Salam and Peace....!
In Al-Quran 3: 7, Allah mentions there are two type of Verses in The Book of Hidayah......"Mutashabihaat" and "Muhkamaat".
....."In it are clear verses, which are the foundation of the Book, and others (that are) allegorical. Then those in whose hearts is a deviation, they will follow that which is allegorical in them (verses), seeking mischief, and seeking (their own) interpretation of it. And no one knows its interpretation except Allah. And those firm in knowledge say: ?We believe in it, all is from our Lord.? And no one receives admonition except those with understanding." (3: 7)
Some people....deviation in their hearts....seeking their own INTERPRETATIONS of Mutashabihaat.
Now.....the point is .........what is the meaning of Mutashabihaat......I am not going to put dictionary meaning.
One thing we all know is that,...........Mutashabihaat are such Verses on which we can never become unanimous.....absolutely impossible.
Again.......Mutashabihaat Verses are those on which we are bound to have differences of opinions....for sure.
Unseen are described in similes, metaphors and allegories (Mutashaabihaat) for your understanding. But those who are given to crookedness in their hearts pursue the allegories and try to give them literal meanings, thus creating dissension of thought. None encompasses their final meaning (of such as the Essence of God, His Throne, His Hand, His Book of Decrees, the exact mode of revelation on the heart of the messengers, the Eternity) but God.
So.....everybody will have his own interpretaion of Mutashabihaat.........So far so good.
But bad aspect starts when some people try to impose their own interpretations of Mutashabihaat on others, and want them to follow it.....they are the ones for whom Allah says....."Then those in whose hearts is a deviation, they will follow that which is allegorical in them (verses), seeking mischief, and seeking (their own) interpretation of it."
This means, clearly.........that Mutashabihaat Verses can never be something we are Commanded to obey......because they can never become Muhkamaat.
Now, in my understanding.......all those Verses of Al Quran on which we differ, are Mutashabihaat...........and everyone of us has his own undertanding........some of those Verses are Verses in which we find the words "Salaat", "Sujood", "Ruku" etc.
All those who claim to follow Al Quran Alone.........some say there is no ritual Salaat.......some say, there are ritual Salaat also....some say five times a day....some say no only three times........some say only two times.
All trying to prove their interpretations putting before us Verses from Al Quran.....and all wish and insist their interpretation is best and must be followed.
The word in Al Quran......Salaat....for example........the Quran Aloners will never unite on one understanding (ritual, or not ritual)...........and as such, can never Salaat (ritual, or not ritual) also not a Mutashabihaat....?
Disputing over the word "Salaat (is ritual, or is not ritual)".........will create distance among us and divide us.
Better do what you/we understand best..........the main thing is .........if we are really truthful, honest and sincere.........whatever we understand and follow.........Allah will be pleased.
The Creator who created us top to bottom.......knows what is in our hearts.
And Allah will not be please..........if anyone of us try to impose his own understanding/interpretation of the word "Salaat".
-----"(They say): ?Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after when You have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Yourself. Indeed, You are the Bestower.? (3: 8 )
If one understands truthfully, honestly and sincerely, there are rituals.......then he must do it.....
......if one understands truthfully, honestly and sincerely, there are no rituals........then don't do it.
If someone falls in physical sujood before Allah, who is there to object this act......if Allah is has no objections.
For ritual Salaat, any methodology is acceptable before Allah........if the ritual is for Allah Alone....and not for any ghairillah.
But...remember......the mankind does not need our rituals (if there is any).........the (oppressed) mankind needs our Attention, Goodness, Kindness, Help, Peace.
And Goodness is something on which no one of us/even mankind, can have different opinions.
And Goodness is fully mentioned in Al Quran.........and all those Verses mentioning Goodness....are MUHKAMAAT. an International (Natural) Language.
People of different nations, even if they dont understand each other's languages.............can be Good to one another.
Allah will accept all those truthful and sincere hearts that bows before Allah's Clear Commandments "MUHKAMAAT", which are Foundation of Deen, and if they are not followed, there is no Deen.