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share your feelings after you submitting yourself truly

Started by wasi, January 07, 2014, 06:42:52 PM

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Quote from: Scribbler on January 08, 2014, 06:06:59 PM
Dear brother The_Chimp,

May peace be upon you.

With respect, I fail to see your conduct to be appropriate whenever you post something regarding your disapproval with any member on this forum. Almost every thread that I read, I see that you are always attacking on Man of Faith for no reason. You have shown enough times that you don't agree with Man of Faith's understanding, and that is totally fine as it is your prerogative. We may not agree with someone or something under discussion, but we must talk with respect and with an appropriate tone with each and every member of the forum.

The Quran demands a man of 'qawlan layyinan' (gentle, smooth, soft, delicate, malleable mild speech) - 20:44. Therefore, it is advisable that you disregard any attitude which one may not find appreciative and kindly keep your comments/responses civil.


QuoteI fail to see your conduct to be appropriate

How so? Don't claim it . . . examples?

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QuoteAlmost every thread that I read, I see that you are always attacking on Man of Faith for no reason.

Sorry - but this is completely untrue and a baseless accusation towards me. Show me single reason where I have attacked MoF without a reason?

Failing to do that will simply prove that you were flinging baseless accusations at me. Accusing me without ANY REASON.

- -

QuoteWe may not agree with someone or something under discussion, but we must talk with respect and with an appropriate tone with each and every member of the forum.

And show me example of when I am rude to him? And what exactly is "appropriate" or not . . . how do you get to decide?

It is beyond "disagreement" - I charge him with deliberately making things up.

- -


Quote from: wasi on January 08, 2014, 03:20:08 PM
again follow strictly the basic rule 7:3 whatever people are going to say just listen but follow what is the best surely the answer from allah is is always the best

my understanding about salat

basic idea of salat or purpose of salat ?
"I am God, there is no god except Me, so serve Me and hold the Salat for My remembrance." (Qur'an 20: 14)

?Recite what is inspired to you of the Book and hold the Salat, for the Salat prohibits immorality and evil deeds ; but certainly the remembrance of God is the greatest. God knows everything you do.? (Qur?an 29:45)

hold the salat for allah  which means hold the remembrance of allah
i have being doing this or holding the remembrance of allah and it is stopping  me from IMMORALITY AND EVIL DEEDS
if i hold salat in other language or arabic etc it can never stop me from evil and immorality
as allah knows that we have different languages as per 30:22
and i am commaned to do salat in the way which i understand perfectly as per 4:43

ask your self do you need any procedure for the remembrance of most gracious almighty who is everywhere all knowing
i do salat by standing in the garden , or in the home sitting on a chair
because i know that this quran is the guidance to all human beings weather he has legs ,hands or physically challenged or not he just needs to
avoid evil or immorality because i strictly follow 7:3

i know
FAJR while the sun is rising i should see by my eyes
ISHA evening while the sun is setting
salatul wustaa currently waiting till the answer confirmation from allah  :hmm

salatul jumma

always remember that quran does not contradicts the statements

this aiyat is not fully explained to me by allah i cannot do this
because i dont know the meaning of the word TARAFI what it is ?
but in 11:114 i see the timing of fajr and timing of isha

salatul jumma

for me this is not valid prayer because here there is no one like me who can call me for juma
and it is an optional prayer as we need to do we people like me gather togther

salatu wustaa

salatul wustaa if wusstaa really means middle prayer as per 2:238

i guard the prayers   FAJR AND ISHA  and the middle prayer ?

i dont know this middle prayer till allah teaches me

i doubt that this middle prayer could be the middle of every  day
or it is defining salatul jumaa
since salatul juma says to leave business at middle of the day  because after salat again you to do business
this jumaa is always on a working day and salatul wustaa says middle prayer 

but never the less i do salat only for one purpose to remember allah and to avoid immorality
no body is uncertain in this world untill he reaches allah i just get updated in islam like windows update but i am always certain
and my result will be with of allah not  on my  fore fathers or fathers or people

Tank you so much for your answer @wasi. I have similar understanding  :group:

I agree with you that the remembrance of God is the most important thing!

Praise to God
God has no Religion!

God is running everything.

Peace begins with me.


I like the topic we all fear we will miss out on something in our one chance life please express what you fear you'll miss out on.



I feel relaxed, at peace, and happy, and extremely close to God, but it is not like this sometimes. I don't doubt the book. From what I have read so far of the book, it just can't be possible to be written by a human. I doubt the existence of God few times. It is not all the times, but there are few days like this or few times, but then I find such thoughts very illogical. However whenever I get such thoughts, my love for God increases more than I ever had before.  :confused:
Basically whenever I feel uneasy, I reject those thoughts and when I feel at peace, I go towards that. It is like this with me since childhood. When I feel uneasy in my heart in doing something but I still do it, I always end up being wrong and regret it. When i feel right for something and go for it, it always end up being good. So my heart I feel at peace and happy in believing in God, so I can not reject such feelings. It is not just feelings though. There are other reasons too.
In the end, I just to pray to God to give me the guidance and put all my trust on him, those uneasy feelings and thoughts stop.
May God always guides me.


Thank's for share information
Would you care to share with me your notions and understandings about the Salat and hajj because I am totally confused about the meaning and the way of practicing the Salat after reading so many different interpretations and understandings here on Forum from people who know Arabic, and I don't.
Thank you in advance.
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This is the way I felt:
The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.2:256

Everyday now is EUREKA moment. I feel very very very thankful to Allah for guiding me to the truth. Now when I read Quran verses my heart gets full with emotions of joy. I feel the goosebumps. Can't help praising Allah at all. I am thinking more deeply about him. Must admit that I have got addicted to Quran. I can't go to sleep without studying verses. Nothing much interests me anymore. I am thinking about Quran and Allah all day and night.
"I fear that nothing will lead me to hell more than ḥadīth"-Hadith collector: Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj

good logic

38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Thank you brother Good Logic. May Allah help us all understand and follow Quran.
"I fear that nothing will lead me to hell more than ḥadīth"-Hadith collector: Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj