Quote from: Wakas on October 08, 2012, 06:40:04 AM
salaam Mazhar,
Firstly, have you read the article? If you have, then you will have noted that I did not state nor imply the above. What you are saying would still be physical, as sister Ayisha pointed out.
Rather than discussing what I did not say, let's rather discuss what I actually said. This will be more beneficial.
Quotes from article:
You know I start only when I have read your article. Yousaid this
QuoteThe use of "bi" and "ila" in 17:1 suggest God took with/by His servant from A to B. Since we have ruled out a physical journey, this only leaves a spiritual journey and/or vision/dream or some other understanding. The use of "night" may indicate during sleep, i.e. a dream/vision.
Spiritual journey, vision, dream or what Prince says astral projection, do not go by your words "God took his servant from A to B".
Timing is also mentioned "during the Night". Preposition "bi" means with, along with; preposition "Min" means the departure location and Preposition "Ila" means towards a location which is the destination of the journey during the hours of night.
Purpose is also mentioned "
لِنُرِيَهُ" "so that We might make him see with eyes".
Qur'aan is very comprehensive, and worded very guarding, since Allah knew people will try play with His words.
We are not discussing whether physical journey seems possible to someone or not according to one's present level of knowledge, but are discussing what is stated in the Arabic text.