Quote from: WayFinder on June 11, 2009, 06:10:36 AM
Peace. Sorry for late reply and short on words. I am currently on mobile. You can find LAHM TWARIYAN mentioned in two verses of the quran at 16:14 and 35:12
To outline my point on this. We do not get only pure flesh that we eat from rivers and seas. I mean these animals also got entrails and so on. We do eat the eggs of fishes which are often found inside them. There is also the famous and well known CAVIAR! And its not flesh but the eggs which are found inside the fish. If LAHM TWARIYAN would mean only sure flesh and muscle tissue, then eggs, entrails etc would become unlawful for eating which is not the case.
May Allah guide us all.
16:14 Wahuwa allathee sakhkhara albahralita/kuloo minhu
lahman tariyyan watastakhrijoominhu hilyatan talbasoonaha watara alfulkamawakhira feehi walitabtaghoo min fadlihiwalaAAallakum tashkuroona
16:14 He is the One who committed the sea, that you may eat from it
tender meat, and that you may extract from it pearls that you wear. You see the ships flowing through it, so that you may seek from His bounty, and that you may be thankful.
35:12 Wama yastawee albahranihatha AAathbun furatun sa-ighun sharabuhuwahatha milhun ojajun wamin kullinta/kuloona
lahman tariyyan watastakhrijoona hilyatantalbasoonaha watara alfulka feehi mawakhiralitabtaghoo min fadlihi walaAAallakum tashkuroona
35:12 Nor are the two seas the same. One is fresh and palatable, good to drink, while the other is salty and bitter. From each of them you eat
tender meat, and you extract jewelry to wear. You see the ships sailing through them, seeking His provisions; and perhaps you may be appreciative.
What you dont understand is that THRERE IS NO PROHIBITION IN THOSE VERSES. God says that we
MAY/DO eat the flesh of fish. There is, however NO PROHIBITION. Therefore, it is unnecessary to meantion caviar.
The verses are totally different from 6:145 where it says that the meat of pigs is PROHIBITED.