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Prime "Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant" has Arrived (3/81-82)!

Started by LastDay3, August 30, 2012, 06:36:09 PM

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27- All the ends of the Earth shall remember and turn to the LORD,
and all the families of (all) the Peoples shall worship before HIM.
28- For Kingship belongs to the LORD, and HE rules over (all) the Peoples.

(=PSALMS 22/27-28)

1- When the Victory of AL-LAH and Conquest comes.
2- And (when) you see (all) the Peoples (worldwide) entering into the Religion of AL-LAH in throngs.
3- You shall glorify the Praise of your LORD, and seek HIS Forgiveness; for HE is the Redeemer.


104- And We have written in the PSALMS, after the Reminder,
That the Earth will be inherited by MY Servants who work for the righteous-deeds.
105- In this is a "Proclamation" for (all) People who will serve --(HIM Alone =12/40).

(=QURAN TESTAMENT 21/104-105)
And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....


Salaam to all brothers/sisters,

133- And they said: If only he (=i.e. this long awaited and anticipated ?Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant? here)
would bring us a "Sign" from his LORD!
Has not --?19? coded-- ?PROOF? (=74/30-31) already come to them (now),
which is (already prophesied) in the previous Pages --(of the Hadith)?   

(=QURAN TESTAMENT 20/133)                     

1- (In one of his authentic Hadith) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

If just one Day remains of this world, ALLAH will definitely extend this Day,
and so that HE will send in this -Last- Day (=i.e. within this Thousand Years/Millennium; please see ?Quran, al-Hajj 47? in this regard)
a ?Man? (=i.e. this long awaited and anticipated ?Messenger/MESSAGE of the Covenant? here again, in this Final Age now) from my House.
His name will be like my name (=i.e. ?Muhammad;? please see ?Quran, al-Fath 29? in this regard now),
and his father?s name will be like my father?s name (=i.e. ?Abraham;? please see ?Quran, al-Hajj 78? in this regard now).
And he will fill the earth with --"19" coded-- "Equity" and "Justice," as it was filled with tyranny and chaos --(before his coming)!   

Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 4282)

So you can unmistakably and clearly witness it (="19" coded, most Superb and matchless MIRACLES in the Quran and Hadith
now here:



or/and here:

Remain in peace/salaam.
And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....


Quote from: LastDay3 on May 07, 2015, 03:32:09 AM
104- And We have written in the PSALMS, after the Reminder,

Stop spreading that lie.


Do you want people to believe that Psalms is same with Zaboor?!?

And may I know who's your Lord?   Your Creator or number "19"?
[33:72] Verily, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and they were afraid of it; but man bear it - verily, he was transgressing, ignorant.

Man of Faith


It is slightly difficult to find the true definition for zabur ( زبر ); I worked for some hour during the night out of curiosity, but it appears to have to do with hardening, reinforcement or strengthening (probably not necessarily physical) and why it does also have a suggested connotation as iron and anvil. Something 'sturdy' is zabur, it is about sturdiness الزبر. It is at occasion mentioned together with الكتب المنير which means enlightening knowledge in English.

The strengthening given to David as in his kingship and ability to defeat Goliath is likely the right interpretation for passages. It does not appear in Quran, but David is supposed to have been a thin boy in the beginning, if it has anything to do with this.

After the analysis I can agree that zabur does not mean any kind of text, partially because Arabic words do not have multiple different meanings.

Website reference: [url=""][/url]


Salaam to All,

Quote from: JavaLatte on May 07, 2015, 04:48:16 AM
Stop spreading that lie.


Do you want people to believe that Psalms is same with Zaboor?!?

104- And We have written in the PSALMS (=ZABOOR), after the Reminder,

That the Earth will be inherited by MY Servants who work for the righteous-deeds.

(=QURAN TESTAMENT 21/104-105)

Dear Friend, so here it is thus written by AL-LAH, in the first place,
in the "PSALMS" (="ZABOOR") clearly here:


18 The LORD watches over the blameless all their days, and their inheritance will last forever.

19 They will not be disgraced in times of adversity; they will be satisfied in days of hunger.

20 But the wicked will perish; the LORD?s enemies, like the glory of the pastures, will fade away ?
they will fade away as/in "Smoke" (=i.e. thus a most specific reference to this anticipated "Smoke" promised in the QURAN,
here in this case, for/in this Final Age now; =44/10-16)

21 The wicked man borrows and does not repay, but the righteous one is gracious and giving.

22 Those who are blessed by HIM will inherit the Earth, but those cursed by HIM will be destroyed.

PSALMS (=ZABOOR) 37/18-22

In Hebrew, the "Psalms" are originally called as "Tehillim" (=i.e. Songs of "Praises" of AL-LAH).
And each individual Psalm is called as "Mizmor" (plural: Mizmorim)

And here is how Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned about and thus specifically confirmed the "PSALMS" (=Mizmor, pl. Mizmorim)
which was thus granted unto Prophet David (pbuh) by AL-LAH here (=Quran 17/55
in one of his authentic Hadith here:

The Prophet (pbuh) said to him: "O Abu Musa! You have been given one of the "Mizmar" of the "Mazameer" of the family of David.

