God's Systems of Guidance and Misguidance
*People need to realise that God Almighty has placed a "System of Guidance and Misguidance", whereby people get guided or misguided based on their actions/deeds etc. We therefore have a glimpse on who's likely to be Guided and Misguided.
God Guides:God guides those who are Nice (6:84, 37:121)
God guides those who Believe & Do good (10:9)
God guides those who Strive in his cause (29:69)
God guides those who Obey/Repent (13:27, 42:13)
God guides those who Seek his Acceptance/Approval (5:16)
God Does NOT Guide:
God does not guide the Guilty (3:86)
God does not guide the Corrupt* (5:108)
God does not guide the Arrogants (7:146)
God does not guide the Agressors (10:74)
God does not guide the criminals (15:12, 26:200)
God does not guide the Evil-doers (14:27, 6:144)
God does not guide those who do bad things (30:10)
God does not guide the transgressing Liers (40:28)
God does not guide the lying Unappreciative (39:3)
God does not guide the transgressing Doubters (40:34)
God does not guide those who don?t expect to meet him (10:11)
God does not guide those who believe, disbelieve, believe, then disbelieve again (4:137)
God does not guide the Disbelievers (9:37, 5:67, 16:104) and Leads them farther astray (40:74)
God does not guide people who violate His covenant after pledging to uphold it, and 2) sever/go against what God has commanded to be joined (i.e what was intended by the covenant) and 3) to the extend of them spreading corruption on earth (I.e the corruptors 2:26-27; *Also "the Corrupt" are intentionally NOT guided in 2:99, 9:24 10:33, 63:6)
What can lead people astray:Following Chiefs/Rulers etc. (33:67)
Following Basless Narrarations (Arabic: Hadiths) (31:6)
Following your own Desires can lead people astray (38:26)
Following the majority of people on earth can lead you astray (6:116)
Following/Allying yourself with the Devil (22:4). Taking God's enemies as your allies (60:1)
The Devil can Mislead humans (36:62). In fact He has promised to mislead humans (4:119)
Disbelieving Humans mislead others (71:24). Humans & Jinns can lead others astray (41:29)
Who is Misguided?Those who do Evil/Wrong (31:11)
Those who do not Reason (25:44)
Those who Associate with God (4:116)
Those who do not Remember God (39:22)
Those who invoke others besides God (46:5)
Those who Disobey God and His messenger (33:36)
Those who Don?t respond to God?s messenger (46:32)
Those who Doubt the hour, or Judgement day (42:18)
Those who Doubt/Oppose the Quran is from God (41:52)
Those who will be gathered to hell on their faces (25:34)
Those who God has cursed and set his wrath upon (5:60)
Those who follow their own desires without guidance from God (28:50)
Those who disbelieved after believing (2:108) and and increase in disbelief (3:90)
Those who Disbelieving in God, his angels, his books, his messengers, and Judgment day (4:136)
Those who favor this worldly life over the afterlife, and repel from the path of God, and seek to makeit crooked (14:3)
Those Humans and Jinns who have: Hearts which they don?t use to percieve, eyes which they don?t use to see with, and ears which they don?t use to hear with (7:179)
What does God guide with?The Quran:Guides to Righteousness (72:1-2)
Guides to the Truth and the Staight path (46:30)
Guides to the Most Stable/Balanced path (17:9)
Guides to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (34:6)
The Quran Is guidance and mercy for the Good doers/Nice people (31:3) for Believers (7:203, 12:111) for Submitters (16:89) for those who are certain in belief (45:20)
With it, God guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the paths of peace, and leads them out of the darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them into a straight path (5:16).
Whomever God guides is the truly guided one,
and whomever He sends astray, you will not find a guiding teacher for him (18:17). Proclaim, "He is The Most Gracious; we believe in Him, and we trust in Him. You will surely find out who is really far astray." (67:29) Blessed is the Lord God, the Most Supreme High god!
تبارك الله رب العالمين
ברוך יהוה מלך העולמים