I wrote this on another forum, and was addressing non-Muslims so may have used a slightly different language and approach in these posts:
"They aren't from other dimensions or even from outer space. Throughout history mankind has been in communion with another group of Earthlings that are made out of a different material than us. Instead of being made out of carbon matter they are made out of plasma (ionized gas) mostly among other things. They can be seen with the naked eye and are not magical, but their membrane appears like a mist often, and if one looks closely it almost appears as if static is bouncing around, I call it something like "static rain" because it almost looks like its raining inside, but its not rain, those are their little particles bouncing around. If they speed up their vibration somehow or condense they can also illuminate into the famous balls of light that have been seen around the world long before any UFO ideas. They were long communicated with people, and people sought their protection, favor, and help. The old families were often making pacts with these "faeries" and "elves" and "daemons" and "jinn" or whatever else one might wish to call them. They are entirely natural beings, they feed on flammable materials like methane, alcohol, fumes from waste and rot, and can easily be found in any forest or even parks without any trouble and its easier to see them on heat vision. These are the "entities" who are often befriended by the various occultists as well as the ones who help and guide some of the "elite". The character of "Satan" was supposed to be one of these people, before now coming to mean the source of all evil, he was just one of these beings, they move like the aurora so were often associated with serpents/dragons/nagas due to their whispy snake-like form that moves like flame at times.
They are not all united, have diverse beliefs, can not control people or do anything really other than whisper if they are literally in proximity to people, but most people don't realize their presence or notice the mist or anything and they can stretch their membrane out so thin that they are practically invisible, and can seep through cracks and doors and whatever and are pretty versatile in that sense and are often used as spies for those who are friends with them and feed them.
Among them are "supremacists" who dislike the human race and seek their destruction or harming them in various ways or to enslave them and often these view themselves as "higher beings" or promote the idea that they are superior beings when they are just different.
I've encountered them myself, both the gentle and the more agitated, and not alone but with witnesses and photographs and everything. One was a blustering cloud like one that was highly agitated after some fireworks the day prior and was really aggressive about touching and sucking lol was going back and forth on my arm and lifting up all the hairs and they feel like feathers almost because of the static electricity.
The others were just mists that came due to attraction to rotting food fumes they enjoyed, and another was a pinkish tinted one that was also looking for food which is what they are mainly always doing.
Humans are very evil, but many humans have made allies with these creatures too, and many of these creatures can be evil as well just like people, though like the majority of human beings, they seem to be mostly interested in day to day survival and sucking up the gasses they survive on than actually harming anyone or even communicating with anyone. Some people have supposedly long standing pacts with these beings and some of their families, but there is no real magical or mystical component to their honoring such things, which makes them as frightening in a sense as any human being.
This video shows some with night vision and the trail they leave:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPkNBOHKCu8#t=464Here is one smelling some gas maybe, if it isn't a real case, its at least consistent with what they do:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE_C1FXRo20Here is a funny condensed form (other funny forms can be like one legged hopping looking things which were also mentioned throughout history, but these are just various forms and levels of condensation of the same type of plasma based creature, their abilities and form is generally due to what they have been devouring and how it changes based on that though there are possibly other factors for how they decide to manipulate their membranes:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a1nDOPPXLMHere is a nice big dragon and you get to see the particles floating in it pretty closely too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj3t_8a-fYcAnyway, people are highly deceived if they believe any of the lies told about these creatures or which they might even tell about themselves (maybe some of them believe these lies as well) but they are not from outerspace, the other worlds, any dimensions, they are entirely Earthly, they feed off real things not "energies" but actual fumes and chemical gasses. They have no access to anything spiritual or spiritual knowledge any more than any human being, they aren't superior, they are just different creatures made of something different than most carbon based life forms and they are likely older than human beings in regard to their evolution.
You can easily meet them or encounter them, though it is probably best not to get too involved with them. A good book that gives some clues regarding them is the "Secret Commonwealth" but often people go off into wrong ideas.
They can be killed, harmed, etc, but attacking them makes them highly aggressive, their mode of attacking is basically pushing, throwing things, or trying to pierce people or throwing things really sharp and fast, but some of them are more skilled at that than others. Some are adept at traveling at tremendous speeds, and they can also carry extremely heavy things or move them at times. The ancient King Solomon was said to have many of these in his service which assisted him in engineering projects and other missions.
Generally, those sorcerers who were not just messing with people, were those who had befriended these creatures and used them to frighten people or appear to have magic abilities or to spy on them so that the sorcerer appeared to have some great knowledge, but ultimately its all just trickery and nothing magical, using the ignorance of people regarding these creatures to manipulate people, and such is likely still done to this day, but the majority of these creatures are harmless and just stick to themselves in their own places and communities and families, often out in the wilderness, nearby food sources which is anywhere with ample rot and decay or gas production for them to feed on, so forests, graveyards, garbage dumps, swamps, etc."
"Shaitan doesn't have horns really in the way we know horns, because he is made out of "smokeless fire" which is by definition "plasma" (fire is ionized gas called plasma), while we are made out of carbon matter (which is the reasoning Satan gave in mockery as to his being a superior being)."
"I use the term Satan in multiple ways based on its meaning.
The Qur'an says Satan is a jinn (the term means hidden, and the root is also found in the word Jannah which is the term for paradise like a "hidden garden, hidden in the future).
The Qur'an says that the jinn race are made of "smokeless fire" which is basically plasma by definition. The Qur'an says humans are made out of carbon matter or "mud/clay", and Satan was basically a racist supremacist who wanted his race to be the dominant race on Earth rather than the humans and basically said that he is better than him for the silly racist reason that fire is better than mud. For his racism, he was sent away. His name was said to be Iblis, which comes from a word meaning "he despaired" or "he lost hope", and in his losing hope in himself, he became determined to take down as many humans as possible (instead of simply repenting as Adam later demonstrates in the Qur'an).
Iblis prayed instead to be reprieved and kept alive until the Day of Judgment. Some call him Sanat Kumara meaning the Eternally Youthful.
Then God set up a demonstration which would reveal to mankind (Adam and Eve) the nature of Iblis's tactic which lasts to this day.
An arbitrary "harm" or "wrongdoing" was set up "that which is forbidden, or would lead to harm", and Iblis then comes and does the following:
He convinces the people to expose themselves so that they are vulnerable, then he makes them feel shame about their nature or their bodies and makes them feel as if they are not good enough and inferior, then he offers them a "cure" to the fake problem he just convinced them of, and that "cure" just happens to be something that will get them in trouble or lead them to harm.
Adam falls for this "snake oil salesman" trick, but asks for forgiveness, and then continues his task on Earth along with his wife, and Iblis is sent along with them but he was exposed and his trick was made known.
To this day, this tactic of Iblis is used, to make people exposed and vulnerable (naked), to shame them and make them feel like they are missing something, then selling them the cure for their supposed problem, which is to lead them to harm to prove the point of Iblis, that the humans are a bad choice and bad people and are like the mud they are made of, the scum of the Earth.
In the Qur'an, there are many clues provided about the jinn, and in one section a jinn is recorded and this is what they talk about:
http://www.islamawakened.com/quran/72/1/default.htmThe jinn are not really totally "unseen" but can be difficult to see when they are stretched into a fine mist, or people don't know about them so they can't identify when they are around, but they are visible to the naked eye and not magical really but made of real material just like humans are made of real material and bound to "scientific laws" generally, the jinn are natural creatures made of plasma (but also made of other things possibly just as humans are made of other things besides clay and water).
They are not difficult to find or see once you know what to look for and how they look generally, as I show in the link I provided in the other post."