Quote from: Raul on August 08, 2015, 02:08:50 AM
Peace to all.
I have been following these posts for quite a while now. Been following drfazl's posts and his methods of treating patients through quran. Its very interesting and surprising to know people actually get cured without medicines or any surgeries. since the topic is now getting hotter day by day i thought i could make myself get clarified on some points.
Lets assume that if a person is suffering from coronary heart disease and he needs a bypass surgery. He doesnt want to be operated upon as the person is afraid of open heart surgery and he knows the side effects of it and he searches options other than surgery for his cure from this illness. He comes to know about drfazl's way of treatment and he sees him. 'IF' he gets cured of his problem ,wouldnt that be a miracle cure for him and allah has shown the righteous path for him?. What will he be thinking? He is saved from a open heart surgery and its morbidity. And he's also saved from endless,huge medical expenses which he has to afford all the rest of his life. I hope u guys know the cost of a bypass surgery in your respective countries. Its not cheap. Comes close to 5000 USD for the surgery alone and the medical expenses for him all his life is about 10 times that. So he just spends 2000 USD for his treatment and by allah's grace he is getting cured. Thats a cost you would anyhow give because its your life which is at stake. Whats the point then in pinpointing his fees alone? The final result is you enter allah's grace and for the rest of his life he is surrendered and submissive to allah and seek allah for all his needs.
2- Viceversa in allopathy, if the same person gets this surgery done and he is informed cured by the doctor who has operated upon him, wont the patient associate the doctor to a god? Isnt that open shirk? and above that i have seen so many people getting multiple bypass surgeries done due to failure of the graft. So what the doctor promised of his cure is a BLATANT LIE. Will this be the work of god? Seriously? I mean will this increase my belief in allah in anyway? If i truly believe in allah then allah shall show me the way to further increase my belief in him,which is what drfazl seems to be doing. This is (allopathic system) contradictory to what is in the quran.
These are few of the questions and thoughts in my mind. Wanted to share it with you all. Peace.
Why is there a 2000USD fee (on the poor people of Tamilnadu) for praying to Allah?
Why can't drfazl go around and pray for people for free?
The doctor is not commonly thought of as a God, but a technician, like a baker is a scientist of baking, the doctor learns about the human bodily functions.
The doctor is performing a service, drfazl is not doing anything but praying to Allah.
People don't even consider the Doctor and intercessor with Allah. Yet if "drfazl's prayer works, while my prayer doesn't work" that is definitely making drfazl an intercessor with Allah "Allah listens to drfazl, but doesn't listen to me".
This is the evil of old, evil people used to do this in the past too, it doesn't matter if it works or not, it is the same as:
"So what is wrong with going to an idol, and praying to that idol, asking the idol to go before God spiritually and ask for help, if the cure then comes after that? Is there anything wrong with that idol and if it seems to help to pour milk on that idol's head, is there anything wrong with pouring milk on the idols head and leaving food for it if it helps me get cured?"
It is a grave sin to sell religion and prayer for a price.
It is a grave sin to say "Allah is not the creator of everything absolutely", that is true shirk.
It is a grave sin to say "drfazl's prayers work, but my prayers do not work, Allah listens to drfazl because of some special quality of drfazl, but Allah doesn't listen to my pleas".
This is "intercession" it is a huge sin in Islam. There were many "healers" and "saints" of old who used to do this practice. Even if it works or appears to work, that is the deception of shirk leading people to destruction. The ones who think that drfazl's prayers work and ask for his intercession are performing a terrible sin.
You can't go around paying people for prayers.
drfazl should go and pray for all the people and heal the Tamilnadu, or does he fear poverty will strike him if they don't pay him each 2000USD in their sick desperation?
So tell me Raul, what is wrong with asking the intercession of an individual? What is wrong to pouring milk on an idols head if it works to intercede and heal? What is wrong is the belief and the implications and the charges, that is what is wrong. What is wrong is the injustice and thievery.
If it is Allah that is healing, then why is drfazl taking money for the work of Allah if drfazl has no part in it? Is it that drfazl is an intercessor who has some special quality that his prayers are answered, so instead of healing all the people with this special power he makes a profit from it?
Raul, do you use your mind at all when you're doing this "thinking" of which you speak?
Raul, tell me what is wrong with me saying, God will listen to you and not me, so I'll pay you to pray for me because God listens to you and not me?
What is wrong with you saying "I accept payment and I will talk to God for you, because God listens to me and not you".
What is wrong with saying "this idol, when I ask it for help, my prayers are answered, because the idol goes before God and intercedes and God listens so I am healed?"
Tell me, Raul, what is wrong with all the people claiming Jesus, the icons and images of saints, the graves of saints, the individual living saints, or idols of any kind are part and have a "share" or some portion in having a person healed? Do you know how many Hindus claim such things about their idols? How many Christians? How many Sufi's about their saints?
Tell me what is wrong, if you are a Muslim at all, and if you are not a Muslim at all, tell me what is RIGHT about those things.