I personally have a problem with the physical "salat" because it reminds me too much of the instruments of corrupt states. The example that comes to mind is the dang pledge of allegiance I had to make every single day in school growing up. I absolutely hated it! I thought it was an utter waste of time, and even today, the words lose their meaning if I have to robotically repeat the same thing over and over.
Make no mistake, I am very American and I have developed a certain sense of inner solidarity for anybody who takes seriously the cause of liberty. But it had absolutely nothing to do with saluting a piece of fabric! i care more about civil liberties now than i did when i was a mindless drone making half-assed prayers "to the flag..."
What the government does (and has done) in this country, is just ridiculous. This annoying pledge of allegiance is just the tip of the iceberg, and i really believe that this form of indoctrination is being used to dehumanize, degrade, and desensitize people to what liberty actually is, and to isolate those who really do care about liberty from those who just care about "one nation, indivisible".
To me the subject could also be compared to the infamous scandals in this country regarding the use of torture to obtain intelligence. It is just as absurd, ineffective, and dehumanizing.
Sorry for the rant