Peace Everyone Taking a look at the Heaven/Hell controversy, you'll find that there isn't just one "Hell" and "Heaven", but infact 7 gates of Hell, 2 Heavens, and a relatable term, a "purgatory" This is a a more of a better requital because the degree of punishment/reward is varied (i.e each person will get requited for exactly his/her own work, and not just a mass equal punishment, or just throw them all in the Hell fire!
The 7 "Hells" From the Hell perspective, each of the 7 gates of hell (15:44) has a degree of punishment (7:38). The Degree of punishment can be interpreted in as in
a scale of 1 to 7x.
This is a sigh of relief because,
even if you think you are destened to hell, doing good deeds might just put you in the lower degree of punishment in hell. The requital of doing good is but Goodness (50:60), plus God never fails to reward the Rightous (12:56)
More cheering news is that good deeds erase/substitute bad deeds (11:114), and even better is that *one good deed counts as 10 good deeds (6:160) and so, it's never too late nor is it futile to do rightous deeds, even if you have mountain piles of sins!
*Now, one has to examin the Quran Carefully to see the sins in accordance to their degrees (i.e some examples cited to us, stated that some people did worse sins, like Noah's people in 53:52). What we clearly know that the Hypocrites will be requitted the Lowest Degree of Punishment 4:145)
At the Day of ressurection we will be broken into
three groups as per (56:7), those on the right (56:8 ), those one the left ,(56:9) and those who are the " forerunners" (56:10), (who are close to God Almighty 56:11) and who are already in heaven at the moment (56:12)
The Two Heavens There are many descriptions of Heaven, and the most repeated one is "Gardens with flowing streams"
The Heaven is as big as the width of the universe (3:133). An example is, If our universe is 1D, then the heavens can be described as a 2D. Now our universe is 3D, and there might be another diminsion where Angels & Devils live, as they can obviously see us, but we cant (Devils & companions 7:27, Angels in the Sky 53:26, Devil can see what we can't 8:48)
The High Heaven*It's Provisions (fruit) is hanging near (69:23), and it's fruit is everlasting (13:35) Has all kinds of fruit (47:15)... Remember this is a Garden
*Has Cups in disignated place (88:14) Delicious drinks. (78:34), Rivers of unpolluted water, of fresh milk,of wine, of strained Honey (47:15)
*Contains A flowing stream (88:12)
*No unsuitable speach or lies will be herd (88:11, 78:35)
*Has beds raised high (88:13)
*Has cushions lined up (88:15)
*Has Carpets spread about (88:16)
*Has Magnificent spouses (78:33)
*The Greetings:
*People in Heaven is simply "Peace" (10:10)
*Thier supplication to God is "Glory be to thee" (10:10)
*Their last supplication is "Praise Belongs to God the Lord of the Worlds" (10:10)
The Regular Heaven (or in this case, the "low" heaven)*It's Provisions consists of Many fruits. (56:32); Never ending; never forbidden. (56:33)
*it's water that has to be poured out (56:31)
*It has Extended shade (56:30) and lush orchards. (56:28)
*It has Luxurious furnishings(56:34)
*It's dwellers are pared with Never previously touched mates (56:35,6)
*Those who reside in this "lower" Heaven are called, the "firends" of the right side (56:27)
***As a Note,
whoever just misses hell and enters heaven has truely won (3:180), so there isn't much to worry about whether if you go to the "High" or the regular heaven.
***Also, an allegory of the High/Regular heaven would be from
the Film Avatar, you know, the blue people... There are scences where there is virtually luxious green "gardens" that are literally floating in the air (High Heaven), and there are the regular, yet nevertheless beautiful gardens on the main planet (regular heaven)
Who Will Go to Heaven?*
Heaven is Especially for those who are Reverant (43:35, 68:34, 26:90, 50:31, 19:63)
*Those who don't want to be exalted, nor want corruption on earth (28:83)
*Those who are nice/do good (5:85, 40:40, 4:124,10:26 , recompesed with a life in bliss (77:44)
*Those who submit to God AND do are nice/righteous (2:111)
* Those who believe AND do good/righteous work (7:42) AND humble themselves to God Almighty (11:23)
*Those who fight in the sake of God (9:111)
***Note Those who get to go to heaven do so because of their WORKS (7:43) How many will go the Heaven?For the
High Heaven:
Many from the first generations (56:10), and
few from the later generations (56:13-14).
For the
Regular Heaven:
Many from the early generations and
many from the later generations (56:39-40).
*** Note the
earlier generations are those who were born/died
before the time of Moses as per 28:43, and the
later generations are those who are born during and
after the Time of Moses.
Who will NOT go to Heaven *Those who Associate with God/Commit Idol Worship are Forbidden to enter Heaven 5:72)
*Those who disbelieve in God's Revelations, and turn Arrogant against them 7:36,40,
* Those who refuse to believe and are Arrogant (4:173)
A note, Those who are ARROGANT are most likely Not Going to Heaven. God Does NOT like the arrogant (16:23), and he Purposely Misguides the arrogant (7:146)! ***Arrogance has many forms, from racism and being prejudice, to even thinking you're overly righteous/good!
Again, it's never too late nor is it futile to do rightous deeds, even if you have mountain piles of sins! (40:40)If you repent and lead a rightous life, God will turn your Bad deeds into Good ones (25:70) The Lord God Almighty is Forgiving, and can forgive ALL of your sins (39:53)
Blessed is the Lord God Almighty, the Righteous king of the Universe!
تبارك الله البر الرحيم
ברוך יהוה מלך צדיק