I hope the following may answer many of your questions regarding the nature of things and the Ultimate Reality. So bring up your questions, and then open your mind if you can and see if this can give you the ultimate answer to all your questions and make you understand a great deal of things and how they work behind all the glamour of illusion:
"I am so pleased that you sent me a direct question by email! Thank you so much for emailing me, and may you be blessed for asking me this question! I am very deeply appreciative! So few people take advantage of asking me these things. My posts on the forum, which can be viewed together on my username page of all my posts, cover this issue in great and clear detail with numerous quotes from the Qur'an to support what I am saying if you would like to see that. I will provide the link at the bottom of this email. The following information may get technical and you may need to read it carefully in order to try to comprehend it, but if the comprehension is given to you, it can make your understanding and religion extremely strong:
The religion is called "Surrender" or in the transliteration of the Arabic "Islam", and its longer meaning based on the inner root word or radix (which are three letter roots in Semitic languages which give the word its meaning and implications, and in the case of Islam the three letter root is S L M) can in its extended meaning be "experiencing peace/relief/healing through the realization of Surrender/Total Acceptance/Total Defeat regarding the Ultimate Reality/Truth (Al-Haqq) which is Allah alone".
Allah is literally like nothing, because Allah is not made of anything, and anything and everything that exists is what I call "information" which is "that which informs, that which makes known", so whether it be visual, or auditory, or radiation, or natural laws, or whatever, no matter what it is, visible or invisible to perception but having some existence like air or pressure, it is "information" and an "appearance" and a "form" and has its set "boundaries" of what it is and what it does. So everything is "information", absolutely everything, except Allah, who is not information but is literally like nothing, not made out of information, because Allah is what manifests information, and was "before" information, does not rely on information in order to exist or have "being" the way we rely on information and "are" information.
What we are, is whatever information we receive, that is what we "are", we are in a sense, only what we are "informed" we are, otherwise we are "empty", there is nothing but information that we know and have access to and interact with which is all being directly created by and animated by Allah alone. Whatever comes into our experience, it is Allah who has created that information, and nothing is created by us or by anything else ultimately, all of it is information created by Allah who is not made of information but makes all information.
Since Allah is not made of information but creates all specific information and controls it and animates it and manipulates it and destroys it moment to moment, Allah does not have any direct "form" or "limitations" or "bounds" and is entirely "free" and "unrestricted" and "unconditioned" (while we appear at least to be "conditioned" and we have around us and inside of us "conditions" that we consider "driving factors") but Allah is not contained, but encompasses everything. Allah is not pure blackness, nor empty space, nor pure whiteness, not any of that, because all those things are information and Allah is not made of information, so is like nothing at all literally, but manifests and encompasses all information.
So basically, behind this shimmering curtain or veil, if one removes all information and tries to peer behind it, they will find nothing at all but Annihilation, Nothing, and that is why we say SubhanAllah (Subhan means Void, Nothing, Like Nothing). Allah demonstrated this to Musa, when Musa asked to see Allah, he was informed that you can not see Allah (because Allah is not made out of information at all, not visual information or invisible information), but to look at the mountain to "see" if it remains, then the Mountain was completely atomized, the mountain ceased to exist, it was Annihilated completely and because Non-Existent, Non-Information, Obliterated, and Musa experienced unconsciousness.
Unconsciousness is a complete lack of information reception, it is the same as a dreamless sleep, and the same as death. Death is non-existence and non-experience, and so in death we are non-individuated, as in we are not anything, we are not receiving any information and so have no existence and that is why all these things are called "Returning to Allah". Non-information, can not be experienced, and so it is entirely "skipped", since there is nothing to experience.
That is why when a person dies, they cease to experience any information and are non-existent, just like we were non-existent before we were brought into being by Allah and information was created particularly for us which "is" what we "are" and no one shares what you see or experience except Allah who encompasses all information, because if anyone else had all the same information exactly in the way you do (thus experiencing what you see, think, and where you "stand" at the exact moment and in the exact same way in every way) they would be you, and not someone else.
So both "non-information" and "static-information" (which is "information which does not move" for example if you can only see blackness, it might seem that it is information which is not moving, but actually if you are experiencing a sensation of "time" and "thoughts" of any kind the information is "changing" as in being "created and destroyed" or "transforming" constantly in order to experience a progression of moments or an experience of any kind, but if your thoughts were to be entirely frozen, the whole "time" (which is also just illusory and information created by Allah) your thoughts are frozen is entirely skipped until new information is created and given to you, so one can not experience "static" information either, all we can experience is "animated" or "moving" or "changing" information reception) are "skipped" entirely.
