Salaam/Peace to All,
Here is a most Essential and important Discussion (=29/46)
I have had with an Evangelical Christian friend, recently;
he believes that Jesus Christ openly claimed to be GOD, and also the only begotten Son of GOD,
according to/in GOSPEL,
and I believe that Jesus Christ openly claimed to be only a most honorable Servant and Messenger of GOD,
and he clearly reprimanded and absolutely rejected those
who would mistakenly/wrongfully declare him to be GOD, or/and to be the only begotten Son of GOD,
according to/in GOSPEL,
here is this most Essential and important Discussion (=29/46)
we have had recently;
so I replied to my Evangelical Christian friend, here:
Thank you very much for your message,
for taking the time to elaborately, openly and clearly presenting your view.
I would like to share with you my own understanding with regard to all of these most important Verses
you have referred to above.
In the end, whether we may agree or not --in all or some most fundamental Issues here--
GOD will judge each and every one of us according to the sincerity and truthfulness in our heart.
As long as we have sincerity and truthfulness in our hearts, wholeheartedly and truly seeking GOD,
we may disagree --in all or some most fundamental Issues here-- and still always stay as friends,
in perfectly amicable and good relations here, as it is our GOD's Perfect Commandment
unto each and every one of us here (=QURAN TESTAMENT 3/64, 60/8 & GOSPEL, Matthew 5/46-48)
In the text you have sent to me, it is said:
The gospel of John, which presents Jesus Christ in His deity, is sometimes called the "I AM" book.
Over and over again in the book of John, Jesus said, "I AM."
To the learned Jew this phrase "I AM" was very significant.
It was a claim by Jesus that He is GOD. Why?
In the Old Testament when GOD called Moses to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt,
He told Moses to tell the nation that "I AM" has sent you (Exodus 3:13-15).
"I AM" is the covenant GOD of Israel, Jehovah!
Therefore, the great "I AM" is the designation for GOD to the nation of Israel
and Jesus' statement "I AM" is a clear indication that He was saying, "I AM GOD."
But first of all, we should absolutely know the Fact that
this specific term: "I am" (=in hebrew: "Ehyeh")
could legitimately be used by Humans to indicate that they are
"GOD Appointed Human Leaders, Judges, Messengers,"
for example, when Jephthah also uses this specific term: "I am" (=in hebrew: "Ehyeh")
here in =BIBLE, Judges 11, 9
he never intended to indicate that he was "GOD,"
but he absolutely and only indicated that he was going to be
a "GOD Appointed Human Leader, Judge," therein (=BIBLE, Judges 11, 9).
So just in the same manner, when Jesus Christ clearly said to them:
I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that "I am"
you will die in your sins.
So they said to him, ?Who are you??
Jesus Christ said to them, ?Just what I have been telling you from the beginning."
(=GOSPEL, John 8, 24-26)
what Jesus Christ has been telling them from the beginning was the Fact that
he was that long awaited and anticipated "Prophet"
that Moses clearly foretold about in TORAH here (=Deut. 18, 15 and 18-19).
(*Please, also clearly see it here in =GOSPEL, John 5, 45-47,
in this respect now, in the first place.)
So thus, Jesus Christ was a most honorable Servant and Messenger of YHWH ELOAH,
just like Prophet Moses was a most honorable Servant and Messenger of YHWH ELOAH,
* "YHWH ELOAH" in hebrew means: "HE (is) GOD"
in Quran Testament, its perfect equivalent is: "HUWA ALLAH" in arabic means: "HE (is) GOD"as Prophet Moses unmistakably foretold about him (=i.e. Jesus Christ)
specifically and clearly as:
A Prophet just "like Me," from among your brothers .........
in TORAH here (=Deut. Chapter 18, Verse 15 and 18-19) in the first place, therein.
So then, as Prophet Moses made it absolutely Clear that
=our GOD is "ONE" (=Torah, Deut. 6, 4)
and therefore
=no one and nothing can never be likened
and never be compared to HIM (=Torah, Deut. 4, 15-24)
Jesus Christ (just like Prophet Moses above) perfectly Reiterated it
and thus again made it absolutely Clear that
=our GOD is "ONE" (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29)
and therefore
=no one and nothing can never be likened
and never be compared to HIM,
and for this Reason, Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) straightforwardly, clearly and openly reprimanded the one
who attempted to liken and compare him to GOD, by calling him "Good" therein,
by immediately rejecting that notion,
and clearly, unequivocally and unmistakably reminding him the Fact that:
he himself can never be deemed "Good,"
because only GOD is "Good" (=GOSPEL, Mark 10, 18).
And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
Did Jesus say He was GOD?
Jesus claimed equality with the GOD the Father.
Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."
For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath,
but he was even calling GOD his own Father, making himself equal with GOD (John 5:17-18).
But here again, first of all, we should absolutely know the Fact that
Prophet David also called GOD his own "FATHER" (=which is a purely figurative term
that literally means "LORD") here: PSALMS 89, 20-29.
* "Father" is an abrogated term in QURAN TESTAMENT (=2/106),
so instead of it, henceforth always this better/best term: "Lord" shall be used by all believers. (2/106 = 19/36) So, as Prophet David never made himself "equal" with GOD, in no way, at all,
by calling HIM "his own LORD" above,
and therefore, Jesus Christ never made himself "equal" with GOD, in no way, at all,
by calling HIM "his own LORD" above.
And Jesus Christ also made it absolutely clear that
he is not "Good" but only GOD is "Good" (=i.e. thus again he makes it absolutely clear that
he is not "equal" to GOD, in no way, at all) here again, in the first place: (=GOSPEL, Mark 10, 18)
And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
Then Jesus, still teaching in the temple courts, cried out,
"Yes, you know Me, and you know where I am from.
I am not here on my own, but HE who sent Me is true.
You do not know HIM, but I know HIM because I am from HIM and HE sent Me"
(John 7:28-29).
Then they asked him, "Where is your Father?"
"You do not know Me or my Father," Jesus replied.
"If you knew Me, you would know my Father also" (John 8:19)
In my view, here again Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) makes it absolutely Clear that
GOD sent him like HE had sent Prophet Moses before him, first of all,
so just like Prophet Moses was (a most honorable Messenger sent) from HIM
so Jesus Christ was also (a most honorable Messenger sent) from HIM,
as it is made absolutely Clear, in the first place, here again:
GOSPEL, John 5, 45-47 = TORAH, Deut. 18, 15 and 18-19
And then, for example, if someone know Prophet David (=i.e. his Message)
he would also absolutely know his "Father" (=which is a purely figurative term
that literally and absolutely means "LORD") here again: Psalms 89, 20-29.
So, in the same manner, if someone know Jesus Christ (=i.e. his Message)
he would also absolutely know his "Father" (=which is a purely figurative term
that literally and absolutely means "LORD") here again: GOSPEL, John 8, 19.
And thereby thus we shall absolutely know this "Greatest and Most Important Commandment,"
here Again:
=our GOD is Absolutely "ONE,"
TORAH, Deut. 6, 4 = GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29
=and only HE is "Good,"
Prophet David and Jesus Christ are among HIS most honorable Messengers,
for both of them truthfully confessed and absolutely, clearly and unmistakably declared the Fact that
they themselves were not "Good," only our GOD was/is "Good,"
so only HE could Forgive their (and our) sins and perfectly Redeem and Save them (and us), for Eternity,
here again (=PSALMS 69, 5 and 16-18 = GOSPEL, Mark 10, 18 & Matthew 26, 39 and 42-44).
And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" (John 8:58).
"I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
Therefore the Jews certainly understood that Jesus was claiming to be GOD
and they sought to kill Him because of it. ...... (John 8:20)
But in my view, first of all, Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) clearly said:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am --(already appointed)."
thus to make it perfectly clear that
he was already appointed as a most honorable Servant and Messenger of the LORD
(just like Moses was already appointed as a most honorable Servant and Messenger of the LORD)
even before the foundation of the World, and the creation of our father/ancestor Abraham (=i.e
his worldly body/form) here in this World,
because the LORD already knew whom HE would create and appoint
as HIS Two honorable Messengers (=i.e. Moses and Jesus)
here in this World, in this Respect, here (=TORAH, Deut. 18, 15 and 18-19 = GOSPEL, John 5, 45-47)
even before the foundation of the World.
