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Perhaps THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS!? (Regarding Allah,Islam,Reality,Everything)

Started by FreedomStands, January 13, 2015, 06:56:11 PM

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Salaam 'good_logic',

Nice to hear from you. I trust you are keeping well.

Quote from: good logic on January 14, 2015, 02:00:13 PM
Peace es.

Every time a "wave" disappears ,another one comes and so on....

Remember "Al-Amir"? Now we have FreedomStands...and so on...

I have nothing against anyone preaching/giving information...etc Also I do not know them or their intentions  GOD only knows their motives..

What I disagree with, is their claim of authority ! Let me explain:

When anyone takes on the role of helping others understand GOD s word/guiding/leading..others and they have no authority to do so, it becomes an issue.

GOD says He alone guides and Him alone we should seek. No intercessors and no intermediaries.

All we can do here, all of us, is give our opinions/views... People can then take the best and check everything . The matter of salvation should be left between the individual and GOD.

Of course this is only my opinion. People do as they please.
GOD bless you.

It's the arrogance with which I take issue with more so than anything else. And completely reminiscent of 'Al-Amiyr'. I've still not understood to this day why these proselytisers do not preach on their own websites where they can incorporate as many interactive features to satisfy their egotism. That makes more sense to me.




Quote from: FreedomStands on January 14, 2015, 03:30:32 AM
You appear to be kind of rude.

Well, I'm not going to debate this or take any responsibility for it. After all, my rudeness is Allah's responsibility.

In any case, you mustn't take issue with my rudeness. After all, you did openly encourage me to insult you in every post you directed towards me.

Take care.


Salaam MoF,

Quote from: Man of Faith on January 15, 2015, 01:12:10 AM
It is not they who are rude it is God who is rude! Have you forgotten your doctrine, Freedom?


I just read what you wrote! Haha, true!


For 'good_logic' to be referred to as "rude" is a joke. In your post, you've just twisted his words and started talking about him wishing you "death" on this forum. It becomes much more disconcerting when you talk about wanting to kill certain people because of their belief system.

Get a grip.


Quote from: Man of Faith on January 15, 2015, 01:12:10 AM
It is not they who are rude it is God who is rude! Have you forgotten your doctrine, Freedom?


Is it really that you misunderstand it so much? Or do you understand, and you knowingly try to make it seem like a cause of mockery? When Allah made Musa achieve something, was it Musa who achieved it, or would the humble Musa say it is Allah who caused him to achieve it? Likewise, nothing happens without the will of Allah bringing it into existence, and the will of Allah is the only will, there are no partners (which is shirk), why is this so difficult to understand and a cause of mockery? The bird is flying, but it does so by the will of Allah who is creating that whole event in every facet of how it exists. So yes, the rudeness is information created by Allah, and my perception of it being rude, and whatever else is from Allah, how many times have I shown you the verses from the Qur'an that say "All is from God" and even if the Qur'an never said any of what it does, it doesn't change the truth in this matter that All is from God Alone.

So that includes everything, but that doesn't mean everything is good for you, just like Allah can create the man that suffers or the child that is diseased. Allah creates whatever Allah wants to create, is this what you want me to stop saying? Would you rather I say that you have the power to create what you imagine even in your mind? You don't.
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Easy Religion in a Nutshell
This may answer many questions!
Kindly email me: [email][/email]


Quote from: es on January 15, 2015, 01:45:23 AM
Salaam 'good_logic',

Nice to hear from you. I trust you are keeping well.

It's the arrogance with which I take issue with more so than anything else. And completely reminiscent of 'Al-Amiyr'. I've still not understood to this day why these proselytisers do not preach on their own websites where they can incorporate as many interactive features to satisfy their egotism. That makes more sense to me.


Do you own this website? Am I doing something wrong? You're almost acting like the people of Mecca who wanted to expel the Muslims. For what cause? What am I doing that is so frightening to you? That I am saying that Allah has all the power? Why does that cause so much distress here, of all places, on a Muslim website?
Read these
Easy Religion in a Nutshell
This may answer many questions!
Kindly email me: [email][/email]


Quote from: es on January 15, 2015, 01:51:16 AM

Well, I'm not going to debate this or take any responsibility for it. After all, my rudeness is Allah's responsibility.