Sahih Bukhari, Book 66, Hadith 72

So you can also unmistakably and clearly witness it (="19" coded, most Superb and matchless MIRACLES in the PSALMS (=ZABOOR)
now here:



or/and here:

Quote from: JavaLatte on May 07, 2015, 04:48:16 AM
And may I know who's your Lord?   Your Creator or number "19"?

Our One and Only Lord is AL-LAH Who has created everything in HIS Book of Religion and in HIS Book of Universe
based upon a --"19" coded-- most Superb and matchless precise Measure!
(=QURAN 54/49 = 74/26-30, 31 = 41/53)

Remain in peace/salaam.

And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....


Salaam to all brothers/sisters,

Here we shall witness an Absolutely SUPERB Miracle,
which is very Easy to understand, but absolutely Impossible to imitate. (=Quran Testament 17/88)

So, there are only "6" Chapters/Surahs in the Quran Testament,
when we add the

Chapter/Surah No.    +    Total Number of Verses --(including "Basmalah" in the very beginning therein),

we perfectly get a multiple (=i.e. 19x...) therein thus:

                                          including "Basmalah"
Chapter/Surah No.    +    Total Number of Verses

            13                 +                     44                          =  19x...

            43                 +                     90                          =  19x...

            61                 +                     15                          =  19x...

            92                 +                     22                          =  19x...

           104                +                     10                          =  19x...

           110                +                      4                           =  19x...

So now, here are those most special six "Chapters/Surahs" in this respect above,
also in this Most AMAZING & Most WONDROUS order,
here thus:

         Glory be to AL-LAH!                                                     Glory be to AL-LAH!

                 Chapter/Surah No.                                                                          Chapter/Surah No.

                     13    61    92                                                                               110    104    43
                      >      >      >                                                                                  <         <      <
                    =19x...                                                                                  =19x...                                         

And now, here are those most special six "Total Number of Verses" in this respect above,
also in this Most AMAZING & Most WONDROUS order again,
here thus:

         Glory be to AL-LAH!                                                     Glory be to AL-LAH!

                Total Number of Verses                                                                 Total Number of Verses 
                     therein above                                                                                  therein above

                     44    15    22                                                                               004    010    90
                      ^      ^      ^                                                                                    ^        ^      ^
                    =19x...                                                                                   =19x...                                         

*Please, certainly note that we have thus rightfully placed all those "Chapter/Surah No's"
and then each of their "Total Number of Verses" --(in a perfectly corresponding manner)-- thereafter
as/in exact "same number of digits" above, by rightfully putting those extra zero's therein, wherever it is needed.

                                                13    61    92                         110    104    43
                                                 V       V      V                            V         V       V
                                                44    15    22                         004    010    90 


26- (AL-LAH said): So (now) I will get him (=i.e. a disbeliever or/and a skeptic who claims that QURAN is a man-made Message here; =74/20-25)
into Uprooter --(thus to absolutely prove to him and to whole world that QURAN is definitely Not a man-made Message,
but it is absolutely most Superb and matchless "Word of AL-LAH" here; =17/88)                                                    

27- And what made you know what an Uprooter!                                                                                               

28- It does not let-last --(but eliminates all those extra "zeros" --from/on the left side above--
(*because there is no need for any extra "zero" therein, because all of the numbers consist of exact "same number of digits" therein),

and It does not let-stay --(but excludes all those extra "zeros"--from/on the right side above--
(*because there is no need for an extra "zero" therein within those last numbers, because they consist of exact "same number of digits" therein again), 

29- (Thereafter, it presents) Tables --(as/in all those most special Chapter/Surah No's above
and then each of their most special Total Number of Verses therein --in such a perfectly corresponding manner-- thereafter
"for/on the left side & for/on the right side" above)-- for all humanity.   

30- Upon it (there shall be) "19"!


to be continued, inshaAL-LAH.
And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....


Quote from: LastDay3 on June 24, 2015, 05:14:16 AM
Salaam to all brothers/sisters,
to be continued, inshaAL-LAH.

Seems that Satan has fooled you knowingly or not to do these none sense calculation  which do not create any interlock protection and  sabotaging topics of this section by repeatedly same topic to move real codes topic of the first page.


Quote from: Bahman on June 24, 2015, 11:48:49 AM
Seems that Satan has fooled you knowingly or not to do these none sense calculation  which do not create any interlock protection and  sabotaging topics of this section by repeatedly same topic to move real codes topic of the first page.

I like what you wrote above, brother Bahman.
[33:72] Verily, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and they were afraid of it; but man bear it - verily, he was transgressing, ignorant.


Quote from: Bahman on June 24, 2015, 11:48:49 AM
Seems that Satan has fooled you knowingly or not to do these none sense calculation which do not create any interlock protection .......


These are absolutely Not the satan's fooling or none sense calculation. (=Quran Testament 26/210-223)
In fact, these are the real "19" coded, most Superb and matchless "Symmetrical Miracles" from AL-LAH,
as it is clearly described by HIM here, in the very first place (=Quran Testament 74/26-30, 31) (*Please, absolutely see these most Critical and Essential Verses
within the very first post above.)

210- It is not the satans who have brought it down.

211- For it cannot be achievable for them (to bring the like of it) --on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above now,--
and they cannot succeed (to bring the like of it) --on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above now.--   

212- Certainly, they are blocked from hearing (and understanding it).

213- Therefore, you shall never call upon any other god with AL-LAH (THE-GOD) (=28/70), or you will be among those who will be punished.

214- And you shall warn (whomever you can reach, beginning with) your people who are closest to you,

215- And lower your wing for (all) the believers who will follow you.

216- If they disobey you, then say, "I disown what you do."

217- And you shall put your trust in (AL-LAH) Who is --so now, thus also and especially, due to/on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Mighty,
--due to/on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Merciful.           

218- The One who sees you when you stand.

219- And also (sees) all your movements among those who prostrate.

220- Certainly, He Alone is --so now, thus also and especially, due to/on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Hearer,
--due to/on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Knower.

221- So, shall I inform you upon whom the satans descend?

222- They descend upon every "deceiver" --who want to provoke the people against the left side of those "19" coded Tables above now,--
"sinful" --who want to provoke the people against the right side of those "19" coded Tables above now!-- (=29/47 & 49)

223- They claim to listen, but most of them are liars.

(QURAN TESTAMENT 26/210-223)   

So I will deliver to all People the next "Absolutely SUPERB Miracle" from AL-LAH (=Quran Testament 74/26-30, 31),
--in a perfectly parallel and absolutely complementary manner with the first one above--
in my next post, inshaAL-LAH.
So if you have any sincerity or honesty or truthfulness in your heart, do not sabotage here by replying with nonsense,
but absolutely wait till I deliver to all People what I have to clearly and completely deliver from AL-LAH here (=5/99-100),
and then you can ask whatever you want, and, inshaAL-LAH, I will immediately and clearly answer all your claims or objections (if you will have any) then.

Remain in peace/salaam.     
And he  who  came  with  The TRUTH,
and  those  who  verified-it-as-TRUE,
they  are  the Righteous. =39/33, ....


Quote from: LastDay3 on June 24, 2015, 05:47:00 PM

These are absolutely Not the satan's fooling or none sense calculation. (=Quran Testament 26/210-223)
In fact, these are the real "19" coded, most Superb and matchless "Symmetrical Miracles" from AL-LAH,
as it is clearly described by HIM here, in the very first place (=Quran Testament 74/26-30, 31) (*Please, absolutely see these most Critical and Essential Verses
within the very first post above.)

210- It is not the satans who have brought it down.

211- For it cannot be achievable for them (to bring the like of it) --on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above now,--
and they cannot succeed (to bring the like of it) --on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above now.--   

212- Certainly, they are blocked from hearing (and understanding it).

213- Therefore, you shall never call upon any other god with AL-LAH (THE-GOD) (=28/70), or you will be among those who will be punished.

214- And you shall warn (whomever you can reach, beginning with) your people who are closest to you,

215- And lower your wing for (all) the believers who will follow you.

216- If they disobey you, then say, "I disown what you do."

217- And you shall put your trust in (AL-LAH) Who is --so now, thus also and especially, due to/on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Mighty,
--due to/on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Merciful.           

218- The One who sees you when you stand.

219- And also (sees) all your movements among those who prostrate.

220- Certainly, He Alone is --so now, thus also and especially, due to/on the left side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Hearer,
--due to/on the right side of those "19" coded Tables above-- the Knower.

221- So, shall I inform you upon whom the satans descend?

222- They descend upon every "deceiver" --who want to provoke the people against the left side of those "19" coded Tables above now,--
"sinful" --who want to provoke the people against the right side of those "19" coded Tables above now!-- (=29/47 & 49)

223- They claim to listen, but most of them are liars.

(QURAN TESTAMENT 26/210-223)   

So I will deliver to all People the next "Absolutely SUPERB Miracle" from AL-LAH (=Quran Testament 74/26-30, 31),
--in a perfectly parallel and absolutely complementary manner with the first one above--
in my next post, inshaAL-LAH.
So if you have any sincerity or honesty or truthfulness in your heart, do not sabotage here by replying with nonsense,
but absolutely wait till I deliver to all People what I have to clearly and completely deliver from AL-LAH here (=5/99-100),
and then you can ask whatever you want, and, inshaAL-LAH, I will immediately and clearly answer all your claims or objections (if you will have any) then.

Remain in peace/salaam.     
