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UFO sighting Phenomenon-Documentary

Started by Kamzo19, June 28, 2012, 08:35:26 AM

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Peace to all,

I thought it would be interesting to share views about a serious and very interesting documentary of alternative science, about UFOs and UFO Sightings.

In it, politicians and high ranking military from USA and GB testify about the phenomena asserting that it is real, and that there is a tremendous cover up from both governments.

Here is the link to this 2004 documentary, peace, waiting for your opinions.  :)



Salam Kamzo19,

It seems that not many are interested on UFOs related subjects..
But I'd think that AQ has quite somethings on "the aliens"..

I've heard about the foo fighters mentioned in the documentary..
I think their legacy go way long back to the times of the ancient ones..

soo..if there were to be any aliens invasion, it's most likely a human orchestrated one..
the ufos that are flown around these days i would speculate that they are man made..
cuz by now, the MIB's must have perfected the Flying saucer technology of the nazi eras..

but aside from the man made UFO, I would argue that there are "alien" technologies involved..
but the "aliens" aren't malevolent aliens that most holy wood movies depict..

I would argue that the aliens are not coming down to earth because we aren't ready to welcome them.. :laugh:
Here is a hint from the AQ:
قُل لَّوْ كَانَ فِي الْأَرْ‌ضِ مَلَائِكَةٌ يَمْشُونَ مُطْمَئِنِّينَ لَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْهِم مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ مَلَكًا رَّ‌سُولًا ﴿٩٥﴾
[17:95] Sahih International
Say, "If there were upon the earth angels walking securely, We would have sent down to them from the heaven an angel [as a] messenger."

The technologies that have something to do with the babylonian man with eagle wings and round shaped ring :
وَأَرْ‌سَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرً‌ا أَبَابِيلَ ﴿٣﴾
تَرْ‌مِيهِم بِحِجَارَ‌ةٍ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ ﴿٤﴾
[105:3] Sahih International
And He sent against them birds in flocks,
[105:4] Sahih International
Striking them with stones of hard clay,

my translation of the verse is:
And we have sent to them flying birds of Babyl..
showering them with stone-like projectiles of sijjeel..

could sijjeel be tachyons related technologies? :hypno:

a verse about the throne of Allah that is brought by an armada of 8 angles:
فَإِذَا نُفِخَ فِي الصُّورِ‌ نَفْخَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ ﴿١٣﴾ وَحُمِلَتِ الْأَرْ‌ضُ وَالْجِبَالُ فَدُكَّتَا دَكَّةً وَاحِدَةً ﴿١٤﴾ فَيَوْمَئِذٍ وَقَعَتِ الْوَاقِعَةُ ﴿١٥﴾ وَانشَقَّتِ السَّمَاءُ فَهِيَ يَوْمَئِذٍ وَاهِيَةٌ ﴿١٦﴾ وَالْمَلَكُ عَلَىٰ أَرْ‌جَائِهَا ۚ وَيَحْمِلُ عَرْ‌شَ رَ‌بِّكَ فَوْقَهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ ثَمَانِيَةٌ ﴿١٧﴾
Then when the Horn is blown with one blast (13) And the earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with one blow - (14) Then on that Day, the Resurrection will occur, (15) And the heaven will split [open], for that Day it is infirm. (16) And the angels are at its edges. And there will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that Day, eight [of them]. (17)

8 motherships?



A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


Salam to both, Prince and Johan,

Well, I also think that many of the UFO's flying around are man made, surely because of the Nazi's haunebus developed along the past decades. An episode of the Ancient Aliens series mentions Werner Von Brauun, ex-Nazi and the father of the American space program, when saying that he developed rocket technology and space technology with the help of aliens.

But when talking of aliens, what are we talking about ? Beings from other planets in this universe or from others ? (I mean, other dimensions...)

Do you think it's possible that Jinns, people from other dimensions, found a way to enter our universe through portals that lead to our universe ?

I was also thinking about what Credo Mutwa said to D. Icke in "The Reptilian Agenda",about the reptilian "chitauri's" literally living underground, on this Earth, hiding from the population of the surface and having preserved old technology by surviving massive disasters in distant pasts.

