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Does God know whole of the future of the individual

Started by Pel, October 16, 2010, 04:40:39 PM

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Quote from: you gunna eat that on October 20, 2010, 10:39:36 PM
I agree with you Wootah. That's the point of the example of the room
Haha sometimes doing this stuff makes my head spin. If we agree that's good.  :sun:
I'm a Christian ... just letting you know.

you gunna eat that

Quote from: Wootah on October 20, 2010, 11:43:28 PM
Haha sometimes doing this stuff makes my head spin. If we agree that's good.  :sun:




I found THIS article very convincing; a real eye-opener!

The ay?t quoted in the article removed all the doubt and confusion I had about the subject.

If you haven't read it, plase do... NOW !



Quote from: Abdelilah on October 21, 2010, 03:53:59 AM

I found THIS article very convincing; a real eye-opener!

The ay?t quoted in the article removed all the doubt and confusion I had about the subject.

If you haven't read it, plase do... NOW !


Err what part?
I'm a Christian ... just letting you know.


Peace you gunna eat that

You wrote:
QuoteFor example, assume that I am in a room and I must choose between leaving the room or staying in the room.  Let's add the condition that the door is locked.  Thus, I really only have the possibility of staying in the room, no alternate possibilities.  If I choose to stay in the room regardless, have I not acted freely?  I stole this example from John Locke.

By this reasoning, a slave who is locked away and prevented from the possibility of being free has chosen to be a slave. I guess he could choose suicide. So he has a choice, doesn't he? I think not.

My point is that sometimes it may not appear overtly that someone is forced to do something. However, when there is no choice in what the end result is, such a person is effectively forced to do the only thing possible. While this may appear contradictory, I don't think it is. The lack of choice means you have no choice. If you have no choice, you are forced to do something because there is nothing else you can do.


you gunna eat that

Quote from: 1CELOSTNOWFOUND on October 21, 2010, 09:00:42 AM
Peace you gunna eat that

You wrote:
By this reasoning, a slave who is locked away and prevented from the possibility of being free has chosen to be a slave. I guess he could choose suicide. So he has a choice, doesn't he? I think not.



In the example, the participant is ignorant of the fact that he was no other possibilities; we humans are too.



Quote from: nerspi on October 18, 2010, 05:15:48 PM
:bravo: i agree...
God only KNOWS our decisions, He doesn't make them for us...
and since He knows us, how we're raised, our environment and how it affects us, He knows the outcome, knows what path we'll take


I agree. That is why we need The Qur'an, to make the Right Decision. God willing.
I feel like Neo in the Matrix.

39:53 Say: ?O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God\'s mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.?


I can only assume that those who think God does not know which option we will choose is that He reveals scripture to certain people and He had no idea if they were going to say "nah, not really my thing God, make someone else a messenger" or if they would be killed next week! Probability suggests that this would have happened, i.e. there were other messengers but they got killed half way through their mission and God said "oops, never saw that coming, oh well, I will try another".

This is of course absurd.
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]



QuoteThe reason for creation was for God to know who is the best in conduct. If He already knew, there is no point in creation.

This is often claimed, but it is very clear that God is in no need of anyone or anything. This life is not for God, this life is for us, it is our self-testimony. This life is a test and all our actions are our exam paper, and we hand it in, willingly or unwillingly, when its over.

Let's say you have a teacher, and he knows his students very well, why not at the end of the course pass and fail them according to what he thinks? Of course, students would cry out this is unfair, so what would the students demand? Something that allows them to prove themselves, to determine their ability, a test! Hence why we're here.

We accepted the amana/trust:
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]



Pre-Cognisant Omnipotence = No Free Will Accountability.

Plain and simple.

If Allah, Subhanu Wa Ta'Ala, knows what we will do before we do it..then what is the point indeed.  It becomes a robotic universe.

To me, and my limited understanding, it makes a whole lot more sense if Allah gave us the capacity to act for the good or the bad.  It makes the universe infinitely more interesting and beautiful.  In this scenario, Allah is all powerful.  Which means, he can intervene directly in human affairs so that his will is done.  Someone could choose to do something that is contrary to his will, but he intervenes and that person is not permitted to achieve their ends.  He is omnipotent, which means to me, he has eyes and ears everywhere that do not fail in reporting. 

Just my two cents.