Peace Everyone Why are we here? What is the purpose of our creation?A look into the Quran, and we see that there were 2 Original plans, one is to worship/serve God Almighty (51:56), and the other one is to basically "to test us which one of us would do the best works" (67:2, 18:7, 11:7)
****People should Always be mindful of this Fact, that they
should always try to do what is better, Say what is better, act nicely, forgive, pardon etc etc.
Pardon and Overlook;
do you not love that God should forgive you? (24:22)
And whoever endures and forgiveness--
That is the best solution" (42:43)
***God Almighty stipulates that he will recompense those who do Bad with Badness, and those who do good with Goodness (53:51)
The Nice thing is that God ALmighty is able to Forgive all sins on one hand (39:53) the other, is that 1 good deed is counted as 10, and that God ALmighty never fails to recompense those who do good (12:56).
A Very important fact to keep in mind is that
God guides those who are nice/do good, just like he guided Moses and Aaron in (37:114-121),
**And Take it from me, i was not religious at all. Nevertheless i was, i would say a nice person... I did charity work and advertized for charity, I volunteered, i was to say progressive & into the "betterment of the world". (i.e Help save the world)
Infact God has an Entire System of Reward for the Nice/Righteoues/Do Good (from knowledge & Wisdom 12:22, to a nice rememberance to the later generations 37:110 to even Admittance to Heaven! (5:85, 40:40, 4:124,10:26)
Goodness will be shown to those who do Good, and
those who do evil will...well, get a taste of their own medicine! (53:51)
Recommended readings: God's System of Righteousness (The Reward system for those who are nice/do Good) God's Unconnditional servants ~ "Hells", 2 Heavens, and a "Purgatory"
Blessed is the Lord God Almighty, the Righteous king of the Universe!
تبارك الله البر الرحيم
ברוך יהוה מלך צדיק