What do you think about all that ? Stewart Swerdlow mentioned a possible fake staged alien invasion against Humanity, where a reptilian race would come to save us and protect us from so called bad aliens. They would then (the reptilian "saviors")present themselves as part of the history of Humanity, and we would accept them, just as they were living among us in a remote Past. A serious book talks about a more than serious possible alien invasion, it is entitled "Project Epiphany" , written by Richard J. Boylan Phd....

Well, I don't see anything in Quran going against that. Quite the contrary, some passages of Quran (Jinn meaning also "Serpent' in Ancient Arabic) , and of the Bible with the Nephilims and the Old Serpent (Satan), go in that sense.

Anyway, for the Sura of the Elephant, I have another translation, I don't think it is what you mentioned Johan, but it's a good and original attempt.

Peace to both of you.



Salaam Kizmo.

David Icke is an interesting researcher and I find it interesting how the reptilian symbology is all over the world and throughout ancient history. I'm aware of the verse in the Quran of how Moses is instructed to throw his staff and it becomes serpent like which the word in arabic comes from the same root word as maybe that there is a clue to the nature of what jinns are....whether they can shape shift as some believe I haven't come across any clues in the Quran.

I believe the modern technology we have was discovered through "alien" contact possibly through Roswell incident in New Mexico hence why Area 51 is a no go area and very secretive.

Based on my reading of the quran there's no doubt that we are NOT alone in being the only conscious beings in this universe, whether they fall under the jinn category or the category of other creations of Allah I'm still unsure.


A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


Quote from: Kamzo19 on July 02, 2012, 03:10:45 PM
Salam to both, Prince and Johan,

Well, I also think that many of the UFO's flying around are man made, surely because of the Nazi's haunebus developed along the past decades. An episode of the Ancient Aliens series mentions Werner Von Brauun, ex-Nazi and the father of the American space program, when saying that he developed rocket technology and space technology with the help of aliens.

But when talking of aliens, what are we talking about ? Beings from other planets in this universe or from others ? (I mean, other dimensions...)

Do you think it's possible that Jinns, people from other dimensions, found a way to enter our universe through portals that lead to our universe ?

I was also thinking about what Credo Mutwa said to D. Icke in "The Reptilian Agenda",about the reptilian "chitauri's" literally living underground, on this Earth, hiding from the population of the surface and having preserved old technology by surviving massive disasters in distant pasts.

What do you think about all that ? Stewart Swerdlow mentioned a possible fake staged alien invasion against Humanity, where a reptilian race would come to save us and protect us from so called bad aliens. They would then (the reptilian "saviors")present themselves as part of the history of Humanity, and we would accept them, just as they were living among us in a remote Past. A serious book talks about a more than serious possible alien invasion, it is entitled "Project Epiphany" , written by Richard J. Boylan Phd....

Well, I don't see anything in Quran going against that. Quite the contrary, some passages of Quran (Jinn meaning also "Serpent' in Ancient Arabic) , and of the Bible with the Nephilims and the Old Serpent (Satan), go in that sense.

Anyway, for the Sura of the Elephant, I have another translation, I don't think it is what you mentioned Johan, but it's a good and original attempt.

Peace to both of you.


Salam Kamzo and Prince,

Thanks for the pointers.
I'd agree with some points about the serpent thing with Prince.
Though not sure with jinn and the connection with serpent..

interestingly enough 7ayaah(life) and 7ayyah(serpent)  have same root 7a ya ya
فَأَلْقَاهَا فَإِذَا هِيَ حَيَّةٌ تَسْعَىٰ ﴿٢٠﴾
[20:20] Sahih International
So he threw it down, and thereupon it was a snake, moving swiftly.