In any case, you mustn't take issue with my rudeness. After all, you did openly encourage me to insult you in every post you directed towards me.

Take care.

I am continuing you to encourage you to insult me and lay out your arguments and mock me and do all those things. Did I say that I won't respond to it and won't call it rude or mockery? Why is it that so many of you seem not to think very far before you say anything? I made this area for you to argue with me, insult me, mock me, and you are free to do so throughout the whole forum, and I will respond and I will say if I think something is rude or if you are being rude or that you are insulting me or whatever, where did I say I wouldn't respond or I wouldn't say anything about it? I am encouraging you to do it, and I will respond, that was the whole point and that is how this form of intercourse works generally.
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Easy Religion in a Nutshell
This may answer many questions!
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Quote from: es on January 15, 2015, 02:07:14 AM
Salaam MoF,

I just read what you wrote! Haha, true!


For 'good_logic' to be referred to as "rude" is a joke. In your post, you've just twisted his words and started talking about him wishing you "death" on this forum. It becomes much more disconcerting when you talk about wanting to kill certain people because of their belief system.

Get a grip.

Why do you join in laughter and mocking (haha I know I told you this is the place for that, and please enjoy and continue if you wish)? Why not bring up the points you object to also? Who is this guy you keep comparing me to? Why do you all think I'm preaching? I didn't come here preaching initially, I just noticed some people were saying some things and I wanted to show them some other things that might put into question what they were saying or claiming, but I enjoy talking about this stuff, and if you have some real objection to what I am saying, then please bring it up here so I can explain.

They keep mocking me by saying "so Allah did it" and I show them the Qur'an, that yes, Allah creates whatever Allah wants to create, that doesn't mean "some things are created by Allah, some things there are other creators for" it means all information, all of this is just information created by Allah, but that doesn't mean the experience of struggling to achieve things no longer exists, that too is an experience given by Allah, and you should absolutely strive to do good, and that is the appearance of the immediate level, and on the ultimate level Allah is accomplishing whatever Allah wills and creates, so big deal, why is this such a matter of contention and dispute?
Read these
Easy Religion in a Nutshell
This may answer many questions!
Kindly email me: [email][/email]


Quote from: es on January 15, 2015, 02:07:14 AM
Get a grip.

What is it that I don't have a grip on that I must get a grip on? It was definitely rude seeming to try to comfort you that I'll be gone soon, I didn't say he was making a death threat, I was saying that what was being implied in order to comfort you was that soon I'll be "dead" on this website, as in my activity will die down or completely stop, like this earlier herald you all keep referring to (Did he say good things? Did you even pay attention to what he had been saying? Was what he was saying even really comparable to what I am saying? I don't know, I haven't looked it up or anything).

So what is it that I need to get a grip on? Is it that you perceive my posts as somehow hostile and arrogant? Could that be a reflection of your own mindset?

I make no claim to humility, in fact I'll say the following to confirm your concerns regarding me:

I am full of pride and arrogance and consider myself the least humble of all of you.


There, now you don't have to worry about that, I've said it myself, may I bring your attention then to my request that you let me know what problem you have with my actual writing and its content?
Read these
Easy Religion in a Nutshell
This may answer many questions!
Kindly email me: [email][/email]

good logic

Peace FreedomStands.

You said:

I was going to make you a gift! A Happy 2000 posts thread! I was just waiting for you to reach 2000 posts! I still might do it as I continue to read your work, but I don't know, it seems you want me to leave the forum or are comforting people that I'll be dead on this forum soon? Yeah, I agree, I will be gone, but that isn't a very nice thing to say to people.

Is this the post you are talking about?  The best gift you could offer me is to read my posts as a whole,check what I said again.

It seems you forgot to read the bit where I said I do not know what your real intention is,only GOD knows.
So how was I being rude ?
Also,  you are right this is a public forum . It belongs to "GOD" as you might say. Stay as long or as short as you wish( GOD knows exactly how long you will stay!)  But please shorten your posts a little ,I am spending twice as long reading on the forum! If you want.

GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?

good logic

Peace es.

I am fine . Thank you.
Happy 2015. Three years have gone fast?

I hope you are keeping well.
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?