بسم الله الرحمـن الرحيم
والصلوة والسلام على رحمة للعالمين
Circumcision is the hallmark of the Abrahamic tradition. It has been practiced first by the Prophet Abraham [alayhis salaam] as mentioned in the Torah and Bible. It is the mark of purity and covenant between Allaah [Azza wa Jalla] and His worshippers. Those people who are against male circumcision are falling into the trap and deception of Shaytaan. Jews and Arabs have always practiced circumcision throughout history, while pagans like Hindus, Sikhs, Chinese, Red Indians, and European civilizations did not practice circumcision. The purpose of circumcision is for cleanliness, and Allaah [Azza wa Jalla] says
إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ
Verily, Allaah loves those who keep themselves clean, and He loves those who are purified. [2:222]
Since circumcision is essential for purification and cleanliness from urine, therefore it is a mandatory practice for those of us Muslims who belong to the Ahlil Hadeeth sect. We follow the Sunnah of circumcising our baby boys on the seventh day during the Aqeeqah, unlike some other sects and schools which circumcise their boys at a later age. Other schools like the Maalikis say not to circumcise on the seventh day because it is a resemblance to the Judaic practice. Our answer is that the Jews circumcise on the eighth day and we circumcise on the seventh day, so where is the resemblance? Furthermore, it is better to circumcise on the seventh day which the child is still a baby, so he won't be traumatized because he won't remember, and because children are also encouraged to pray and be clean.
Those commiserated people who call themselves "Quraanists" are against circumcision entirely. They say that the Quraan Majeed has not mandated circumcision explicitly. Our answer is that the Quraan has commanded cleanliness and purity in general [2:222], while the details of that can be found in the Sunnah. Next thing you know, the Quraanists will say that people should not clean their teeth, or rinse their mouths out, or even wash their hands before and after eating, because these things are not in the Quraan but only in the Hadeeth and Sunnah!
So if you analyze this issue with logic and with sincerity, you will realize that the practice of male circumcision which is considered obligatory by the Ahlil Hadeeth sect of Islaam is a true practice which is loved by Allaah according to the principles of the Quraan Majeed.