Peace, to all.
Well Youssef, I agree with you. But I don't understand what is the relation with 42:21 and "another universe" as you said. Did you hear what is said to have happened to the Admiral Byrd when he flew to the Pole ? A lot of sightings of strange otherwordly but earthly beings are seen around,(sometimes heard around, for example see "The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO connection" by Jack Lapseritis M.S.).
As for you, Johan, the expression "energy beings" , in my opinion, is unaccurate and lacks of relevance; because all beings, Humans, plants, and animals, are made of energy, so they are energy beings. The question that has to be answered is "what is the range of reality in which these Jinns can operate ?" . And if you try to answer, you have to consider if they operate with their physical body, or in a different plan of reality, with their astral body, or remotely by other psychic means.
Some researchers have thought about the possibility of creatures operating in the range of plasma electricity. Is this what you mean, Johan ?