Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said:
If only one Day of this World remained, ALLAH would lengthen that Day,
till HE raises up therein a
"Man" who is from me, from my family (=i.e. his descendant
through his beloved daughter
Fatima and son-in-law
Ali therein)
(=i.e. a most specific reference to his Mahdee descendant, i.e. the long awaited and anticipated
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" who is clearly foretold in the QURAN,
here, in the first place: Ali Imran 81 = Ahzab 7-8
as we will also clearly and openly see these Verses here)whose
name will agree with my
name (=i.e.
"Muhammad" &
whose father's
name will agree with my father's
name (=i.e.
(as we have clearly and unmistakably witnessed it
due to/on those "19" coded, most Superb and matchless "Symmetrical Miracles" in this respect above)who will fill the Earth with --thus especially, due to/on
the left side of those
"19" coded
Tables above now--
"Equity" and --due to/on
the right side of those
"19" coded
Tables above now--
"Justice" as it has been filled with
"chaos" and
"discord" (before the Advent of it).
Sunan Abi Dawud,
Book 38,
Hadith 4==========
And so, let us also clearly and unmistakably see it in the QURAN, in the very first place,
now here thus:
81- ALLAH took the
Covenant (=
Meesaq) of the Prophets, (saying):
When I gave you the Scripture and the Wisdom, then a
"Messenger" (=i.e. that
as clearly prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)
in his most Miraculous and amazing Prophecy above)--
will come to you, confirming/fulfilling what is with you,
so you shall certainly
"believe" in him, and you shall certainly
"support" him! ........
* * *
7- We took from the Prophets their
Covenant (=
--(as it is clearly emphasized in the above Verse, in the first place)--
from you (O
Muhammad), and from
Noah, and
Abraham, and
Moses, and
Jesus, the Son of Mary;
We (thus) took from (all of) them (above) a solemn
Covenant (=
8- So that
HE will surely question the truthful-ones about their truthfulness (in this
most specific Issue above),
HE has prepared for the
"disbelievers" a painful Retribution (therein).
Ali Imran 81 =
Ahzab 7-8 ==========
Please, absolutely note that
these --(exact
"opposite")-- key
words at the end of those Verses above:
"believe" in him (=
"latuminunna" bihi)
X "disbelievers" (=
is another
perfect Proof above
clearly and unmistakably shows that
these second Verses above (=
Ahzab 7-8)
are the
Perfect Explanation (=
Bayaanahu) by our Lord
AL-LAH of that same
"Covenant" (=
which is emphasized in these first Verses above (=
Ali Imran 81-82), in the very first place, therein.
(=QURAN, Sura
Qiyaamat 17-19 ===> (
"Covenant = Meesaq" established in
Ali Imran 81-82)
= (
"Covenant = Meesaq" explained in
Ahzab 7-8)
So then, the most important Question we must ask here, is:
How can Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) strongly
believe in and fully
support this
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" (=i.e. which will be
delivered to all humanity
by his long awaited and anticipated
Mahdee Descendant above)-- now,
due to that
Covenant (=
Meesaq) he has already absolutely promised to
in the very beginning,
as we have clearly and unmistakably witnessed it in these
crystal clear Verses above:
Ali Imran 81-82 =
Ahzab 7-8)
Here is the unmistakably clear Answer:
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) has already strongly
believed in and will fully
support this
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" (=i.e. which has been
delivered to all humanity
by his long awaited and anticipated
Mahdee Descendant above)-- now,
by all of his
most miraculous Prophecies which are perfectly
"19" coded--(including that
most specific Prophecy with regard to
"Al-Fatihah" here:
"Al-Fatihah" = "7 Pairs" MIRACLE (=15/87) foretold by Prophet Muhammad (PbuH)http://www.19covenant19.com/mucize_detay_idf068.htmlfirst of all here, and then also with all of those
"19" codedmost Miraculous
number of "Rakahs" of "
Daily Prayers," first of all,
(as it is also clearly presented in the link) above,
for/in this Final Age now.
So finally, we can also clearly and unmistakably witness
strong Belief and
full Support of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)
unto this long awaited and anticipated
"Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant", now,
in its entirety, here:
"The Awesome Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad"http://www.19covenant19.com/mucize_detay_id183.htmlRemain in peace/salaam.