And our most honorable father/ancestor Abraham
was created and existed well before Jesus Christ here
and had to wait to see his honorable descendant Jesus Christ's day --(that he would deliver
the LORD's MESSAGE as one of HIS most honorable Messenger here),
and at that time he saw it --(in heaven by the Permission of GOD therein)
and was glad therein. (=GOSPEL, John 8, 56)
And then, when Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) clearly said:
"I and the LORD are One."
this is specifically with respect to the "Words/Message"
because the "Words/Message" of the LORD and the "Words/Message"
of Jesus Christ are "One" and "Same,"
because Jesus Christ did not speak on his own
but he said only what the LORD taught and commanded unto him
to say therein. (=GOSPEL, John 12, 49-50)
But with respect to Personal-Being the LORD and Jesus Christ
are certainly and clearly "Different and Separate,"
and absolutely "not Same;" because
=the LORD is One and Only GOD and Creator,
and only HE is "Good" (=GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29)
=Jesus Christ is a most honorable Servant of the LORD and a created Human-being by HIM,
and so he never claimed to be "Good" (=GOSPEL, Mark 10, 18)
and also he never claimed "innocence" (=i.e. to be perfect "without any Sin" at all)
for no human-beings and neither for himself (=GOSPEL, John 8, 7-11),
therefore always and absolutely the LORD's Will is Done,
and Jesus Christ was a most honorable Servant and Messenger of the LORD
who always perfectly obeyed and wholeheartedly submitted (not to his own will
but absolutely and only) to HIS Will, here and forever (=GOSPEL, Matthew 26, 39 and 42-44).
And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
Jesus also affirmed His deity to the disciples.
"If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.
From now on, you do know HIM and have seen HIM.
Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us."
Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.
How can you say, "Show us the Father"?
Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?
The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me,
who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me;
or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."
(John 14:7-11, 20).
But here again, first of all, we should absolutely know the Fact that
Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) clearly said:
"Not that anyone has seen the LORD except he who is (sent) from GOD;
only he has seen the LORD." (=Gospel, John 6, 44)
In literal/real sense above,
thus only the Messenger (=Prophet Moses or/and Prophet Jesus) may have Heard and Seen the LORD therein,
no one else have never Heard and never Seen HIM therein.
As it is made perfectly Clear here again
=no one else have never heard "HIS Voice" and never seen "HIS Form"
(GOSPEL, John 5, 37 = TORAH, Exodus 33, 20 = Deuteronomy 4, 15-24).
And then, when Jesus Christ clearly said:
If you had known me, you would have known my LORD also.
From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM. (=Gospel, John 14, 7)
Now in purely figurative sense above,
all believers who would know Prophet Moses or/and Prophet Jesus thus also
have known and Seen the LORD (=i.e. have known and Seen HIS "Words/Message" only therein,
absolutely not HIS "Self/Form,"
as he already made it perfectly clear above
=no one would never hear GOD's "Voice" and would never see GOD's "Self/Form"
(GOSPEL, John 5, 37 = TORAH, Exodus 33, 20 = Deuteronomy 4, 15-24).
And then, when Jesus Christ clearly said:
Do you not believe that
I am in the LORD (=i.e. in HIS "Message") and the LORD (=i.e. HIS "Message") is in me?
(Because) the "Words" that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority,
but the LORD (=i.e. HIS "Spirit" = "Words/Message;"
please, clearly see that "Spirit" directly refers to "Words/Message," =John 6, 63)
that dwells in me (=i.e. this "Spirit" = "Words/Message" will and should absolutely dwell
also in each and every Believer, please, clearly see it here =John 15, 6-7 & 14, 17)-- does HIS Works.
And so, when Jesus Christ finally said:
In that "Day" (=i.e. he is referring specifically to this Third and Last "Day" = "Millennium" again,
here now =John 6, 44-45
because each "1000 Years" is Deemed as "1 Day" in the Sight of our LORD, =Psalms 90, 4)
you will know that I am in my LORD (=i.e. in HIS "Words/Message"),
and you in me (=i.e. in My "Words/Message") and I in you (=i.e. in Your "Words/Message").
Because this whole "Words/Message" = "Spirit" in its Entirety
is absolutely and only from GOD (John 6, 63 = John 12, 49-50), first of all,
and this whole "Words/Message" = "Spirit" in its Entirety
has thus perfectly been Taught and Granted by our GOD
unto Jesus Christ and also unto all Believers here (GOSPEL, John 6, 63 = John 15, 6-7 & 14, 17).
