Salam Sarah
I'm Nima by the way
Quoteone may think having sex with someone even if they agree is contradicting morals. Sex is more like sacred not bad how you're thinking i'm perceiving it.
IF they think like that, then two things should happen IMO. Justify why they think that (sex contraditing morals) without bias. Then if they think it's not contradicting morals, they should check to make sure it's not forbidden in AQ then not prohibit it to themselves. but if they think it contradicts morals (after justifying why it contradicts morals in an unbiased manner) then they should prohibit it upon themselves.
So if you do see sex as sacred or see it as contradicting morals and you do this without pre-concieved notions and bias (one possible moral contradiction IMO is that you could unintentionally hurt someone) then God bless you keep away from sex untill you do marry.
Quotepeople don't intentionally manipulate their reasoning, well maybe some do but it's still possible to make errors with our logic/reason even though we weren't intending it
Of course it is possible to make errors with those tools. We are not God. Same as it is possible to make errors with translations and interpretaions from Quran.
I have come across this argument quiet a few times.
Ultimately, you have to use those faculties and they are your
only tool to acknowledge the Quran to understand it and so on. This applies to life. You are responsible for doing your best to use them. If you make a mistake you can justify yourself i you did not ignore them. But if you ignored them or misused/manipulate them, you cannot justify yourself.
Could you ever in the sight of God argue that: though my faculties which you gave me disagreed with it i still prohibited myself something.
NOTE that this is different to something like the swine example. With Swine, it is CLEARLY forbidden in AQ. I hope to justify forbidding swine upon myself in the sight of God by the following argument:
With the faculties you gave me, i used them to acknowledge all the verses in AQ to be divine (code 19) though it was as clear as day that eating swine is not wrong (when contrasted with other harmful foods that were not forbidden) it was too clear to me in AQ that it was forbidden thus based on my acknowledgement of AQ i did what i did. Furthermore i was not harming anyone else by doing what i did ( i say this because though lashing (for adultery) is clear in AQ, i would never carry it out for it is 100% against my heart but most importantly i would be harming someone ALOT where as with forbidding swine, i harm no one and it's not that big an issue)
The lashing issue is beside the point and i am aware of arguments in which it is not for infliciting pain based on a certain word in the verse which implies this(can't remember) I use it to show an example of justification.
Quoteanyway some thoughts:
Sex as bad before marriage could be a preconceived notion probably and it is also a western ideology that sex is ok. Even a teacher told us at school once “try before you buy” I thought that was pretty shallow and bad advice for teenage girls.. though ideologies are everywhere.
EXACTLY. That's why we have to get to the truth without BIAS!
QuoteBefore I did think that relationships were ok or a possibility but I’ve come to think otherwise. The claim seems weak because why is there no indication of a waiting period for the MMA’s after breaking off the relationship??? They wouldn’t need one because well they wouldn’t be engaging in sex what other logic is there?
See my reply to Mazhar. If it fails to answer your question, ask me again an i'l hopefully provide a more detailed answer if you need.
QuoteI could have a Female MMA it doesn’t mean I can have sexual relations with her.
I KNOW. Nor does it mean that you can't. Unless stated or Clearly implied otherwise in AQ.
I do not mean to make assumotions please forgive me for saying. But have you read all of my article in detail? I understand that it could not become clear enough in one read but just want to know do you think you gave it sufficient time? I would not be upset or offended if you have not. I just want to know
QuoteGod didn’t actually halalify premarital sex either.
True but God did not haramify it either.
QuoteNo one is saying sex is bad, almost everything is good and bad depending on the context.

QuoteIf sex was really ok why aren’t MMA’s given the criteria of a waiting period if the relationship ends? Why is marriage promoted? Why do married women need to wait? What makes MMA relationships free off the hook? To me this holds stronger arguments against premarital (sexual) relationships.
Please look at my reply to Mazhar and if you think that it is insufficient, let me know so I have a chance of better explaining.