Quote1) Re: SJD to/for adam/mankind - 2:34, 7:11-12, 15:29-32, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:72-76
Issue: if taken as a commonly understood physical prostration, it seems odd that angels/controllers or iblees (made of 'smokeless fire') could do this in a defined physical visible form, but it is possible - what is your view?
Assalamo alaikum;
Basic initial meanings: Feel of reverence and its expression through physical gesture-body language-lowering of head in state chin moving towards chest and gaze going down. It is a relational word-a relationship between the Reverent and the Revered. Reverent and the Revered could be any object or person. The basic perception infolded and signification conveyed by this Root, in the words of Ibne Faris [died 1005], and others is as under:
(سجد) السين والجيم والدال أصلٌ واحدٌ مطّرد يدلّ على تطامُن وذلّ. يقال سجد، إذا تطَامَنَ. وكلُّ ما ذلَّ فقد سجد. قال أبو عمرو: أسْجَدَ الرَّجُل، إذا طأطأَ رأسَهُ
This is, more or less, explained in Lane's Lexicon, along with other quotes from Lexicons, in this quote:
1 سَجَدَ , (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) [aor. سَجُدَ ,] inf. n. سُجُودٌ, (Msb,) He was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive; syn. خَضَعَ, (S, A, K, TA,) or تَطَامَنَ, and ذَلَّ: (Msb:) or he bent him-self down towards the ground: (Aboo-Bekr, TA: [and such is often meant by خَضَعَ and by تَطَامَنَ:]) [or it has both of these significations combined; i. e. he was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive, bending himself down; for] the primary signification of السُّجُودُ is تَذَلُّلً together with تَطَأْمُنٌ [or تَطَامُنٌ]. (Bd in ii. 32.) And ↓ اسجد He lowered his head, and bent himself; (AA, S, Mgh, K;) said of a man;
It may be seen that the original, fundamental, basic meanings are the feel of lowliness, humility, submissiveness by one for someone else, which is manifested by lowering of one's head in the state chin moving towards chest along with eyes going downwards, or bending oneself down. The basic perception unfolds that this is a relational word-it happens or takes existence only when there are two entities. Moreover, evidently it is not an abstract or theoretical proposition but a physical act; something expressed, conveyed, and submitted through body language instead of verbal expression. This act signifies and demonstratively portrays-parallels one's thought of surrender and submission reflecting acceptance of his relative humble state and position as against the exalted, honoured, elevated stature, and glory of other. This gives us its initial perception and meanings as obeisance, homage, respectful, saluting gesture and behaviour towards/for someone else.
The relational aspect, physical nature and the reflection of the relativity in stature, position and elevation of the subject and the one for whom this act is done is explained at first instance of use of this Root in the Qur'aan:
Listen attentively; at the point in time when We had said for the Angles, "
You people pay obeisance for Adam [alahissalam]" [Refer 2:34]
Root: س ج د Basic initial meanings: Feel of reverence and its expression through physical gesture-body language