Salaam, Little Mannie,
Indeed, be it to overdress or undress it seems that our bodies are a matter of public property. But God, does not indicate any such thing. His injonction in 24.31 specifically to women is for the benefit of women, not for the benefit of males. They have their own injonctions. 24.31 does not establish a dressing code, as has been insistently attempted to extract from this aya, but an advice to women, exclusively to them to not fall into the trap of "feminine vanity", we have to be liked by hook or crook. It is not about what can be seen or not seen, or cover or not cover, but about the whole attitude of women with respect to their physical appearance, be it in the shape of body parts or other, like jewellry or clothing or make up or whatever. We are not public shows or entertainment and we would harm ourselves if we took us so. But there is nothing wrong with improving appearance by means of our clothing without discomfort. Clothing, as per the Qur'an, is to make comfortable and feel in good appearance. Women, through the ages have put up with awful discomfort for the sake of appearance to the point of torture. That is not what clothes are for. And inventions like hijab, burqa, etc. are not particularly comfortable and can impair physical functions. For instance, if one is somewhat deaf, covering ears is a handicap. There is no reason to accept that kind of disciplining or nonsense.
The fact that as per 24.31 women may display, or parade, adornments in from of certain people close to them, is logical, those who are too close and live in the same house, are not going to be impressed by any adornments nor flatter dangerously their women's vanity, nor they would feel obliged to please them. As somebody says there is no great man for his buttler. So there may be no great beauties for those close to oneself. One knows them too close.