Peace FreedomStands.
You said:
I was going to make you a gift! A Happy 2000 posts thread! I was just waiting for you to reach 2000 posts! I still might do it as I continue to read your work, but I don't know, it seems you want me to leave the forum or are comforting people that I'll be dead on this forum soon? Yeah, I agree, I will be gone, but that isn't a very nice thing to say to people.
Is this the post you are talking about? The best gift you could offer me is to read my posts as a whole,check what I said again.
It seems you forgot to read the bit where I said I do not know what your real intention is,only GOD knows.
So how was I being rude ?
Also, you are right this is a public forum . It belongs to "GOD" as you might say. Stay as long or as short as you wish( GOD knows exactly how long you will stay!) But please shorten your posts a little ,I am spending twice as long reading on the forum! If you want.
GOD bless you.