May your spirit be whole,
Now you put blame on God for atrocities.
The right is that people cannot hurt others who are under protection from God. God protects whom The Master wills. And also in this serious "game" the humans are like representatives here on Earth so we carry out the good on here and receive help through the spirit of God. In that way we can say we are guilty if we see someone suffer and we can do something to prevent this. We are all one despite that it looks like we are many, it is just that a lot of people are diseased and many are void of sound judgment (kafar), and these glide away from unity.
God initiated this test to see which soul energy of this specimen would excel and the angels/controllers thought that it would entirely fail, but God knew something that they did not know. Amidst the darkness there is some light. There sure is utter chaos just as the angels predicted, but some people go against the stream and not tricked by evil. Even the angels do not know all mechanics behind our creation of the human souls and nor do we and surely the angels were also surprised when Adam could explain what God inspired "on-the-fly". Ebless was arrogant, but I also think he was jealous and did not want to see God's experiment succeed.
Jealousy is also on the list of commandments on what to avoid. Jealousy leads to competition and in return may lead to arrogance.
The question is really what a Jinn is and the "magic" may merely be an object of our imagination and a delusion of evil. If people are driven mad that is likely due to themselves. And the "virus", usually called Satan, is a subtle contamination for our souls without spirit with God. But we can only blame ourselves on becoming Satan in spirit.
Be of one with God