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Prime "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" has Arrived (3/81-82)!

Started by LastDay3, August 30, 2012, 06:36:09 PM

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Quote from: LastDay3 on September 22, 2012, 05:09:15 PM
G. Logic,
the name of the Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant, where he lives, what he does, what really qualifies him as the "Messenger of the Covenant," the long awaited (Mahdee and Messiah) descendant of prophet David and Muhammad (peace be upon both of them) has already been presented with MOST CLEAR, UNMISTAKABLE and DECISIVE proofs within the "QURAN-TESTAMENT" in the link above. 

the Verse (=2/26-27) you thus specifically refer to in your signature is one of the most critical and important "Key Verse" in which Al-lah explains the "Covenant" (=Meesaaq) and those who will keep or break His "Covenant" (=Meesaqahu) therein now.
So please, go to that link above and read "A FESTIVE MIRACLE" document therein, first of all; you may thus clearly understand

what that "Covenant" (=Meesaq) is (2/26-27 = 13/20, 25);
how it is directly related with this "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now (=3/80-81 & 33/7-8);
how all those major Prophets (=Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad; peace be upon all of them) have already thus kept their Covenant with Al-lah and fully supported and helped this long awaited and anticipated "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" (33/7-8) especially by their related most Miraculous prophecies therein.

Es and S.Muslimah,
Peace be upon both of you; please, go to that "UNIVERSAL MAGNIFICENT MIRACLES" document, and see that "19" coded most magnificent Miracle within DNA and Chromosome (base pair) Numbers of (especially a woman) therein (3/36), first of all; and then "QURAN-TESTAMENT" thus to witness some real "Good News" brought to
all righteous Women by this long awaited and anticipated "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now, and (instead of being needlessly scared) rejoice now and be really thankful
to AL-LAH, and wholeheartedly keep His Covenant (13/20-24) and fully support His "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now (3/80-81) for your own eternal Salvation and everlasting benefits here.

Youssef and MirjamNur,
The Message is clear:
There is only one true God (=AL-LAH) who has created His book of Universe and His book of Religion based on same "19 coded most magnificent Symmetrical mathematical Plannings" (74/30 & 41/53),
as it has thus clearly and unmistakably been presented to all humanity by His long awaited and anticipated "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now,


so all those righteous believers from among Jews and Christians and Arabs, and Buddhists and Hindus and Atheists and Agnostics and all others, who will thus recognize this most critical and important Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant, the long awaited (Messiah and Mahdee) descendant of prophet David and Muhammad (peace be upon both of them), and truly believe and wholeheartedly support him now (3/80-81 = 33/7-8) will, inshaAL-LAH, attain eternal Salvation and everlasting benefits here.     

(*Because that I am day and night thus working now (17/79-81) I will not be able to answer any of your questions again for some time here. So please, immediately go and see those most critical and important Documents above; because if/when you read them, you will find everything cyristal clear therein; nothing is hidden, nothing is concealed, everything is unmistakably and openly delivered and is already thus clearly answered therein, as AL-LAH has strictly commanded this prime "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" to do so here. (5/67 & 3/31-32 & 4/69-70)

No "peace" to Good Logic, Nomad, Youssef and Mirjamnur but "peace" is on Es and S.Muslimah? No peace on males?  :hmm btw, you might have got confused with "Mir" in Mirjamnur, let me tell you, she is a female too. You can send her also peace now.

My poor brothers with no peace from new messenger or whatever :(

6:162    قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين
6:162    Say: My contact prayer, and my rites, and my life, and my death, are all to Allah, Lord of the worlds.



I do not accept Anti-Christ or Dajjal or Mahdi, these are open positions to be filled which can lead to massive deception. Dajjal or Anti-Christ will deceive most of humanity. Bible says 2/3. Dajjal is deception. He will not be a supernatural being pushing clouds away or bringing people to life, he is the most deceiving. He will use basic magic to awe the masses. By using the media alone he can deceive a huge amount of the population.  I can't fully explain this in writing but I'm starting to work on a video where I'll explain every detail. Just a small detail: When ALLAH says the Day of Judgement can happen all of a sudden, then people say "We know it's not happening yet because Dajjal or Mahdi or Jesus haven't come yet",,, you see my point?


Quote from: glorytoALLAH on September 23, 2012, 06:31:10 AM
I do not accept Anti-Christ or Dajjal or Mahdi, these are open positions to be filled which can lead to massive deception. Dajjal or Anti-Christ will deceive most of humanity. Bible says 2/3. Dajjal is deception. He will not be a supernatural being pushing clouds away or bringing people to life, he is the most deceiving. He will use basic magic to awe the masses. By using the media alone he can deceive a huge amount of the population.  I can't fully explain this in writing but I'm starting to work on a video where I'll explain every detail. Just a small detail: When ALLAH says the Day of Judgement can happen all of a sudden, then people say "We know it's not happening yet because Dajjal or Mahdi or Jesus haven't come yet",,, you see my point?
Sounds like most politicians  :peace:
In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe,
The Compassionate, The Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!
You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those You have favoured,
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.