* The most Essential and important "Spirit" = "Words/Message"
that Jesus Christ clearly foretold about it here: =GOSPEL, John 14, 15-16-17
is clearly and unmistakably referring to "QURAN TESTAMENT" here, in the first place: =GOSPEL, Matthew 21, 42-43-44
We can clearly Witness it, in this Final Age, now here:Fundamental MIRACLE "19" in "QURAN TESTAMENT" & in "GOSPEL-INJEEL!"And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
The seventeenth chapter of John records Jesus Christ's high priestly prayer.
"After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: 'Father, the time has come.
Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You.
For You granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life
to all those You have given him.
Now this is eternal life:
that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.
I have brought You Glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do.
And now, Father, glorify me in Your presence with the glory I had with You before the world began."
(John 17:1-5).
In my view, finally, here again, when Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) clearly said:
Since YOU have given him authority over all flesh, to give "Eternal Life"
to all whom YOU have given him.
And this is Eternal Life:
that they should know YOU, (as) The Only True GOD
(=i.e. Jesus Christ here again strongly Emphasizes the Fact that
our GOD is "ONE," first of all, here (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29)
so therefore HE is The Only True GOD and The Only True "Good" (=Gospel, Mark 10, 18)
and (they should know) Jesus Christ whom YOU have sent
(=i.e. as one of HIS most honorable Servant and Messenger,
and a perfect Role Model for all Believers,
* "Son" is an abrogated term in QURAN TESTAMENT (=2/106),
so instead of it, henceforth always this better/best term: "Servant" of GOD,
shall be used by all believers. (2/106 = 19/30) so that in the footsteps of Jesus Christ,
all his Followers must believe in GOD as "ONE,"
as the Greatest and Most Important Commandment, first of all, here (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29)
and therefore, also must believe in our GOD as The Only True GOD and The Only True "Good,"
no one and nothing else can never be "GOD" and can never be "Good" other than/besides HIM,
for this reason, Jesus Christ straightforwardly, clearly and openly reprimands the one who attempts
to call him "Good" here (=Gospel, Mark 10, 18),
and always absolutely and only our GOD's Will is Done,
so here again, in the footsteps of Jesus Christ,
all his Followers must wholeheartedly obey and perfectly submit (not to their own will
but absolutely and only) to HIS Will,
in every Issue, every time and everywhere, as Jesus Christ always wholeheartedly
and perfectly did it here (=Gospel, Matthew 26, 39 and 42-44).
So those who would do this, in this Last and Third "Day" = "Millennium" again,
here now (=Gospel, John 6, 44-45)
may thus attain "Eternal Life" in Paradise, with Jesus Christ,
as his truthful Followers and Friends, for Eternity, therein
=Gospel, John 6, 40 and 44-45 & John 15, 6-7 and 14-15 & John 14, 17
under ONE GOD here and in the Hereafter, Forever,
for Eternity, therein (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29).
May GOD Perfectly and Immensely bless us all.
Remain in Peace/Serenity.
Part II
Thank you very much, my dear friend, for your reply.
Again, I would like to share with you my understanding
with regard to all of these most important Verses you have referred to here.
In the text you have sent to me, it is said:
The meaning of this conversation has already been explained and discussed in detail
for the parallel passage in Mark 10:18
[here a very short summary: Jesus never actually denied his divinity -
he just directed a question at the young man and challenged him to think about
what he was REALLY saying about Jesus].
Jesus asks a question (WHY...?), he does not deny it was correct or improper to call him "Good."
Then let us see those most Essential and important Verses, together,
clearly and openly, here:
17- And as he was setting out on his journey, one (young Man) ran up and knelt before him,
and asked him:
"Good Teacher," what may I do, that I may inherit eternal life?
18- And Jesus Christ said to him:
Why do you call me "Good?" No one is "Good" except ONE ?(that is) GOD!
19- You know the Commandments:
You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal,
You shall not bear false witness, You shall not defraud,
Honor your father and mother.
20- And he said to him:
"Teacher," all these (Commandments) I have kept from my youth.
21- And Jesus Christ having looked at him, did love him, and said to him:
(Then) you lack (only) one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;
and come, follow me.
