because that Es and SMuslimah thus specifically saluted me with "Peace" in the first place; (please, see their Messages Sept 16 and 17 above)
I specifically saluted them with "Peace" above, first of all, according to this best Commandment of Al-lah here (=4/86)!
So this most critical and important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" is such a "GOOD NEWS" to all believing men and women
(please, see here: Quran Testament 16/97 & 33/35)
Other than this, because that Al-lah has emphasized that in different subjects, in diferent aspects He may thus also bestow some specific Favors upon men and women over each other (please, see Quran Testament 4/32),
and He has thus also specifically emphasized that "a
male is not like a
female" here, in this specific respect (please, see Quran Testament 3/36),
so this Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant has also shown to people how Al-lah has thus bestowed a specific Favor upon all righteous Women over Men in this "19 coded" most specific respect here now. (please, see here: Universal Magnificent Miracles p. 58-61)
One of the most important mission of this promised Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant is to expose the "Dajjalic/Anti Christ" Ideologies and utterly defeat them by the help of Al-lah, and thus bring eternal Salvation and Happiness to all humanity, who will hearken to this most critical and important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now. (please, see
Quran Testament 5/17-18 & 6/71 & 42/11 & 43/15)!
Salaam to all (=39/18, 33-35) (33/35).