وَاضْرِ‌بْ لَهُم مَّثَلَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاءٍ أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَاتُ الْأَرْ‌ضِ فَأَصْبَحَ هَشِيمًا تَذْرُ‌وهُ الرِّ‌يَاحُ ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّـهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مُّقْتَدِرً‌ا ﴿٤٥﴾
[18:45] Sahih International
And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability.
and we were ajinnatun(hidden/fetus/of jin??) also when we were inside our mothers womb

الَّذِينَ يَجْتَنِبُونَ كَبَائِرَ‌ الْإِثْمِ وَالْفَوَاحِشَ إِلَّا اللَّمَمَ ۚ إِنَّ رَ‌بَّكَ وَاسِعُ الْمَغْفِرَ‌ةِ ۚ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِكُمْ إِذْ أَنشَأَكُم مِّنَ الْأَرْ‌ضِ وَإِذْ أَنتُمْ أَجِنَّةٌ فِي بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ ۖ فَلَا تُزَكُّوا أَنفُسَكُمْ ۖ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَنِ اتَّقَىٰ ﴿٣٢﴾
[53:32] Sahih International
Those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, only [committing] slight ones. Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He was most knowing of you when He produced you from the earth and when you were fetuses??? in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He is most knowing of who fears Him.

so not sure what are jinn or even what are we? :D

I'm currently watching V in WB Tv. @Season 2 ep 2 i guess..
Very interesting, can't wait to see the endings.. :))
But if the jinn were to be serpent aliens, i'd bet they are way superior technologically then the depiction in V ..



salam Johan and Prince,

Thanks for your insights. You think well about all that stuff, Prince. In my area of research, that is Old Semitic Languages, I noticed something very interesting about the nature of so called spirits/jinns, even in other ancient civilizations ( Mayan, Greek, Hindu,...). In Ancient Arabic language, there is effectively a clue to the nature of what jinns are.  ;)

Dear Johan, the root 7-y-y has two meanigs and each of the verses you quote refer in my opinion to one of the meanings. 53:32 refers to feotus and the others to life and snake respectively, because of the contexts. You're also right to say that if the  the jinn were to be serpent aliens, they're surely are way superior technologically then the depiction in V can have an idea by reading "the Cometa Report" written by French renowned high degree scientists, freely downloadable on the web, and also Jacques Vall?e's books, that you can find for sometimes less than 10 USD on

Pay also attention to the last episode of V (2009), and compare it to what Serge Monast said about the Blue Beam Project, you'll be surprised ;-)




Quote from: Kamzo19 on July 09, 2012, 06:58:57 PM
salam Johan and Prince,

Thanks for your insights. You think well about all that stuff, Prince. In my area of research, that is Old Semitic Languages, I noticed something very interesting about the nature of so called spirits/jinns, even in other ancient civilizations ( Mayan, Greek, Hindu,...). In Ancient Arabic language, there is effectively a clue to the nature of what jinns are.  ;)

Dear Johan, the root 7-y-y has two meanigs and each of the verses you quote refer in my opinion to one of the meanings. 53:32 refers to feotus and the others to life and snake respectively, because of the contexts. You're also right to say that if the  the jinn were to be serpent aliens, they're surely are way superior technologically then the depiction in V can have an idea by reading "the Cometa Report" written by French renowned high degree scientists, freely downloadable on the web, and also Jacques Vall?e's books, that you can find for sometimes less than 10 USD on

Pay also attention to the last episode of V (2009), and compare it to what Serge Monast said about the Blue Beam Project, you'll be surprised ;-)


Salam Kamzo19,

great, will do some readings on those pointers inshaallah..
keep us informed..



Quote from: Kamzo19 on July 09, 2012, 06:58:57 PM
salam Johan and Prince,

Thanks for your insights. You think well about all that stuff, Prince. In my area of research, that is Old Semitic Languages, I noticed something very interesting about the nature of so called spirits/jinns, even in other ancient civilizations ( Mayan, Greek, Hindu,...). In Ancient Arabic language, there is effectively a clue to the nature of what jinns are.  ;)

Energy beings?

Please share.

A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


peace be with you as well
well, I would believe in extraterrestrial life, maybe even in other universes 42:29
also, Jinns might possess the capability of having advanced technology 27:38
they could fly around and "touch the sky" 72:8

Facebook Group

"Fear not those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear the one who can destroy both the soul and the body in hell." (Matthew 10:28)


Peace, to all.

