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What I believe about Jinn.

Started by Rahid27898, October 11, 2014, 06:42:11 AM

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I believe Jinn are A kind of creatures created before mankind was created. Iblis was of jinn. Once I used to believe than that aliens could be of Jinn. Also they could be living underground. During ancient times they met with human beings. Many people started to call them their gods. Many animals were born between as  result of intercourse between jinn and human beings. But later jinn started to hide from human beings.


Quote from: Rahid27898 on October 11, 2014, 06:42:11 AM
I believe Jinn are A kind of creatures created before mankind was created. Iblis was of jinn. Once I used to believe than that aliens could be of Jinn. Also they could be living underground. During ancient times they met with human beings. Many people started to call them their gods. Many animals were born between as  result of intercourse between jinn and human beings. But later jinn started to hide from human beings.

What makes you think that jinns are aliens? -They are not aliens and live alongside humans but in different dimension. People were making contact with them using black magic and rituals for centuries. Many religions worship jinns today, Wicca, Crowley's Thelema and even christianity was mixed with ancient egyptian pagan religion in which black magic was very important as in Wicca or thelema, actually thelema is based on ancient egyptian religion. Just to give you a proof of what I'm saying, go and research meaning of Vatican's obelisk. It actually represent male organ of Osiris, sun god of ancient egypt which christians today call Holy Father, which is jinn Ibliss in my opinion.
Statute of Liberty in NY is dedicated to Ibliss as well, it represent roman godess Libertas, which again can be connected to Jinn worship since ancient times. Millions of people today, including some "muslims", worship jinns and they have no idea about it. But, dont read too much, it can damage your ignorance.  :D

Man of Faith

Spiritual harmony be upon you,

I am aware of much of God and the realm, but the 'djinnn' phenomenon is still a mystery to me. I suppose at some point I will sit down and study it, but the rituals of "Islam" has been a more prioritized target. As people suggest 'Satan' is a 'djinn' and as long as interpretation is right, the djinn are made of fire.

Currently, without having studied it further, and by looking at the Arabic such as in a passage numbered 6:112 I would say that الْإِنسِ refers to individuals who have found the spirit to live by while الْجِنِّ simply refers to "lowly one", probably an individual who is human or any race really (God counts souls) that has not any spiritual belonging, like broken souls. My current research lately has been on just NAS, NAAS and NAFS, and so DJINN may as well be added to the different conditions of a soul.

Any form of (A)' NAS (alef) nun - seen = (be) one spirit) refers to a person or persons who has grasped the truth and who is walking in the spirit of God, while NAFS is just referring to a blank soul (neutral) and as we saw here DJINN refer to a "broken soul" of sorts, probably one can see it as a "shallow" person who just lives with no aim or motive like people who do not really care about God in the world and just live their lives in oblivion. That is my take on DJINN and it came to me through this very discussion now.

People may then argue that I am now "out bicycling" (Swedish saying for someone mentally lost), since the letter YIM ج is also used in a word like sujud, but in this word the order of letters is Seen - Yim - Daal, so it becomes spirit - lowly/(humble) - [condition], which is a merely mental state and does only mean something physical if someone relates to it by context and likely with help of others words such as "get down" sujud or if you talked to a pre-Qur'an/falsehood Arab he would think that you want him to be humble/respectful.

This is the puzzle with Arabic since no individual letters are negative except through how they are structured in a word.

We usually speak of being "spiritual" is a goal of faiths, and there you have it; letter SEEN س refers to this phenomenon. You say: Salaam, b'Sm Allah, naS, nafS, aSema, Sujud, haSSan and the letter 'seen' refers to spirit in all of them. Unless another letter marks it negative it generally has a positive meaning everywhere.

There are instances where 'seen' seems not to follow my arguments, but I will return to that another time and in another thread. I spoke enough off-topic. Sometimes the traditional interpretation is way off in accuracy and actually speaks of something positive when it is perceived to speak negatively due to confusion. This is among the observations I have done. One example is the word traditionally used for "emigrate" hajjar has the entirely opposite meaning and means "join" because the word consists of Ha meaning "thereon" (joined), YIM = lowly concrete(ly). Al-Hajj could refer to "the joining or service". I will refer back to this at some other time. ه has a very implied meaning when used in words, such as Huda(n) (traditionally: guidance) (هدى) which is Thereon (joined) [condition] - [character - anonymous (depending on grammatical suffix used in language], so Huda basically means that someone is "(condition) on track". Perhaps one can translate above hajjar as submit or devote or offer oneself definitely/concretely to service.