(GOSPEL, Mark 10, 17-21)
So, Jesus Christ thus straightforwardly, clearly and openly reprimanded that young Man
for calling him "Good," and then perfectly Taught him the Greatest Reason for that reprimand:
1) No one (including Jesus Christ himself, in the first place, therein)
can never be deemed "Good"
because only ONE (=GOD) can be Deemed "Good." (* in Verse No. 18 above)
Because Jesus Christ --(after having strongly and unmistakably Reiterated
this Most Important and Greatest Commandment here:
"Your GOD is ONE", first of all, here: (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29)
then again, here thus makes it absolutely Clear that:
Jesus Christ --(like all other honorable Prophets, or/and Messengers)-- can never be deemed "Good,"
because only that "ONE" (=GOD)
--Who is absolutely "Different, Distinct and Separate" above and beyond
"all persons" or/and "all things" above whole universe/s--
is Absolutely "ONE" (=GOD) and "Good,"
therefore no one (=i.e. no Angel, or/and no Prophet, or/and no Messenger, etc.)
thus absolutely "no one" and "nothing"
=can never be likened or compared to HIM
=can never be deemed "Good" other than/besides HIM.
(TORAH, Deut. 6, 4 and 4, 15-24 = GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29 and 10, 18)
2) And when that young Man (who already knew and perfectly followed
all of those Great Commandments in TORAH above)
thus also clearly understands this "Most Important and Greatest Commandment" therein
and so he immediately and rightfully refrains from calling Jesus Christ as "Good" anymore,
and he calls him not as (Good) "Teacher" thereafter but clearly and only as "Teacher" therein
(*please, certainly see it
in Verse No. 17, and immediately thereafter in Verse No. 20
in this respect above.)
and Jesus Christ thus truly loves him for clearly understanding and perfectly following
this "Most Important and Greatest Commandment" above,
and not calling him as "Good" anymore, but calling him rightfully, clearly and only as "Teacher"
and also perfectly following all the other Great Commandments of that "ONE" (=GOD)
in TORAH therein --(in Verse No. 18-19-20-21 above).
And finally, here we should also certainly note the Fact that
Jesus Christ does not take issue with the term: "Good Teacher"
but only with the term: "Good," above.
=i.e. He did not say to that young Man: Why do you call me "good Teacher"?
but he only and specifically said: Why do you call me "Good"?
Because Jesus Christ must have already known the Fact that
=all Prophets and Messengers could rightfully be called "good Teachers"
(because they truthfully delivered and clearly Taught unto the People all things
that GOD perfectly Taught unto them, in the first place);
=but they (including Jesus Christ himself therein above) could never be called "Good,"
because only that "ONE" (=GOD) was/is absolutely "Good,"
due to that "Most Essential and Greatest Commandment" and Perfectly Clear Facts stated above.
And then, in the text you have sent to me, it is said:
In the central passage of chapter 10, Jesus makes the statement:
- I am the good shepherd. (John 10:14)
and this not only in a general way as "a good shepherd" (one of many) but as "the good shepherd".
Somebody might want to argue that here "good" is only qualifying something else (i.e. "shepherd"),
but we simply observe that in the original passage (Luke 18:18 above),
it was qualifying "teacher". So, the situation is indeed parallel, and the argument applies.
Second, Jesus calls himself not only "good", but he claims the title "shepherd".
This is a clear reference back to Psalm 23 and, even more important, Ezekiel 34,
where GOD Himself is the "Shepherd" of Israel (see this discussion).
Thus, with this statement Jesus takes upon himself yet another title of GOD.
So why do we call him "good?" Because he is - AND he is the Lord "GOD."
But here again, first of all, we should absolutely know the Fact that
Prophet David was also "the good Shepherd" --(which is a purely figurative term
that literally means: "the good Guide or Watcher")
70- And HE chose David HIS Servant, and took him from the sheepfolds,
71- From behind nursing ewes HE has brought him in, to Shepherd Jacob HIS People,
and Israel HIS Inheritance.
72- And (thus) he governed them with integrity of his heart, and with righteousness of his hands
Shepherded them!
