Quote from: sword of tashayyu on September 19, 2013, 05:40:23 AM
I realised people here are confused, what is your view of the Quran is it eternal word of Allah or is it Makhluq (created being)?
This question will help me towards understanding your sect
People here? That must be including YOU.
First of all, not all members here are Quran-alone muslims. There are also Salafis [Greater Sunnis], moderate Sunnis, atheists, Christians, Shi'ites [including you] etc that have accounts on this forum.
Quran-aloners don't worship Qur'an.
Typical Qur'an-alone muslims worship God alone, do not set up partners with Him. [well, Sunnis glorify Muhammad and put Muhammad beside God, Shi'ites do the same but they also glorify Ali]
Sect? Quranism is not a sect. All sects in Islam are concocted by men.
QA muslims simply take Quran as the only Divine guidance.
QA is not a sect because no one invents it.
True muslims [who don't take extra books beside The Book and call them Divine] do not believe in nonsense such as infallible imams, Second-coming of Jesus, Dajjal/Anti-Christ and grave-yard punishments.
QA is not a sect because unlike sects such as Sunni / Shi'a / Ahmadiyya / Ismaili etc, in this pure creed of Abraham, anyone who believes in one God and oneness of God, don't set up partners with God, believe in the Last Day etc have already been muslims, they don't have to pronounce the testimony of faith to become a Muslim.