How can the warsh version provide the interlocking of code 19? And why doesn't the hafs version
A reason is because one of the versions write out alef's that are not part of the original compilation. One example is with the word Ya Rabb which is written YeRabb in the correct version, e.g. يرب rather than يا رب. Another example is al-ketab which is written as الكتاب in one version and الكتب in another. الكتب is the correct form. The alef is not necessary to properly pronounce the word and just displays the inability of ancient scholars. First of all, ketab is not an object here but just an attribute much like "knowledge", know-how as in having the proper directive, decree. You can refer to a classical Arabic lexicon to verify this.
People in general have a misconception regarding the prefix AL which word works more like making a word an attribute. It morphologically means "Be/Is Such" and together would like to say "(who) is + attribute", e.g. al-rahman "is - completely".
So if to return to your question, the version with added alef's will not yield a proper count of the letter alef, and which are not native to the original.
You will have additional problems though since recent research has shown more versions of Quran than previously known have been altered as they found older manuscripts in Yemen anomalous compared to those available yet they have shown they are older than the present ones by carbon dating. I have a big wish of getting my own hands on one of those manuscripts in order to deliver a perfect rendition in my project I am devoted to.
Be well