Well Youssef, I agree with you. But I don't understand what is the relation with 42:21 and "another universe" as you said. Did you hear what is said to have happened to the Admiral Byrd when he flew to the Pole ? A lot of sightings of strange otherwordly but earthly beings are seen around,(sometimes heard around, for example see "The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO connection" by Jack Lapseritis M.S.).

As for you, Johan, the expression "energy beings" , in my opinion, is unaccurate and lacks of relevance; because all beings, Humans, plants, and animals, are made of energy, so they are energy beings. The question that has to be answered is "what is the range of reality in which these Jinns can operate ?" . And if you try to answer, you have to consider if they operate with their physical body, or in a different plan of reality, with their astral body, or remotely by other psychic means.

Some researchers have thought about the possibility of creatures operating in the range of plasma electricity. Is this what you mean, Johan ?




Quote from: Kamzo19 on July 13, 2012, 08:05:03 AM

Some researchers have thought about the possibility of creatures operating in the range of plasma electricity. Is this what you mean, Johan ?



I quoted you with the response of energy beings.

Yeh I agree with you energy beings is inaccurate and I believe plasma beings maybe more relevant in describing them.

It would be interesting if anyone has an article they can post possibly linking jinns, nephilim, annunaki, arkans etc and getting a better picture of jinns. Not saying that the listed are synonymous and that the quran is inaccurate but the problem lies in deciphering our reality to what the quran is trying to tell us.

A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


Related to this but not delving into any quranic aspects/aliens etc...would be interested in knowing if anyone has any articles related to unidentified objects reported by pilots specifically? Not static objects (e.g. it looked like a cigar/saucer etc) but coloured/brightly lit moving ones behaving intelligently. I've read some accounts and would like to read a decent compilation since my interest is related to a similar account which I have no reason to doubt. Tia.
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.

Student of Allah

Shalom Aleikhem,

I don't even know where to start. The clue is in the term UFO.


------------ Student of Allah
[url=]"Student of Allah"'s blog[/url]


Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


Peace to all,

Well, the article AK85 has put is a very nice one. It illustrates what a lot of pilots can see in their everyday job, proving that UFOs are real, but cannot be identified as 100% being from an extraterrestrial origin. It's intelligent, but it can be terrestrial. It also shows how if an army of UFOs like the one of the Teheran incident would attack earth's defense forces and armies, we wouldn't be able to resist more than two days...

As for the answer to SavageCarrot, I don't know any book related specifically to only what pilots have seen, but, you can read any of Jacque Vall?e's books, starting by his last one : "Wonders in the Sky".




Yeah I read that one, interesting stuff. And thanks Kamzo, will give it a try.

God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


if you read the pilot's account of the speed of the objects, as well as how his jet's weapon systems etc. stopped working whenever he got too close, very interesting/thought provoking stuff

also funny how there were high ranking u.s. military officials there to debrief him as soon as he landed
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


I sent someone an account back in 2006 and my thoughts:

QuoteAnyway, my father is a commercial pilot (former millitary) and him and a co-pilot reported anomalous phenomena consisting of a ball of green light over the atlantic on a trans-atlantic night flight. This ball behaved very strangely as it sort of started following the plane and then doing these acrobatic stunts that my father said was impossible for any conventional plane be it commercial or millitary to have done, as the negative g's were not possible to pull off the way it was happening. Then after around 5 minutes of doing this, it streaked by their plane and disappeared and immediately their EMS started malfunctioning and the alarms went off.

This is reported by many pilots in the course of half a century and the aviation authorities take it seriously enough to do reports on them as they are all reported by professionals who have no reason to fake anything. In many cases there have been multiple witnesses as well. The behaviour seems like dolphins when they sight a boat and want to get attention, curious and playful. Here is a link about the phenomenon, they have pictures, accounts, research and studies done on it:

What is interesting is that the skeptics thought it was ball lightning etc etc but they all turned up wrong as the indepth studies prove that it can't be ball lightning or their conventional explanations. They end the reports by saying uptil now, we have no idea what this is and why it happens. I know that we keep discovering species, do you think this might be a kind of life form of some sort given the reactions and actions that it displays? If it is natural phenomena which is proven conclusively as the reprts and evidence suggest, then how is the behaviour explained?

