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UFO sighting Phenomenon-Documentary

Started by Kamzo19, June 28, 2012, 08:35:26 AM

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Peace, to all.

Well Youssef, I agree with you. But I don't understand what is the relation with 42:21 and "another universe" as you said. Did you hear what is said to have happened to the Admiral Byrd when he flew to the Pole ? A lot of sightings of strange otherwordly but earthly beings are seen around,(sometimes heard around, for example see "The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO connection" by Jack Lapseritis M.S.).

As for you, Johan, the expression "energy beings" , in my opinion, is unaccurate and lacks of relevance; because all beings, Humans, plants, and animals, are made of energy, so they are energy beings. The question that has to be answered is "what is the range of reality in which these Jinns can operate ?" . And if you try to answer, you have to consider if they operate with their physical body, or in a different plan of reality, with their astral body, or remotely by other psychic means.

Some researchers have thought about the possibility of creatures operating in the range of plasma electricity. Is this what you mean, Johan ?




Quote from: Kamzo19 on July 13, 2012, 08:05:03 AM

Some researchers have thought about the possibility of creatures operating in the range of plasma electricity. Is this what you mean, Johan ?



I quoted you with the response of energy beings.

Yeh I agree with you energy beings is inaccurate and I believe plasma beings maybe more relevant in describing them.

It would be interesting if anyone has an article they can post possibly linking jinns, nephilim, annunaki, arkans etc and getting a better picture of jinns. Not saying that the listed are synonymous and that the quran is inaccurate but the problem lies in deciphering our reality to what the quran is trying to tell us.

A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


Related to this but not delving into any quranic aspects/aliens etc...would be interested in knowing if anyone has any articles related to unidentified objects reported by pilots specifically? Not static objects (e.g. it looked like a cigar/saucer etc) but coloured/brightly lit moving ones behaving intelligently. I've read some accounts and would like to read a decent compilation since my interest is related to a similar account which I have no reason to doubt. Tia.
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.

Student of Allah

Shalom Aleikhem,

I don't even know where to start. The clue is in the term UFO.


------------ Student of Allah
[url=]"Student of Allah"'s blog[/url]


Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


Peace to all,

Well, the article AK85 has put is a very nice one. It illustrates what a lot of pilots can see in their everyday job, proving that UFOs are real, but cannot be identified as 100% being from an extraterrestrial origin. It's intelligent, but it can be terrestrial. It also shows how if an army of UFOs like the one of the Teheran incident would attack earth's defense forces and armies, we wouldn't be able to resist more than two days...

As for the answer to SavageCarrot, I don't know any book related specifically to only what pilots have seen, but, you can read any of Jacque Vall?e's books, starting by his last one : "Wonders in the Sky".




Yeah I read that one, interesting stuff. And thanks Kamzo, will give it a try.

God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


if you read the pilot's account of the speed of the objects, as well as how his jet's weapon systems etc. stopped working whenever he got too close, very interesting/thought provoking stuff

also funny how there were high ranking u.s. military officials there to debrief him as soon as he landed
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


I sent someone an account back in 2006 and my thoughts:

QuoteAnyway, my father is a commercial pilot (former millitary) and him and a co-pilot reported anomalous phenomena consisting of a ball of green light over the atlantic on a trans-atlantic night flight. This ball behaved very strangely as it sort of started following the plane and then doing these acrobatic stunts that my father said was impossible for any conventional plane be it commercial or millitary to have done, as the negative g's were not possible to pull off the way it was happening. Then after around 5 minutes of doing this, it streaked by their plane and disappeared and immediately their EMS started malfunctioning and the alarms went off.

This is reported by many pilots in the course of half a century and the aviation authorities take it seriously enough to do reports on them as they are all reported by professionals who have no reason to fake anything. In many cases there have been multiple witnesses as well. The behaviour seems like dolphins when they sight a boat and want to get attention, curious and playful. Here is a link about the phenomenon, they have pictures, accounts, research and studies done on it:

What is interesting is that the skeptics thought it was ball lightning etc etc but they all turned up wrong as the indepth studies prove that it can't be ball lightning or their conventional explanations. They end the reports by saying uptil now, we have no idea what this is and why it happens. I know that we keep discovering species, do you think this might be a kind of life form of some sort given the reactions and actions that it displays? If it is natural phenomena which is proven conclusively as the reprts and evidence suggest, then how is the behaviour explained?

Think he also mentioned something to do with ice, some system turned on after.
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


My friend told me (I know not the greatest source) that heard a story about how the Soviets actually launched someone into space before Yuri Gagarin, but that his ship was intercepted by two alien ship, and they both played "ping pong" with the soviet ship before getting bored and going their own way. Needless to say the Soviets were apparently so shocked that they covered up the whole thing.
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo