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This idiot stuff must see.

Started by YAMU, September 01, 2014, 01:53:14 AM

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The Deen Show was one of the early sources of information I went to when I was first learning of Islam and 'how to be Muslim' back in the day. Looking back on some of the things said there and some of the guests Eddie had on the show, I shudder to think of others who might not have grown in knowledge to see the truth beyond the hadithista point of view. I don't doubt he and his guests are sincere in their beliefs, but their beliefs are for the most part decidedly not what I have learned as the truth otherwise. When speaking of Allah in purely theological terms, for the most part I never had a problem with the show- but when they start getting into the hadith-driven agendas of behavior and their vision of 'shari'a' and telling others they are wrong if they don't it THIS way, that's where I draw the line.


Peace Crow,
I'm not a nasty nice when talking about alcohol.

O ye who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed." (Al Ma'idah 90).

"There shall be no sin unto those who believe and do good works for what they may have consumed. So be mindful of your duty and do good works; and again: be mindful of your duty, and believe; and once again: be mindful of your duty, and do right. Allah loveth the good." (Al Ma' idah 93).

"They question thee about strong drink and games of chance. Say: In both is great harm and utility for men; but the harm of them is greater than their usefulness." (Al-Baqarah 219).


Scientific reason: There are a lot of disadvantages. It causes cancer of kidney, loses the brain. It is just like slow poison and it causes many disadvantages.

Man of Faith

It is also thinning the blood and nothing strange since it is a chemical which can be used as a disinfectant etc, and then people drink it (!)

It makes the hobby bodybuilding that I perform less efficient since the blood is thinner when I need optimal supply.

There are drugs that are less harmful even if they are illegal.

But I try to quit all drugs so I even try to quit coffee, but I keep green tea due to positive effects.

Be of one with God
Website reference: [url=""][/url]


6:162    قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين
6:162    Say: My contact prayer, and my rites, and my life, and my death, are all to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