That compared with salam which is generally forced to act as that word despite contradictorily used to greet someone as in Salaam, so sarcastically we greet our friends with: "SUBMIT!" taken that interpretation. People have likely wanted it to mean submit as it is used in conjunction with the idol god with "aslama", but aslama l'rabb  tells people to 'be their spirit thereof to The Sustainer', BUT not submit technically. A person who says B' esm ' Allah (Bismillah) says 'with/in the spirit of Allah' when they do something in their lives, just the same 'aslama l'rabb' has similar meaning, to let your spirit thereof to God and live by the spirit of God like merged with God rather than The Sustainer separate from you. The author of Qur'an was putting careful attention to the phrasing so that at least someone who cared to look on the depth would see what it meant. On another side, I can understand why people who did not care to look deeper would straight away translate it as submit because this is the way people have always done with their Pagan gods, but you cannot submit to something that is free of need or want, but rather you look towards getting assimilated with it as A ' SLM L-RABB is more of a accurate translation than submit, i.e. BE - SALAM - TO - RABB. Personally I usually translate as when I greet people; "Spiritual well-being/harmony upon you" as an English translation of "salamun aleikum".

But you can choose yourselves upon whom to think is telling the truth. But for whatever you do, do not "believe" but become sure, and if you do "amen b'Allah".

Be of one with God
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


Quote from: Man of Faith on October 11, 2014, 11:13:51 AM
Spiritual harmony be upon you,

I am aware of much of God and the realm, but the 'djinnn' phenomenon is still a mystery to me. I suppose at some point I will sit down and study it, but the rituals of "Islam" has been a more prioritized target. As people suggest 'Satan' is a 'djinn' and as long as interpretation is right, the djinn are made of fire.

Currently, without having studied it further, and by looking at the Arabic such as in a passage numbered 6:112 I would say that الْإِنسِ refers to individuals who have found the spirit to live by while الْجِنِّ simply refers to "lowly one", probably an individual who is human or any race really (God counts souls) that has not any spiritual belonging, like broken souls. My current research lately has been on just NAS, NAAS and NAFS, and so DJINN may as well be added to the different conditions of a soul.

They aren't conditions of a soul but distinct natures.  The creation of Jinn and humans is reflected in the creation of this universe in which lighter elements were created before the heavier elements.  Humans consist of heavy elements.  Jinn consist of light elements.  By nature they are different and Jinn, like Quran tells us, predate humankind in origins.

This article may be worth your attention:

ps: I dont fully agree with that article because it makes some speculative assumptions about their current nature and overlooks the formation of heavier elements chronologically in the events of Big Bang.
[url=""][/url] - [url=""][/url]


These forces driven by lighter elements are still active today eg in our Sun.  I want to point you to these facts about the sun:

QuoteThe Sun is made up of 70% hydrogen (H) and 28% helium (He) atoms.1 Other substances make up less than 2%. Six hundred million tons of hydrogen are converted into 596 million tons of helium in the Sun every second. The remaining 4 million tons is given off as heat and light energy.   In that sense, the first thing that comes to mind when the Sun is mentioned is the letters H (hydrogen) and He (helium) that stand for the Sun. All the 15 verses in Surat ash-Shams of the Qur?an (Shams meaning ?Sun?), end in the letters H and E. The Arabic equivalent of these letters are:He and Elif

Every verse of it ends with He and Elif.  Hydrogen and Helium.  When Iblis - who was of the Jinn nature - refuses to "sujud" to Adam he states: he is superior because he was created from smokeless fire.  And truly, all the other 91 elements of the periodic table are made up of Hydrogen elements.
[url=""][/url] - [url=""][/url]

Adam The Warner

Quote from: Rahid27898 on October 11, 2014, 06:42:11 AM
I believe Jinn are A kind of creatures created before mankind was created. Iblis was of jinn. Once I used to believe than that aliens could be of Jinn. Also they could be living underground. During ancient times they met with human beings. Many people started to call them their gods. Many animals were born between as  result of intercourse between jinn and human beings. But later jinn started to hide from human beings.

Did the "Quran" tell you this? Did you talk with a "Jinn"?
May He the Hearer grant us victory in the worldy life, and Hes abundance of Light on the Day of Judgement, and may He the King of kings grant us the eternal Paradise. Peace.

Man of Faith

You risk not receiving any answer, Adam. The post is from 2014.

Be well
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


yeh , this post is bit old,

actually there are different opinions of differennt people regarding jinn , its just the understanding how we understand a jinn,

according to a doctor , jinn is something which medical science have no proof
according to expert of black magic and excorsict its a tool or being possess supernatural powers
according to ancient alien theorist it a form of aliens,
according to kid itss something we need to scare or get afraid of
according to readers of book quran it refer to the enemy ibless a kind of jinn

every body have different views and debates usually occur when understanding not match with eachother..


by the way i have a strange experience in life once in my life i actually talk with jinn ,, i swear to God not lying it was a women and i was in a place where people are treating black magic and stuff there a frd of mine say there is a jinn inn that women and if you have any questions u can ask from her,

i was curious at that time i suddenly feel the change of beheviour in her and voice changed from original
i ask some basic question from her

she told me jinnns were before human kind,
and i ask her is plasma is releated with you as well , she said yes but i m not going to tell you the real nature of myself
i ask her about human jinn relationship she told me there are some good and bad beings things people are everywhere in general they dnt have any problem with human race..
it was 2 years ago..

at some point i was thinking may be its something unreal or attention seeking but i have no clue how the voice of mature women change to a voice of young girl i mean the pitch of voice is totallly different.. i still dnt understand all this..
