatly help clarify why the translation "Almighty" seem to be a better fit than "Beneficient", which is practically synonymous to "Merciful".

Meanwhile to avoid any confusion let me clarify, if I have to literally translate the word (الرَّحْمَنُ) - it would be: "One upon Whose Mercy we have absolute dependence." The English word "Almighty" just seems to be the single word which conveys the  meaning closest to it. But I agree this "Almighty" - term has more of the notion of "might" than what the Arabic word (الرَّحْمَنُ) demands. I am not at all fanatic about which English word is used for translation. The goal of this discussion is to formulate the best understanding.

May Allah increase you in wisdom.


Indeed I have faced my face to the One who farmed the heavens and the earth in precision; and I do not happen to be among the ones associating partners (with Him).


This is sectarian hogwash. As far as I know there are 114 names of God in the Quran.
10:41 If they deny you, say: "My works are for me, and your works are for you. You are innocent of what I do, and I am innocent of what you do."


Quote from: progressive1993 on March 28, 2016, 09:38:42 PM
This is sectarian hogwash. As far as I know there are 114 names of God in the Quran.

Very much fact, now even sectarians consider the idea as part of their weak sahih fabrication.

QuoteA well known hadith concerning the names of Allah is the following: Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah, said, "Allah has ninety-nine names. He who 'ahsaha' [enumerates them, believes in them, ponders their meanings, worships Allah by them and supplicates with them, and acts by them according to one's belief in them] will enter Paradise. He is God, other than whom there is no god, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the King, the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Preserver of Security..."
The hadith continues to list ninety-nine names of Allah.
This hadith was recorded by at-Tirmidhi and others. Ibn Majah also has recorded something similar to it. In English, it may be found in a number of works, including Mishkat al-Masabih.

This hadith is well-known among the scholars of hadith to be a weak hadith. Most of them consider the actual listing of the names as a later addition by one of the narrators of the hadith and some narrators mistakenly included it as part of the hadith. Among those scholars who reject this hadith as weak are at-Tirmidhi, al-Baihaqi, ibn Hazm, al-Dawudi, ibn Taymiya, ibn Katheer, ibn Hajr, al-Juwaini, ibn Baz, al-Albani, ibn Uthaimin and Abdul Qadir al-Arnaut.

However, it must be noted that there is an authentic hadith with the following wording, that does not include the listing of the names of Allah: Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. Whoever ahsaha will enter Paradise. (Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim)


A problem that results from the above hadith -- which seems to be the basis for the posters that are made of the ninety-nine names of Allah -- is that it contains some names which are not considered names of Allah. That is, ignoring this weak hadith, there is no authentic hadith or Quranic verse that offers evidence that those names are from the names of Allah. Since the names of Allah must be based on revelation from Allah (the Quran and Sunnah), if there is no authentic proof for specific names, they cannot be called one of the names of Allah. An example from the above hadith is the name al-Rasheed. There is no Quranic verse or authentic hadith that states this name. Hence, one cannot claim it as a name of Allah. Other commonly heard names that apparently are not from the names of Allah are al-Baqi, al-Sitaar and al-Naasir.

It should be noted that the hadith states that Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one, is not meant to be all inclusive. That is, it does not mean that Allah has ninety-nine and only ninety-nine names. Indeed, in going through the Quran and authentic hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) many scholars have been able to discover more than ninety-nine names of Allah. Furthermore, many scholars have concluded that Allah has an infinite number of names. This opinion is based on the following hadith. The Prophet (peace be upon him) made the following supplication, "[O Allah], I ask you of you by every name that You have named yourself or that You have revealed in Your book or that You have taught any of Your creation or that You have kept hidden, in the unseen knowledge, with Yourself." (Recorded by Ahmad, According to al-Albani, it is sahih.)

The List of Ninety-Nine Primary Names of Allah
Names /Attributes of Allah, subhana watala


Surely, the Muttaqun (the pious who fear Allah much) desire to be amongst the Mufarradun (those who remember Allah, subhana watala, much, and whose enemies are destroyed by Allah, t'ala, for their wrong deeds).
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger  as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd numbers." (Muslim #6475)

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 8:419, Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr (one) and loves 'the Witr' (i.e., odd numbers).
"I fear that nothing will lead me to hell more than ḥadīth"-Hadith collector: Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj



The 99 names of god are actually attributes of the Creator.  The Creator does not have a name as names are assigned to Creation. 
Thus we call the creator god as we assigned the 'god' concept to the creator. Essentially the Creator is not god given that it is a concept created by humans.
God only exist in our limited understanding of the Creator. And in the Quran, the Creator states that anything can become god thus clearly confirming that Allah is not god.  That is why the std english translation "there is no god but The God" sounds funny.  God is a creation of humans requiring something to lean on for support unfortunately the god concept is fickle it can be anything that is of importance to that particular person like money, wealth, parents, children, boss, car, house, sex etc.

Are there more attributes of the Creator than the 99? I may be wrong but I did not recall the Quran stating that it is limited to 99.
