Quote from: you gunna eat that on March 05, 2011, 07:18:43 PM
At the end of the day, I feel Islam is a system that is not merely satisfied through saying stuff like "I''m a Muslim." It could be that the person who calls him/herself Catholic is a far better Muslim than the one who calls him/herself Muslim.
As I often said in this forum many times, islam is not a system or sect/cult/religion. islam is an attitude / character.
Those who possesed the islam character are called muslims.. although he/she used different wording for it in his/her own tongue / culture / tradition.
In the essence, those who really meant it when they say this during their prayer..
"Let Thy Will Be Done on the earth as it is on the heaven" (Excerpt from the so-called "Lord's prayer")
And which follow as role-model / example a jewish man who prays like this:
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Can be considered as muslim person although he/she is definitely not a Sunni or recite the Sunni Syahada or follow the Sunni's mythology of five pillars or neither he/she ever read the Quran..
muslims people are everywhere, they're being labeled by many names and could be a member of many sects/cults/religions or not a member of any sects/cults/ religions...
Nevertheless God will certainly recognized them, as Father recognized his own sons (or daughters)...
And it is not our place or authority to judge.....
Salam / Peace