Quote from: mmkhan on September 23, 2012, 02:39:13 AM
No "peace" to Good Logic, Nomad, Youssef and Mirjamnur but "peace" is on Es and S.Muslimah? No peace on males?  :hmm btw, you might have got confused with "Mir" in Mirjamnur, let me tell you, she is a female too. You can send her also peace now.

My poor brothers with no peace from new messenger or whatever :(


Obviously the truth is out, women rule the world and men are fired for making such a mess of it all.  :elektro:
In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe,
The Compassionate, The Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!
You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those You have favoured,
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.


Quote from: glorytoALLAH on September 23, 2012, 06:31:10 AM
I do not accept Anti-Christ or Dajjal or Mahdi, these are open positions to be filled which can lead to massive deception. Dajjal or Anti-Christ will deceive most of humanity. Bible says 2/3. Dajjal is deception. He will not be a supernatural being pushing clouds away or bringing people to life, he is the most deceiving. He will use basic magic to awe the masses. By using the media alone he can deceive a huge amount of the population.  I can't fully explain this in writing but I'm starting to work on a video where I'll explain every detail. Just a small detail: When ALLAH says the Day of Judgement can happen all of a sudden, then people say "We know it's not happening yet because Dajjal or Mahdi or Jesus haven't come yet",,, you see my point?


When I was a Christian, I never understood that.  how the Bible made it clear that no one knew the day or time, not even the angels, and that it would come like a thief in the night, yet everyone would watch for the signs.  The Jehovah's Witnesses even put a year on it.  Thanks for pointing out this fact, as even I was duped into it once I converted to Islam.  Insha'Allah, we are protected from this "thing."



Quote from: Ayisha on September 23, 2012, 06:44:13 AM
Obviously the truth is out, women rule the world and men are fired for making such a mess of it all.  :elektro:

Hopefully we are making a distinction of which women rule the world...there are some I wouldn't follow the to bathroom, let alone as leaders  ;)




Quote from: scaredmuslimah on September 23, 2012, 08:54:56 AM
Hopefully we are making a distinction of which women rule the world...there are some I wouldn't follow the to bathroom, let alone as leaders  ;)


Good point, first take over the world, then sort out the leaders  :bravo:
In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe,
The Compassionate, The Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!
You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those You have favoured,
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.


Quote from: glorytoALLAH on September 23, 2012, 06:31:10 AM
I do not accept Anti-Christ or Dajjal or Mahdi, these are open positions to be filled which can lead to massive deception. Dajjal or Anti-Christ will deceive most of humanity. Bible says 2/3. Dajjal is deception. He will not be a supernatural being pushing clouds away or bringing people to life, he is the most deceiving. He will use basic magic to awe the masses. By using the media alone he can deceive a huge amount of the population.  I can't fully explain this in writing but I'm starting to work on a video where I'll explain every detail. Just a small detail: When ALLAH says the Day of Judgement can happen all of a sudden, then people say "We know it's not happening yet because Dajjal or Mahdi or Jesus haven't come yet",,, you see my point?

Ahmandi nejad is good source for your project.  :)


QuoteI do not accept Anti-Christ or Dajjal or Mahdi, these are open positions to be filled which can lead to massive deception. Dajjal or Anti-Christ will deceive most of humanity. Bible says 2/3. Dajjal is deception. He will not be a supernatural being pushing clouds away or bringing people to life, he is the most deceiving. He will use basic magic to awe the masses. By using the media alone he can deceive a huge amount of the population.  I can't fully explain this in writing but I'm starting to work on a video where I'll explain every detail. Just a small detail: When ALLAH says the Day of Judgement can happen all of a sudden, then people say "We know it's not happening yet because Dajjal or Mahdi or Jesus haven't come yet",,, you see my point?

so media are antichrist and the end its near.... the end in effect can be tomorrow-why people just work for the good if they see the end drawing near???( maybe not in this forum) every day is our last day and every morning is the new beginning... waiting until to late :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:



because that Es and SMuslimah thus specifically saluted me with "Peace" in the first place; (please, see their Messages Sept 16 and 17 above)
I specifically saluted them with "Peace" above, first of all, according to this best Commandment of Al-lah here (=4/86)!

So this most critical and important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" is such a "GOOD NEWS" to all believing men and women equally!
(please, see here:
Quran Testament 16/97 & 33/35)

Other than this, because that Al-lah has emphasized that in different subjects, in diferent aspects He may thus also bestow some specific Favors upon men and women over each other (please, see Quran Testament 4/32),
and He has thus also specifically emphasized that "a male is not like a female" here, in this specific respect (please, see Quran Testament 3/36),
so this Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant has also shown to people how Al-lah has thus bestowed a specific Favor upon all righteous Women over Men in this "19 coded" most specific respect here now. (please, see here: Universal Magnificent Miracles p. 58-61)


One of the most important mission of this promised Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant is to expose the "Dajjalic/Anti Christ" Ideologies and utterly defeat them by the help of Al-lah, and thus bring eternal Salvation and Happiness to all humanity, who will hearken to this most critical and important "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" now. (please, see Quran Testament 5/17-18 & 6/71 & 42/11 & 43/15)!

Salaam to all (=39/18, 33-35) (33/35). 
And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....