peace all,
Having been a member of this forum for a long time, I have seen many many threads discussing "salat", with hundreds (perhaps thousands) of pages in total.
In the past it used to be possible to refer someone to the use of the search function, which would bring up past threads relating to whatever they wanted to study, but as the forum content has grown, this has become less effective. Good quality information has been mixed with poor quality information. This happens to all forums and is nothing new.
So, in order to reduce the impact of this problem, I have decided to create a thread, which will be made sticky (so it will appear at the top of this section), which will link to past threads in which detailed discussion took place for various topics relating to "salat", and are generally regarded as some of the better ones in terms of quality info.
This thread is for recommendations for threads. If you have one, simply post the link here and give a few words on what it covers, e.g. timing, method, ablution etc.
The intended thread in no way will act as some sort of representation of the free-minds forum members view, or the view of the site etc. It is a forum, hence discussion of many views. There is no one accepted view as that is not a forum's purpose.