That means the "next thing" you will experience is "new information" and you can not experience "No Information" or "non-information" or "static-information", so no matter how long you are "non-existent" meaning "non-experiencing" and having no "being" which is only "information" and "what you are is only information you receive" (which in religious terminology it might be said "You live/exist by every "word" (information) of the Lord speaks (generation of information which "informs")). In other words, while you are not experiencing new information, you have no "being" and whatever information you are has "ceased to be" or "ceased to continue".
Thus, when a person dies, no matter how "long" it takes, the next thing they will experience is new information, even if they were dead for billions of years, and the information can be created easily and changed easily. In an instant, God can make information completely different, down to the "memories" we have access to. Our "memories" are just information which we may have access to this moment, they are new creations every time, that are meant to represent simulations of "past events", but they only really exist in this moment, and they are just information we are given in the moment. In a sense, we only exist "right now" "in this moment" and the "past" and the "future" are not actually accessible nor have any reality for us, but what is "real" is only the "present" and that is constantly being in a sense "destroyed and created anew" as information is constantly "changed" as we "continue", but we are just receiving information created by Allah.
Allah can easily make it seem to you that you "are" a Japanese man in the 1950's by only giving you that information and removing all other information, and even providing "memories" that are included, the "memories" are meant to give you a sense of "past" and can be part of the "set" you are shown at the specific moment of "what you are". This is entirely an easy matter, so "what you are" is only "what you are informed you are" and thus will you also "be informed of what you do/did/were/are". The easy and instantaneous change of information is shown also in the example of the staff turning into a snake and back into a staff. Thus no information is essentially "true" in the sense of "lasting" except Allah only, who is the Eternal Truth because Allah is not made of information but makes all information, and so creates what is "true" or "not true" and can turn any information "false" in our experience, so where one moment it was true that it was a staff, the next moment it was false that it was a staff and true that it was a snake, and the next moment false that it was a snake and true that it was a staff.
Thus Allah shows that there is no truth, or system, or science, or anything to depend on except Allah alone who creates what is true and what is false and can change it easily, and can do anything and has power over all information which is all that exists, and if all information is eradicated by Allah, then only Allah is the Ever-Existing, Eternally Lasting, Non-Information, Total Annihilation (Nirvana, which means Annihilation in Buddhist Terminology).
This is why "Allah doesn't change" because only information is created and destroyed by Allah and replaced and changed, and Allah can not be "divided" into "parts" because there is no "information" to divide, there is nothing to divide, it is only ever One, Absolute, Nothing, Like Nothing, except that Allah who is like nothing has the power to create. Allah is essentially all that exists and ever existed, and there is no "time" outside of Allah nor any concept or power over Allah, so there is nothing binding or conditioning Allah, there is no Time over Allah, no Justice over Allah, no Law over Allah, no Science over Allah, and so on, all these things are only information that Allah encompasses and they rely on Allah creating them who can also make them non-existent or make them exist again.
So only "whatever Allah says" or "whatever Allah creates" for us to experience specifically (and only we and Allah experience what we experience, and thus Allah is literally Compassionate or Rahman, since no other being has access to the information that is "being you" or "your experience" of information except Allah alone, which is the literal meaning of Compassion and Empathy, that Allah knows fully inside and out or encompasses fully the information of what it is like to "suffer as you do" and "think as you do" or whatever information Allah has specifically created, and "see as you do" and Allah encompasses all information but no information can encompass Allah, because Allah is not made of information at all, and thus is not encompassed by anything and is self-sufficient and not relying on anything and is unconditioned by anything and unforced but entirely Free, and thus the only true Free Will).
So to understand this, we then understand, there is nothing like Allah and Allah is not like anything, that Allah creates and encompasses all information that exists and animates it, creating it and destroying it, specific people and individuals are only "informed" of "what they are" and that is their only existence ever, behind them and inside of them they are "nothing" and "Allah is closer to them than their jugular vein" in many senses, both in the sense that the jugular vein is the life artery, that Allah is like the experience of our non-existence or absolute death which can not be experience, that Allah is literally experiencing all information including all the information of "what you are told you are" and all your experiences, all you see, all you hear, all you think, all you feel, being created by Allah every moment and experienced or encompassed by Allah entirely "Allah knows what you do not know" "We are informed of all things" and "How shall we not know, when we created it" and all that.
So there is only the Ultimate, which is Allah who is Subhan, like nothing literally, not black, not white, not form, not space, not bound, not conditioned, not empty space, not scientific laws, not the universe, but the Ultimate Reality, and the Only Eternal Truth, everything else that is true or false is created by Allah and Allah can change or create anew anything.
