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To the translators of Qur'an

Started by Student of Allah, June 23, 2012, 06:42:39 AM

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Student of Allah

Shalom Aleikhem,

This is for the translators of the Qur'an we find in this site (A monotheist translation). I was wondering if there is a way I can question their choice of words in translations ? I mean ofcourse I could, but , would I be getting any explanation for the choice of words in certain verses ?

Incase you are wondering, I would be questioning verses that are commonly associated with scientific claims. I would like to know how much of the translations are the translator making things up and how much of it is factual. Don't get me wrong, I do not doubt anyone's sincerity. It is just that I must verify as much as I possibly and potentially can. I am getting lost in the PRL :P So thought about posting it here. If the translators can find time, I would be so happy :D

-------------- Student of Allah
[url=]"Student of Allah"'s blog[/url]



A short answer to your question.

AlQuraan cannot be translated.

Sorry if someone don't like my answer but this is the fact.

May Allah increase us in knowledge and guide us to His true path  :pr
6:162    قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين
6:162    Say: My contact prayer, and my rites, and my life, and my death, are all to Allah, Lord of the worlds.


good logic

Peace all.
I agree.

Only the author of the Koran will be able to" Translate it, teach it, explain it..." to the reader/ student/ponderer/ submitter/...

There is a clear criteria and a test for qualifying.

Of course anyone can attempt to translate, teach... and claim they have the right understanding.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Quote from: mmkhan on June 23, 2012, 03:11:42 PM

A short answer to your question.

AlQuraan cannot be translated.

Thank you brother for rendering Quran worthless.

Quote from: good logic on June 23, 2012, 03:27:10 PM
Peace all.
I agree.

Only the author of the Koran will be able to" Translate it, teach it, explain it..." to the reader/ student/ponderer/ submitter/...

There is a clear criteria and a test for qualifying.


Peace good logic

Who is the author of Quran?  How would any one know who is the author?  besides understanding Quran itself?  If you know him and his address can you take me to him?

Yes he is with everyone.  But what does he want from us?  It appears this is what is lost in translations of Quran.  So my question to both of you.  If Quran is untranslatable?  Plus one needs its author to translate it.  Why bother about Quran and waste our time about it?  As you are unlikely to lead to his address to get the job done.

Peace to you.  This is what Quran says

"Surah 114:1             قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ

Reflect and then express in your words that, I seek protection from the state of commotion about my Rabb. (Sustainer, Foster, Maintainer and Accomplisher.) "

This is what the state of commotion is all about.
Be aware, knowledge is not static.  My knowledge of Classic Arabic is evolving too.  Hence my understanding of the message continues to evolve.  I think, learn, unlearn, relearn and then believe; not believe and claim to know it all.

good logic

Peace bkanwar2.

Quote--"Rabb. (Sustainer, Foster, Maintainer and Accomplisher.) " Your creator ( GOD, DIEU,ALLAH ...) HE is the author of the Koran. If not

Who do you believe authored the Koran?

38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Salaam bkanwar2,

Thank you for your reply.

I still stand strong on what I said that AlQuraan cannot be translated. The main reason behind it is one has to keep on updating his/her understanding of AlQuraan for his whole lifetime. If one translate AlQuraan today with what he/she understood, tomorrow they will come up with new understanding of the same aayaats. And it keeps on updating till death. Hence, you cannot translate it.

This simply means every individual has to make their own way towards Allah by studying AlQuraan and implying it in our daily life with your current understanding. If Allah shows you something else tomorrow, just update yourself and keep on doing it.

This is the beauty of AlQuraan unlike other books.

May Allah increase us in knowledge and guide us to His true path  :pr
6:162    قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين
6:162    Say: My contact prayer, and my rites, and my life, and my death, are all to Allah, Lord of the worlds.



Quote from: good logic on June 24, 2012, 12:42:53 AM

Quote--"Rabb. (Sustainer, Foster, Maintainer and Accomplisher.) " Your creator ( GOD, DIEU,ALLAH ...) HE is the author of the Koran. 

Peace good logic, if you have understood this much.  Please know this as well,  that his functioning is according to laws determined by him.  He neither comes to any individual nor any one knows his address.  Hence, a simple law which is consistent and according to his given sense of reason and logic for understanding a book is to learn it via learning it's language.  If you know anything different, please share.  I am very open to ideas.

Quote from: mmkhan on June 24, 2012, 02:42:36 AM
Salaam bkanwar2,

Thank you for your reply.

I still stand strong on what I said that AlQuraan cannot be translated. The main reason behind it is one has to keep on updating his/her understanding of AlQuraan for his whole lifetime. If one translate AlQuraan today with what he/she understood, tomorrow they will come up with new understanding of the same aayaats. And it keeps on updating till death. Hence, you cannot translate it.

This simply means every individual has to make their own way towards Allah by studying AlQuraan and implying it in our daily life with your current understanding. If Allah shows you something else tomorrow, just update yourself and keep on doing it.

This is the beauty of AlQuraan unlike other books.

May Allah increase us in knowledge and guide us to His true path  :pr

If you agree and believe upon this much.  Please give me your reasoning.  As to why do you insist upon and keep quoting from a translation and understanding which is more than thousand year old?  Not only keep quoting but keep believing as a gospel truth.  Furthermore, when this thousand year old translation is not based upon language, instead mostly upon hearsay.
Be aware, knowledge is not static.  My knowledge of Classic Arabic is evolving too.  Hence my understanding of the message continues to evolve.  I think, learn, unlearn, relearn and then believe; not believe and claim to know it all.

good logic

Peace bkanwar.

I think you need to explain your new reasoning .

Even you seem to be still learning it according to your posts.

Since you ask for my reasoning ,check:
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Quote from: good logic on June 24, 2012, 09:55:26 AM
Peace bkanwar.

I think you need to explain your new reasoning .

Even you seem to be still learning it according to your posts.

Since you ask for my reasoning ,check:

Peace good logic.

My reasoning is very simple.

1.  Any book could only be understood by learning/understanding its language.
2.  At present Quran is only understood via its translations written more than 200 years after its supposed origin.
3.  Hence, one has only one of the two options, either continuing to accept this translation as real Quran, or else to attempt an understanding via language.
4.  I have put on the net for several years now linguistic meanings of Allah with explanation as "one who is not a deity for worship".  I would like ones who consider my Rabb as a deity for worship to prove it wrong step by step.  So I could be rightly guided.

5.  If they can not do it.  My humble request would be to stop drawing their authority based upon Quran.  However, they remain free to continue believing acting as they may chose.

6. Finally if they really understand that Quran, as well believe in it as a book from our Rabb; then instead of defending their held beliefs based upon ancestor?s beliefs.  They should work to help and decode Quran, based upon language.
Be aware, knowledge is not static.  My knowledge of Classic Arabic is evolving too.  Hence my understanding of the message continues to evolve.  I think, learn, unlearn, relearn and then believe; not believe and claim to know it all.

good logic

Peace bkanwar2

I am not defending anything. I simply asked you to explain your understanding.

It does not make sense when you say" one who is not a deity for worship" Explain Who is he then?

Also you translate a name " one who is not a deity for worship" for Allah. You added " for worship" . It does not seem to be there?


38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?