Think he also mentioned something to do with ice, some system turned on after.
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


My friend told me (I know not the greatest source) that heard a story about how the Soviets actually launched someone into space before Yuri Gagarin, but that his ship was intercepted by two alien ship, and they both played "ping pong" with the soviet ship before getting bored and going their own way. Needless to say the Soviets were apparently so shocked that they covered up the whole thing.
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


Quote from: AK85 on July 23, 2012, 01:38:54 PM
My friend told me (I know not the greatest source) that heard a story about how the Soviets actually launched someone into space before Yuri Gagarin, but that his ship was intercepted by two alien ship, and they both played "ping pong" with the soviet ship before getting bored and going their own way. Needless to say the Soviets were apparently so shocked that they covered up the whole thing.

And the ship was completely fine and intact, the aliens just wanted to have some fun apparently.
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

We here have different views from salaat, to haj, to qibla to shirk to many fiqh issues. But there is something that binds us all, is we take our deen from the Quran and we recognize its authority over anything else. - BigMo


Think I read that someplace but thought it was a urban space legend.

There are aliens and then there are aliens. Personally, I wouldn't think things would be as ambiguous if aliens like they say exist, actually do exist.
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


Salam to all,

Well, this kind of incident ressembles what happened to the Phobos satellite. Google it as "phobos incident", when the Russians sent a satellite to Mars and it was intercepted by "something" intelligent. It is very well documented. It showed them that one of the natural moons of Mars, named Phobos, may be inhabited, as well as the moon. Late Zecharia Sitchin describes in "the 12th Planet" and in "Genesis Revisited", how Mars was once a space station for a race of beings who lived in a distant planet of our solar system, when they visited Earth thousands of years ago. (Last time was during Sumerian period).

A book has also been written in the field of parapsychology, by the famous Ingo Swann, the remote viewer of the CIA. It's entitled "Penetration". He explains how an agency used his psychic gift to explore the surface of our Moon. When doing so, surprise, there was tremendous activity upthere. You can download it for free at If you add to that the dozens of NASA photographs and pictures took by independant researchers that show anomalies on the Moon. It leaves no doubt that the surface of our Moon is inhabited by intelligent people who build tall buildings, dig tunnels, and install power plants that generate a lot of heat. The power plants generating heat are also the way governments noticed that Earth's underground was inhabited by non-humans: when watching infrared satellite pictures, they noticed that supposedly desert regions of the globe had places in the ground from where great amounts of heat was escaping.

Observations shew at those places intense UFO activity, (literally UFOs coming out from inside mountains, and landing inside. They noticed also similar activity in mountain area in Africa, Australia, South America, and in famous lakes in South America for example. A lot of books about that...

It's interesting to notice that these places were sacred for indigenous people in the Past. They say that the "gods" lived there.  Storied also talk about "serpent gods", interesting when compared to "jinns" that mean "serpent" in Old Arabic....



Interesting topic this is turning out to be.

What i find interesting is how the quran describes jinns being chased out of heavens by projectiles which when observing our reality could possibly hint to being ufos.??

A book is only as good as it?s reader. Once opened symbols present themselves for the reader to decipher. We learn and relearn new conceptual models to comprehend these symbols. A book is only a tool.


Well it can be an interpretation of the quranic passages where you see that.




QuoteStoried also talk about "serpent gods", interesting when compared to "jinns" that mean "serpent" in Old Arabic....
I've always found this interesting, the whole helix/quezacoatel parallels. I also recall something about plasma energy maybe? that oscillates in a snakey way back in the day during discussions on jinn, Musa's staff etc.


it's actually quetzalcoatl, wonder how it's pronounced :P
God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.


