Bani Israaiil being self entitled, monopolized the religion of Allah thinking the laws only apply to themselves and have nothing to do with gentiles. That's why they prohibit interest between jews but it's ok to take interest from gentiles.
Non-jewish people came to accept that jewish laws only apply to jews as well.
If Allah says in the Quran interest is forbidden, it applies to all of mankind regardless of group association.
For those who haven't read the injeel and with regards to the origin of Circumcision"Dearly beloved, the great and wonderful God has during these past days blessed us by his prophet Jesus Christ in great mercy of teaching and miracles, although many, being deceived by Satan, under the facade of piety, are preaching most impious doctrine, calling Jesus son of God,
forsaking the circumcision commanded by God forever, and permitting every unclean meat: among whom also Paul has been deceived, whereby I speak not without grief; for which cause I am writing that truth which I have seen and heard, in the dialogue that I have had with Jesus, in order that you may be saved, and not be deceived by Satan and perish in the judgment of God. Therefore beware of every one that preaches to you new doctrine contrary to that which I write, that you may be saved eternally. "
Jesus answered: 'Surely I say to you that a dog is better than an uncircumcised man. '
Then were the disciples sorrowful, saying: 'These words are harsh, and who would accept them?'
Jesus answered: "If you consider, O foolish ones, what the dog does, that has no reason, for the service of his master, you will find my saying to be true. Tell me, does the dog guard the house of his master, and expose his life against the robber? Yea, surely. But what does it receive in return? Many blows and injuries with little bread, and he always shows to his master a joyful expression. Is this true?'
'True it is, O master,' answered the disciples.
Then said Jesus: 'Consider now how much God has given to man, and you shall see how ungrateful he is in not observing the covenant of God made with Abraham his servant. Remember that which David said to Saul king of Israel, against Goliath the Philistine: "My lord," said David, "while you servant was tending to your servant's flock there came the wolf, the bear, and the lion and seized your servant's sheep: whereupon your servant went and slew them, rescuing the sheep. And such is this uncircumcised one to become like them. Therefore your servant will go in the name of the Lord God of Israel, and slay this unclean one that curse at the holy people of God."
Then said the disciples:
'Tell us O master for what reason does man need to be circumcised?" Jesus answered: 'Let it be enough for you to know that God commanded it to Abraham. saying: "Abraham, circumcise your foreskin and that of all your house, for this is a covenant between me and you forever.''
And having said this, Jesus sat near the mountain which they looked upon. And his disciples came to his side to listen to his words. Then said Jesus: 'Adam the first man having eaten, by fraud of Satan, the food forbidden by God in paradise, his flesh rebelled against the spirit; whereby he swore, saying: "By God, I will cut my flesh!"
And having broken a piece of rock, he seized his flesh to cut it with the sharp edge of the stone: whereupon he was reprimanded by the angel Gabriel. And he answered: "I have sworn by God to cut it; I will never be a liar!"
'Then the angel showed him the unneeded part of his flesh, and that he cut off. And thus, just as every man inherits flesh from the flesh of Adam, so is he bound to observe all that Adam promised with an oath. This did Adam observe in his sons, and from generation to generation came down the obligation of circumcision. But in the time of Abraham there were but few circumcised upon the earth, because that idolatry was widespread on earth. Whereby God told to Abraham the fact concerning circumcision, and made this covenant, saying:
"The soul that shall not have his flesh circumcised, I will scatter him from among my people forever." 'The disciples trembled with fear at these words of Jesus, for he spoke with great zeal. Then said Jesus:
The man who has not circumcised his foreskin, let him be terrified, for he is deprived of paradise. source: a person reads and understands the quran depends on their knowledge from studying various topics.
All praise, thanks and credit belongs to Allah, The Only One who is without equals.