So there is only Allah and the information Allah creates and directly animates by his power or "will" and is directly moving all information.
Shirk means "sharing" and it means to say that anything "shares in the power" of Allah which is "will" or "creation" or "generation of information" and so those who believe they create, and they do, and they think, and they command are also those who do shirk or say that there is a "sharing" of "power" and that they "have the power to do" anything. That is why Insha'Allah is so important in the Qur'an, because it says never to say you "will do this" since it is only if "Allah wills" that anything "will" "be" and for Allah it is only a matter of saying "Be" and it is, and this is the religion the Angels or Heralds of Allah know and why Allah is the most frightening, because Allah can manifest any information for us to "be" and we will experience it, terrible or pleasurable.
Another form of Shirk is to attribute powers besides Allah, and the literal names of the "gods" are usually simply words for natural powers or concepts, like "Mithra" meant "Promise" or "Pact" or "Contract" to the Persians, and "Eros" meant something like "Desire" possibly and by extension "Sexual Attraction to join" and "Love" and Zurvan (in Persian) and Chronos (in Greek) meant "Time", yet they all generally acknowledged the origination from Allah, they would make Allah "bound" or "associated" in their false imaginings to things like "Justice" "Righteousness" "Honor" "Goodness" or whatever else, and would say that "Allah can not do" such and such because "Justice forbids it", when it is Allah alone who creates any system or understanding of "Justice" and does not have anything "binding" Allah, but can change everything in an instant and make "Justice" entirely mean something else, these are all just words and information which Allah creates and manipulates freely, and Allah has no partners in creation, nor do we choose anything we experience, nor do we have power to command Allah or command Allah to create things, we are literally nothing except what Allah makes us to "be" and Allah can make us non-existent and thus "return to Allah" in "non-being" meaning "not individuated by information, not existing at all" as information.
So these were literally the "gods" people used to associate with Allah, they weren't how people imagine today human figures, but those figures people created were symbolic personifications meant to depict certain attributes of these "powers" or "concepts" which they were directing their attention to (especially since so many people were illiterate so imagery would be used to depict certain attributes that the people at first culturally understood by the symbols and images but may have later misunderstood like today when people do not have access to the same cultural symbols that were common to those people).
Allah is known by the definition, so if in some other culture they had some other word but the definition matched Allah, then it was talking about the same Allah, there is only One Allah, and is always described throughout the world as I have been describing to you. Sometimes they would break up the attributes of Allah into different symbols and make each into their own images and symbols, but often the definitions were fine and pertained appropriately to Allah largely. Allah is the one who has no form, who is unseen (Amun), and encompasses everything, who is the origin and generation of all information (Chaos both as the original meaning of "The Nothing" or "The Void" which originates everything and "Complete Free Will to Do Anything, Unbound, Wild"), directly animating it and making it move (Numen, Kami, Mana, Spiritus, or Odin the Furious Inspiration), and whatever else, who is also known as the Destroyer (El Shaddai, Appolyon, Apollo), who is the source of all that is auspicious (Shiva), and is ever present (Vishnu), and whatever else. The images anyone creates are only information, and Allah is not information, and even the ancients at times acknowledged this with what they would say. Allah is the Truth (Amen meaning Truth and what is So what is Real and what IS, Satya meaning Truth, Dharmakaya meaning reality body or reality encompassing, Prajnaparamita meaning perfect wisdom) and his power is the Word (Logos, Vac). Allah, the master and creator of the Throne (Isis) who is the only Way that anyone exists and how they exist (Tao).
So we are not of many religions, there is only one religion, and that is the Ultimate Truth, and there is only one Guidance and that is Allah. We believe in the message before our existence and the message will continue always even if Allah does not inform anything of it.
So Allah creates whatever Allah wants to create and everything is the creation of Allah down to the thoughts we think, it is all information which Allah actively manifests, and what we "are" is just "information created by Allah and animated by Allah" and our whole existence is only what Allah informs us of, we do not inform ourselves of anything, just like a baby does not know but is told things, we hear and we obey. If Allah gives us a sense of unwillingness, or willingness, it is all the same, we didn't choose any of this, not our birth, not our death, not our life, not our laughter, not our tears, it is Allah who creates, we create nothing, not even our thoughts do we own, because Allah is the creator and owner, and we have no existent or "being" except as Allah determines us to "be" at any moment.
