The derivatives of "abd" (slave) have been put in RED for the purpose of a consistent study.
The Quran recognizes the inequality of SLAVERY (
عبودية) and ENSLAVEMENT (
استعباد), but does not forbid the institution.
ضرب الله مثلا
عبدامملوكا لا يقدر على شىء ومن رزقنه منا رزقا حسنا فهو ينفق منه سرا وجهرا هل يستون
God has cited an example: the slave that is owned and powerless against the one We gave a good provision to, which he spends secretly and openly. Are they equal?
والله فضل بعضكم على بعض فى الرزق فما الذين فضلوا برادى رزقهم على ما ملكت ايمنهم فهم فيه سواء
God has favored some of you over others regarding provisions. Those who have been favored will not give up their provision to those whom they rightfully own, lest they become equal.
ضرب لكم مثلا من انفسكم هل لكم من ما ملكت ايمنكم من شركاء فى ما رزقنكم فانتم فيه سواء
Cited for you is an example of yourselves: are any of those whom you rightfully own made partners in your provision, to the point of becoming equal?
Thus, slaves are in an unequal position according to the Quran. No one can claim that slaves are in a good position given the above verses. In fact, the Quran reports that
Moses used slavery as evidence of Pharaoh's injustice.
"I ran away from you when I feared you. My Lord granted my judgment and made me one of the messengers... You enslaved the Israelites!"
- Moses, in 26:21-22
This begs the question: if slavery is so bad, why isn't it forbidden in the Quran?
Not only does the Quran fail to ban slavery, but
it regulates the practice of the institution and thus implicitly accepts it. It recommends freeing slaves, but does not require it. In fact, only "good" slaves were to be given the decree of freedom.
وانكحوا الايمى منكم والصلحين من
Marry the single among you and the righteous of your male and female slaves.
والذين يبتغون الكتب مما ملكت ايمنكم فكاتبوهم ان علمتم فيهم خيرا
Those who seek the decree of those whom you rightfully own, decree it for them if you know that they are good.
Fortunately, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) bans slavery, as does the Cairo Declaration made in the 1990s.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
يولد جميع الناس أحرارا ومتساوين في الكرامة والحقوق
وهم قد وهبوا العقل والوجدان وعليهم أن يعاملوا بعضهم بعضا بروح الإخاء
No one shall be held in bondage or slavery;
bondage and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
لا يجوز استرقاق أحد أو
ويحظر الرق والاتجار بالرقيق بجميع صورهما
الأمم المتحدة
The United Nations
9 June 1993
اعلان القاهرة
حول حقوق الانسان في الاسلام
Cairo Declaration
on Human Rights in Islam
يولد الانسان حرا وليس لأحد أن
Human beings are born free, and no one has the right to enslave them.It would be great if Egypt, and other predominately Muslim states, would abide by some of the righteous resolutions put forth in these Arabic documents. The Quran uses "abd" (slave) in the same way as these documents (see 16:75 and 26:22) -
it's not a good thing, and it ought to be banned. Too bad the Quran failed at this.