👁️"Marriage in the Qur'an is nothing more than ? literally ? a contract between a man and a woman in which the man provides the woman with financial support in return for exclusive sexual access. It?s a contract that makes sex and reproduction legal in the eyes of God and legitimate in the eyes of society. Since marriage is a contract premised on vaginal intercourse and financial obligation between a man and a woman, same-sex couples could not engage in one. They could construct an arrangement for inheritance and shared property that mimicked marriage, but it would not be marriage." (Variety: Jonathan AC Brown)
👄The moral law is defined by God - not us, and the PATTERN (each creature has it's own) as defined by God is explained in the verses below: but do they include same sex relationships?
📗49:13 "Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes, so that you might come to know each other. The noblest of you in God's sight is the one who fears God most. God is all knowing and all-aware."
📗53:45 "That He created pairs (couples, mates, spouses), male and female,"
📗75:39 "producing from it both sexes, male and female.
📗92:3 "By Him who created the male and the female,"
📗2:223 "Your women are a cultivation for you. So approach your cultivation as you wish towards goodness. And be aware of God and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers."
📗42:49-50 "The kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to God. He creates what he wills. He gives daughters to whomever He wills, and He gives sons to whom He wills, or grants both, sons and daughters, ˹to whoever He wills˺, and leaves whoever He wills infertile. He is indeed All-Knowing, Most Capable."
👄God has a pattern/system, and in order to be bil-mutaqīna (God conscious) it is important to follow his system especially when it comes to our relationships. If you cannot, then this sign gives you the answer:
📗24:33 "Let those who cannot find someone to marry, maintain chastity until God helps you with his grace... "
👄This is how I understand the verses given. It is not personal toward anyone, nor am I standing in judgement.
📗2:45 "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] "