To Ayman: A follower of Qur?an only, living in the far north of Sweden would like to know how he is supposed to fast during the peak of summer. The full moon is visible during the summer months, however the sun never sets there, in that season, so how is he supposed to start and finish his fast and when; after he witnesses the full moon?
To Layth: In winter there is constant night, as the sun never rises so, according to your theory, he would have a very long Leilat ul Qadar, but when does that night start and and how, and when is he supposed to fast according to the Qur?an?
As I understand it, according to traditonal Ramadan practice he can fast when he is able to witness the month of Ramadan when it falls during those years when there is a clear division of day and night, ie in spring and autumn, but cannot fast at all on the two occasions given by Ayman and Layth
May God guide us.