Salam Kamzo,
Since you have a lot of interest in UFOs and aliens, I would like to share some pertinent material that I have discovered over the years. You already seem familiar with David Icke and Zecharia Sitchin so I won't post their material.
Following is the most comprehensive research I have discovered about extraterrestrials, universe and reality. It is a long book and took me many weeks to read, and contains mind blowing material. It confirms the connection between "the enlightened powers to be" and the negative reptilians and reveals many other mysteries: agree that "jinn" are extraterrestrial or subterranean aliens, but they are not only the negative reptilian aliens but also include benevolent positive aliens. Aliens can be positive entities who walk the service to others path or they can be negative entities who walk the service to self path. Please see my following posts on other threads about UFOs, aliens and jinn: the final part of the following video for various mind blowing structures found on Mars (in addition to the face on Mars): in 1981-1984, a positive 6th density extraterrestrial alien by the name of Ra channeled the message of oneness of the infinite Creator, the last day (the day of harvest), and doing good deeds (service to others) to a group of humans in USA and it also contains some other mind boggling information. Ra is a collective who belongs to the Confederation of Planets in service to the infinite Creator. Ra apparently constructed the Great Pyramid in Egypt and also brought the message of monotheism in Egypt more than 3000 years ago when it physically visited the Earth the last time, but the Egyptians started worshipping it as a sun god later on. Ra was also responsible for channeling the same message to Atlantians. the message mentions about Muhammad, Jesus and Moses in a positive manner and is a fascinating read: (PDF books) (session by session)
The message uses some unique vocabulary and following website is a study guide which explains the terminology and also classifies the material in topics: is a book by Don Elkins based on his scientific research on UFOs: are some video interviews of Sherry Wilde who was contacted by aliens multiple times, who taught her the message of oneness of the infinite Creator! She also relates the history of the planet as narrated to her by the aliens: is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read on a human traveling aboard UFO of an advanced positive alien race. This book will definitely blow your mind. It seems like a fictional/fabricated story but the author insists its a real true story: are his audio interviews: is a book about Uri Geller's fascinating and unbelievable contact with an advanced ET race (I think it was a negative entity): is the mother lode of free online material on UFOs and aliens: this material might take years to go through properly!