Quote from: Kamzo19 on August 03, 2012, 03:13:40 PM
Well, I think this article may help :

Interesting read, though I kind of had my alarms go wild when hearing about The Dajjal.
IMO there is a reason why Dajjal is never mentioned in the Quran, and the reason is that it's counter productive to the idea of God unveiling amongst us. This contradicts the Quran mentioning the descent of God from heaven accompanied by 8 angles.
As long as we have this prejudice of God being The Dajjal/Anti Christ, we will always end up seeking to kill this God or His messengers etc.etc. or at least to avoid Him etc.etc. the way the Pharaoh tried to kill Moses AS, and those who tried to kill Jesus AS.

IMO, there are scriptures that severs the connection between the world of the seen and the world of the unseen ('9oib) through demonizing, stigmatization and blurring the meaning of terms such as  sakar, kaahin, etc into si7r(black magic), shirk(paganism?) etc.etc.
Quran is not one of those scriptures. OTOH, Quran's seeks to reestablish the severed connection. When mentioning the terms like sakar, kaahin, etc as if it tries to stimulate a sense of interest to the world of mystery. A world which can inspire and quench the thirst for knowledge of the unknown.

would like to write more but haven't got the time yet, inshaAllah when time allows..




Quote from: johan on August 07, 2012, 01:50:20 AM
Quran's seeks to reestablish the severed connection. When mentioning the terms like sakar, kaahin, etc as if it tries to stimulate a sense of interest to the world of mystery. A world which can inspire and quench the thirst for knowledge of the unknown.


I agree with that, skepticism is in my opinion a mean to stay in a cumfortable ideological position. 
The exploration and investigation of the basics of ufology and spiritualism gives you an idea of what to expect. Please, note that I wrote exploration and investigation, not the reading of a single Wikipedia page or the googling of the word "UFO", for example,  and the reading or the first article that may be a hoaxed-sh** written by a fool wearing a t-shirt printed with "no future" and "death to Illuminatis" without any sense of reason and rationality, and not able to think in a logical way.

The problem with skepticism, is that most oftenly, the skeptic stops his pseudo investigation (because he's already convinced that he's right in thinking that he can explain everything) at the first hoax he encounters. In fact, he's not most oftenly in research of the truth behind the paranormal he hears about, but he's in research of the hoax that will give him the occasion to prove he's right. It's a kind of traditional religion. All that contradicts their value is a hoax, or is wrong. I qualify it as an egotistic way of thinking, very arrogant, because it starts with the incredibly arrogant postulate "We can explain everything with reason".

And if somebody disagrees, let him try to explain the faith of a Quranist, who didn't know about the miracle of code 19; and we'll see how rationally he can explain his belief in Quran being the word of God.




I hope you're all doing well. I have found an interesting 2 hours long video summarizing the connection between the so called "Enlightened" elite in power and the UFO connection. It confirms and illustrate very well what was written in the article I posted 3 posts ago.  It exposes the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and its links with evil rituals and cults. There are very interesting featurings (Jacques Vall?e, Ted Gunderson,...) and references.

Only one objection, at the end, the video maker puts pictures of giant skeletons. Except the big lonely bone, the skeletons are probably fake ones. For those who are interested in the giant people who once lived on Earth, I suggest the related episode of Ancient Aliens, and Sitchin's book entitled "There were giants upon the Earth". Here is the link to the video, feel free to comment.

Don't loose your criticism, and have a nice weekend. :)


Salam Kamzo,

Since you have a lot of interest in UFOs and aliens, I would like to share some pertinent material that I have discovered over the years. You already seem familiar with David Icke and Zecharia Sitchin so I won't post their material.

Following is the most comprehensive research I have discovered about extraterrestrials, universe and reality. It is a long book and took me many weeks to read, and contains mind blowing material. It confirms the connection between "the enlightened powers to be" and the negative reptilians and reveals many other mysteries:

I agree that "jinn" are extraterrestrial or subterranean aliens, but they are not only the negative reptilian aliens but also include benevolent positive aliens. Aliens can be positive entities who walk the service to others path or they can be negative entities who walk the service to self path. Please see my following posts on other threads about UFOs, aliens and jinn:

Watch the final part of the following video for various mind blowing structures found on Mars (in addition to the face on Mars):