(PSALMS 78, 70-72)
So here again, as Prophet David perfectly "Guided" and "Watched over"
all truthful believers as the GOD Chosen "good Shepherd" --(which is a purely figurative term
that literally means: "good Guide or Watcher")
exclusively and only by the WORD of the "ONE" (=GOD) therein,
(=TORAH, Deut. 4, 2 and then Deut. 6, 4 & Deut. 4, 15-24)
* "Shepherd us" is an abrogated term in QURAN TESTAMENT (=2/106),
so instead of it, henceforth always this better/best term: "Watch over us"
shall be used by all believers. (2/104 = 2/106) so Prophet Jesus perfectly "Guided" and "Watched over"
all truthful believers as the GOD Chosen "good Shepherd" --(which is a purely figurative term
that literally means: "good Guide or Watcher" here again)
exclusively and only by the WORD of the "ONE" (=GOD) therein, again,
(=GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29 and then John 5, 45-47 = 6, 63 & 12, 48-50)
So neither Prophet David nor Prophet Jesus have never violated and never desecrated
this "Most Important and Greatest Commandment" here:
28- And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another,
and seeing that he answered them well, asked him:
?Which Commandment is the Most Important of all??
29- Jesus Christ answered:
The "Most Important" is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our GOD, the Lord is "ONE."
(GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29 = TORAH, Deut. 6, 4)
Thus Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon Him) most clearly, strongly and unmistakably Reiterated
this "Most Important and Greatest Commandment" above,
because he already knew this perfectly clear Most Essential Fact that
=if anyone were to violate or desecrate this "Greatest Commandment" above
by attempting to liken or to compare anyone or anything to HIM,
by declaring anyone or anything as "Good" other than/besides HIM,
eventually there could be no Salvation for him/her from YHWH GOD, never, at all,
but thus only eternal doom and misery, in the Hereafter, for Eternity.
(*Please, absolutely see it again here,
in the first place: TORAH, Deut. 6, 4 and Deut. 4, 15-24
and then also absolutely see it, Finally, now here: QURAN TESTAMENT 5, 72-73-74 and 112, 1-4
So for this Reason, Jesus Christ clearly, unmistakably and strongly Recommended to all of his Followers
that they do not follow no one else's
--(even including his chief disciple Peter
whom He unequivocally called an "obstacle" to Him and a "satan" here: =Gospel, Matthew 16, 23
in this respect above)--,
so that all truthful believers must always follow exclusively and only Jesus Christ's "Words"
because they are purely Taught unto him by that "ONE" (=GOD)
for all truthful followers of Jesus Christ who would remain in his "Words" (=John 15/6-7)
13- Jesus Christ said: Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy
that leads to (eternal) Destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
14- For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to (eternal) Life,
and those who find it are few.
21- (Because) not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," (=i.e. Human "Messenger/Leader") will enter
the Kingdom of Heaven,
but the one who does the Will of my LORD Who (=i.e. Whose Ultimate Powers/Sovereignty) is unto Heaven.
22- On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord," (=i.e. Human "Messenger/Leader")
did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?
23- And then will I declare to them: "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."
24- So, everyone then who hears these "Words" of mine:
"Your GOD is ONE", first of all,
as the Most Important and Greatest "Word," again here: (=Gospel, Mark 12, 29)
and then, no one and nothing else but
Absolutely and only that "ONE" (=GOD) is "Good," again here: (=Gospel, Mark 10, 18)
and observes them will be like a wise man who built his house on the Rock.
25- And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall,
because it had been founded on the Rock.
(GOSPEL, Matthew 7, 13-14 & 21-22-23 & 24-25)
thus especially for/in this Last and Third "Day" = "Millennium" again,
here now =John 6, 44-45 & John 12, 48-50
thus to be able to attain "Eternal Life," in Paradise, with Jesus Christ,
as his truthful Followers and Friends, for Eternity, therein
=Gospel, John 6, 44-45 & John 15, 6-7 and 14-15 & John 14, 17
under this One and Only True and Perfect "ONE" (=GOD)
and HIS most honorable Servants and Messengers (=e.g. Moses, Jesus, David, Muhammad, Peace be upon All of Them)
here and in the Hereafter, Forever,
for Eternity, therein (=GOSPEL, Mark 12, 29 = TORAH, Deut. 6, 4 = QURAN TESTAMENT 112, 1-4)
May GOD Perfectly Guide and Immensely Bless us all.
Remain in Peace/Serenity.