So when it is said that many were created for the fire, it means that Allah is fully capable of making a creation whose existence is evilness and suffering, just as Allah makes the worm that crawls, or the fish that swims and creates the information of it getting mauled by a shark but surviving, Allah created the kaffir and the muslim, and is creating them and is creating every moment of their existence, just like the clouds and the weather, and Allah is making "what they are" and what they "will be" is also only known to Allah who is making them, and can make a place for their habitation, just as Allah decided the habitation of the fish is the water, but could have made the habitation of the fish the sky, and could have made everything completely unlike this reality Allah is informing you of in an instant, and could turn what we think we "know" into something else, and can inform us of other things to make us think a change has occurred, or could make us not think that any change has occurred and that it has always been the way we think it is and then give us "memories" confirming it, just like how in dreams sometimes things appear "true" which make no sense when we wake up into a different reality.
So that is the highest truth, there is no truth higher, that Allah does what Allah wills, that Allah creates what Allah wills, that Allah is who all surrender, and there is only Allah behind everything, the life and power of all existence, who not information, and is the Annihilation of everything as well, and can bring it back just as easily or create anew. To Allah is the journeying, and the journey is always with Allah.
May Allah bless you for asking me this question, and grant you the understanding that makes you strong, and may Allah always keep me his honored elect, and make me foremost in excellence and understanding, and may Allah also make you those who experience the greatest pleasures, as well as me, always and forever, and spare us both from the torment which Allah alone can create for any of his creations, all of it is the creation of Allah, and Allah alone is the Decider.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Master of Realities, The King of Devils and Judge of Jinn and Men alike, there is no other. Allah alone determines "what you are" and "what you have been made as", and even creates and controls the "resistance" because Allah has made this creation called "kaffir" and "muslim" and just as one may not know at first what an early cell stage of a fetus might "be" or "be becoming", it only gets apparent as Allah continues to form it and create it, that it is either a chicken, or a human, or a lizard, or whatever else. So too, it might not be apparent what Allah is creating, when Firon was a child or Musa was a child, but then Allah "proves" as in "makes manifest" or "makes exist" what he has "created" and that is "what they are", so Firon was proved to be a manifest Kaffir, and Musa was proved to be a manifest Muslim, and Allah creates the birds for the trees, and the the fish for the seas, and the worms for the Earth, and all of them may be receiving information of "what they are" and "what they are made to be" and they are all subservient to this willingly or unwillingly, and Allah can make a bird who is given the feeling that it wishes it were a cat, and can make information of a cat that wishes it were a bird and could fly, and Allah can give the experience to each of their desire accomplished and can give the experience to each that they wish to go back or are grateful for what they are or grateful for what Allah changed them into, and Allah does every moment of it, every thought involved is the creation of Allah alone. So Allah creates the whole story, every detail of it, we do not speak the words of the Book, we do not write it, but Allah alone is writing it all, the entire story of everything, and Allah can wrap up the universe like a scroll and star a new story.
Praise be to Allah, there is none like Allah, Allah the Majestic, the Wise. The Life and the Death of Everything and All things, and the only savior who can bring us back, on whom we depend for every breath we take and every move we make "I'll be watching you" (haha its a song). Allah communicates through everything, this whole experience is us being communicated to by Allah and whatever Allah communicates to us is what we experience and know, even if it leads us astray, Allah alone guides and causes to err, Allah alone wills or makes people filled with the disease of unbelief and unwillingness, and these are all just creations of Allah, just as Allah has created all the literal diseases and suffering and that the worm gets crushed and split and injured but continues to wriggle as it bleeds out, or Allah creates the event of someone being hurt, these are all creations of Allah.
Allah is not like us, not a human being, who currently are always asking "why?" which is really "for what cause?" or "due to what condition?" and Allah can create any answer for these questions, and can give a person satisfaction for such answers or dissatisfaction for such answers, and Allah creates the questions and whatever answers them, but the greatest answer and truth in answer to all these questions is "Allah creates what Allah wills to create and all things absolutely are the creation of Allah, information created by Allah which Allah creates freely as Allah wills to create, and Allah knows and we only know what Allah tells us at any moment and Allah informs us of everything we experience at any moment and can change it easily and instantly with or without or knowing or being informed of it, because all information and experience of being informed is from Allah alone who creates it all."
Thank you again for your question, and I hope you join me in this understanding, because not many seem to understand these things that I have said to you.
Please feel free to ask any more questions or discuss any topics, but if what I have said is understood properly, it really can be used to answer everything absolutely and is the Ultimate Truth regarding the Ultimate Truth which is Allah alone, to whom we are surrendered willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, and on whom we rely always no matter what the circumstances."