It is unfortunate that some seemingly have not read the thread. Let me repeat:
QuoteIt also says the night cannot outstrip the day, which is interesting considering we know they both exist simultaneously on earth, the word here means one cannot get in front of the other, which again, fits.
Let me clarify it further:
the night cannot outstrip/forerun the daytimeMeaning the night cannot go in front of the daytime, thus there are only two possibilities of interpreting this:
Since we know the pattern is:
etc .............. day / night / day / night / day / night...................... etc
It therefore depends on what your starting point of reference is, i.e. if you make "day" first, and "night" second, then it is true to say that night cannot go before day. HOWEVER, some might argue that requires an arbitrary starting point, i.e. choosing "day" as first.
Secondly, we know some days in certain months have long daytime / short night, and vice versa, long night and short daytime - thus one could say night is outstripping the daytime, e.g. in winter.
2) night and daytime MUST both exist simultaneously on earth, hence one cannot go in front of the other. There is no ifs and buts, or arbitrary choosing or debate. It is a fact that night cannot outstrip/forerun the daytime with this interpretation.
Secondly, since we know the region of Arabia gets a regular pattern of daytime/night cycles, meaning when they experience daytime this would mean elsewhere on earth experiences night. Ponder over what this tells you about the earth/sun.
YOU choose what is more reasonable: (1) or (2).
For me personally, I do not mind (1) but (2) seems more eloquent/precise/powerful. Further, if we consider the Classical Arabic meanings of FLK, and simple observations of sun/moon shape, we can reasonably deduce the earth is similar in shape. Thus, we have a spherical/round earth, wherein simultaneous night/daytime occur. = become round, anything circular, persist/persevere, ship, Ark, the place of the revolving of the stars, the celestial sphere, vault of heaven, firmament, surrounding spheres, sky, revolvement, circling, circuit, going to and fro, in a state of commotion, whirl of a spindle, one who goes round.
falak n.m. 21:33, 36:40
QuoteDal-Ha-Waw (Dal-Ha-Alif) = To hurl, spread forth, expand, stretch out, cast away, extend, drive along.
daha vb. (1) perf. act. 79:30