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Demon-Magic-Magician (Real)

Started by Kamzo19, July 15, 2014, 09:22:24 AM

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Man of Faith

May your spirit be whole,

Now you put blame on God for atrocities.

The right is that people cannot hurt others who are under protection from God. God protects whom The Master wills. And also in this serious "game" the humans are like representatives here on Earth so we carry out the good on here and receive help through the spirit of God. In that way we can say we are guilty if we see someone suffer and we can do something to prevent this. We are all one despite that it looks like we are many, it is just that a lot of people are diseased and many are void of sound judgment (kafar), and these glide away from unity.

God initiated this test to see which soul energy of this specimen would excel and the angels/controllers thought that it would entirely fail, but God knew something that they did not know. Amidst the darkness there is some light. There sure is utter chaos just as the angels predicted, but some people go against the stream and not tricked by evil. Even the angels do not know all mechanics behind our creation of the human souls and nor do we and surely the angels were also surprised when Adam could explain what God inspired "on-the-fly". Ebless was arrogant, but I also think he was jealous and did not want to see God's experiment succeed.

Jealousy is also on the list of commandments on what to avoid. Jealousy leads to competition and in return may lead to arrogance.

The question is really what a Jinn is and the "magic" may merely be an object of our imagination and a delusion of evil. If people are driven mad that is likely due to themselves. And the "virus", usually called Satan, is a subtle contamination for our souls without spirit with God. But we can only blame ourselves on becoming Satan in spirit.

Be of one with God
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


"Put blame on God?" Be God glorified! Free from blame!

I beg your pardon, but you don't know what you re talking about.

Even though brother good logic has referred to the story of Haroot and Maroot, he does not understand what it is actually conveying and most people don't know. I thought the message is quite clear and obvious, it spells out the details.

Peace be upon you!


Quote from: good logic on September 16, 2014, 01:52:42 PM
Believing anyone or anything can benefit you or harm you is "shirk".

Forgive me, big brother.  Are you sure about that?

I think that it* is wrong,

but I'm not sure that it* makes people become mushriks.

(*Believing anyone or anything can benefit you or harm you)


Quote from: A.Wayne on September 16, 2014, 02:26:54 PM
No human or jinn or anything else can harm another, except by God's leave....

I agree. I think that's right.

[33:72] Verily, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and they were afraid of it; but man bear it - verily, he was transgressing, ignorant.

Man of Faith

Yes exactly, free of blame.

But if you say God does allow the atrocities in the world then you say God can be blamed for them. I knew what I was talking about. God protects whom The Master wills, but God does not interfere in all of man's affairs or there would not be atrocities in the world. But if people around you suffer then you may be partially responsible for them, take poor people etc or that someome is treated unfairly and one is only a succumbing to the so-called bystander syndrome.

Now it is that God will help in spirit for those who seek The Master and it will be as we wield the spirit, and we make prayers that are powerful. God is not an object as to which you communicate but is omnipresent not in one particular location and thus hard to treat as an object.

Good logic spells out "disbeliever" as if it talks about the misconceived phenomenon disbelief, but it speaks of poor judgment.

Shirk is when you involve another judiciary than the one of God, i.e. indulge in teachings not having anything to do with God such as restricting certain food or teaching them rituals and wicked things, but as a summary can be said that anything that is attributed to God and then said to be canonized as something God orders then it is that.

Be of one with God
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


QuoteThat's...unsettling to hear, I've had my share of problems presumably it seems from black magicians :/

Its best to keep away from people who do black magic. We cut off communication with those relatives. Its not difficult to stay away from curses though. In fact, if you have not done anything bad or repent to Allah for your sin, the curse will end up going back to the person who put it on you. Curse can't do a thing if you get rid of arrogance.

QuoteNo human or jinn or anything else can harm another, except by God's leave....

Allah did give all of us (jinns included) free will. That's why, there are serial killers out there. Always ask for protection from Allah. That's one of the ways to stay away from evil people and jinns.
"I fear that nothing will lead me to hell more than ḥadīth"-Hadith collector: Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj


Quote from: reel on September 17, 2014, 04:41:54 AM
Allah did give all of us (jinns included) free will. That's why, there are serial killers out there. Always ask for protection from Allah. That's one of the ways to stay away from evil people and jinns.

My thoughts exactly. And thank you for the kind suggestion sister :)

Quote from: Man of Faith on September 17, 2014, 02:57:41 AM
But if you say God does allow the atrocities in the world then you say God can be blamed for them.

No, you cannot. There is a clear difference between God willing something and God allowing something to happen, it is both interlinked and separate at the same time. And this is something most people do not know and find it hard to comprehend. good logic in his/her post, referred to the story of Haroot and Maroot - I suggest to everyone to read it again and carefully try to understand the message that is being conveyed.

If someone believes that atrocities happen against God's allowance then you are implying that God is somehow challenged. THIS can be classified as shirk. Why? well for God to be challenged, logically there must be some other force at work - so you effectively setup an equal/rival in power - THAT is shirk.

Peace by upon you all!

good logic

Peace A.Wayne.

I have not implied or suggested anything. I have just given you a verse to ponder.

All power belongs to GOD Alone. No one or nothing else has any power over GOD s creations!!!

Hence believing anyone or anything created can harm you or benefit you is "shirk" . Do you disagree?

GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?

Man of Faith

Now you misunderstand my sentences Mr Wayne.

What I am saying is that with your reasoning then God can be blamed for the atrocities in the world. God has given respite to this world, but may yet intervene giving protection to certain people. So God is a little like neutral letting the world "run" on its own although observing all that happens. God does not give leave/permission for the atrocities to happen and this was the point I wished to get to. Of course it is God who who is passively the doer of everything (because we live in the foundation which is God), but the bad is still from ourselves.

Anyway, now that I think of it, it seems we both misunderstood each other. God allows the atrocities to occur although it is not God's will. That is a quite fundamentally given fact.

But what I misunderstood was the original post term usage where it sounds like you give God the blame for something. It is quite a foundation/platform we live on where we have relative free will to execute physical movement and also for evil purposes. God has given respite to use that privilege during this test, but all actions and thoughts are also recorded and everything will be used against us in the final court.

Be of one with God

Website reference: [url=""][/url]


Stay away from magic, God condemns it and it is THE WORST THING YOU CAN POSIBLY even watch a video about or anything. i know because i used to practice magic. when you say 'magicians may use Jinn/daemons in doing their stuff:' this is true, its exactly what i used to do (although i thought i was tapping into some kind of universal conciousness), and I understanding now that i read Quran, that is how things like psychic readings, mind reading, telepathy and things like that work. some jinns are cunning and misleading bastards so its best to stay away from them.

Praise be to God be saved me from it.
What could i say that is better than what God has already informed us of?
Follow God
Seek His guidance, the only guidance
Glory and Praise be to God, rabbil Aalameen


@ Timotheus

May I know how you could finally get away from it?

I mean, how you "clean up" from them. Was that difficult?
[33:72] Verily, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and they were afraid of it; but man bear it - verily, he was transgressing, ignorant.