Recently in 1981-1984, a positive 6th density extraterrestrial alien by the name of Ra channeled the message of oneness of the infinite Creator, the last day (the day of harvest), and doing good deeds (service to others) to a group of humans in USA and it also contains some other mind boggling information. Ra is a collective who belongs to the Confederation of Planets in service to the infinite Creator. Ra apparently constructed the Great Pyramid in Egypt and also brought the message of monotheism in Egypt more than 3000 years ago when it physically visited the Earth the last time, but the Egyptians started worshipping it as a sun god later on. Ra was also responsible for channeling the same message to Atlantians. the message mentions about Muhammad, Jesus and Moses in a positive manner and is a fascinating read:  (PDF books)  (session by session)

The message uses some unique vocabulary and following website is a study guide which explains the terminology and also classifies the material in topics:

Following is a book by Don Elkins based on his scientific research on UFOs:

Following are some video interviews of Sherry Wilde who was contacted by aliens multiple times, who taught her the message of oneness of the infinite Creator! She also relates the history of the planet as narrated to her by the aliens:

Following is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read on a human traveling aboard UFO of an advanced positive alien race. This book will definitely blow your mind. It seems like a fictional/fabricated story but the author insists its a real true story:

Following are his audio interviews:

Following is a book about Uri Geller's fascinating and unbelievable contact with an advanced ET race (I think it was a negative entity):

Following is the mother lode of free online material on UFOs and aliens:

All this material might take years to go through properly!

6:116 And if you obey the majority of those on Earth they will lead you away from God?s path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.

10:36 Most of them only follow conjecture. While conjecture does not avail against the truth in anything. God is aware of what they do.

2:170 And if they are told: ?Follow what God has sent down,? they say: ?No, we will follow what we found our fathers doing!? What if their fathers did not understand anything and were not guided?

28:75 And We will extract from every nation a witness, then We will say: ?Bring forth your proof.? They will then realize that all truth belongs with God, and what they had invented will abandon them.


Salam everyone,

Few more interesting videos:

During The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in 2013, 40 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses were brought to the National Press Club in Washington to testify for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 former members of the U. S. Congress regarding events and evidence for extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1947.

Canada's former minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer testified at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington DC saying, "Aliens are living among us and it is likely at least two of them are working with the United States government."

In this highly detailed account of his 2+ years of close encounters with an E.T. race known as ?The Tall Whites? (living and operating from their well guarded & concealed residence & space port in Nevada?s Area 53 & 54) former military ?Weather Observer? Charles J. Hall recounts his intensely personal experiences with these unusual humanoids during his U.S. military service of the late 1960s.

At International UFO Congress in 2009, Barbara Lamb shared unusual extraterrestrial encounters from her 19 years of hypnotically regressing nearly 620 people to the details of their real encounters with various kinds of beings from the cosmos. These experiences go way beyond those we hear about in the public media, and give a new perspective to the alien abduction phenomenon. She shows drawings of various kinds of aliens as witnessed by people and also some actual photographs! Must watch video for enthusiasts of aliens.

6:116 And if you obey the majority of those on Earth they will lead you away from God?s path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.

10:36 Most of them only follow conjecture. While conjecture does not avail against the truth in anything. God is aware of what they do.

2:170 And if they are told: ?Follow what God has sent down,? they say: ?No, we will follow what we found our fathers doing!? What if their fathers did not understand anything and were not guided?

28:75 And We will extract from every nation a witness, then We will say: ?Bring forth your proof.? They will then realize that all truth belongs with God, and what they had invented will abandon them.


unsealed ufo files and hanger 1 is also interested show to watch ...


Peace everyone,

First scientific paper stating extraterrestrial intelligence as the most likely hypothesis, published October 2016:

Original paper:


6:116 And if you obey the majority of those on Earth they will lead you away from God?s path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.

10:36 Most of them only follow conjecture. While conjecture does not avail against the truth in anything. God is aware of what they do.

2:170 And if they are told: ?Follow what God has sent down,? they say: ?No, we will follow what we found our fathers doing!? What if their fathers did not understand anything and were not guided?

28:75 And We will extract from every nation a witness, then We will say: ?Bring forth your proof.? They will then realize that all truth belongs with God, and what they had invented will abandon them.