A question is how we should define "salat" and what it truly is. My understanding is that it means being aware of God and obeying Him. But I also believe that there are moments of particularly intense communication, traditionally regarded as prayers when we call upon and rely on God for whatever we may wish in our lives. God knows what is in our hearts, but I still believe in this rhetorical act.
Moreover, I believe that we should constantly be in a sort of "state of prayer".
On the other hand, I do not believe there are such fixed prayer times but rather they should be performed on a regular basis.
The traditional asr and maghrib prayers I think was Muhammad's personal preference. Only Islamic so-called "Sunnah" made it 'fard'.
The rakah system I also believe to be an invention. There is no trace of it in Quran either, not a hint. However, I think chapter one of Quran was intended as a prayer/supplication.
God bless you