Well, nice try!
But what about DIVORCEED and WIDOWS who are almost forced to either stay SINGLE for (maybe) the whole rest of their lives or ("alternatively") to go and (try to) maybe SEDUCE their dream partner just because the society (societIES) in which they live is (are) seem to have agreed on "MONOgamy" as a rule..?
Ingrid, I'm NOT joking; I appreciate the fact that You censored (most of) the "f word", but I wonder WHY You didn't return our above greetings..? Salam means Peace, 'alaykoum means "upon You", did You just NOT know it, or have You left out greeting us back ON PURPOSE..?
Moreover what about the fact that the author of the article I shared actually TOUCHED the argument raised by You (although shortly) + he even wrote that he does NOT see a problem in female Polygamy per se, BUT he also mentioned that according to scientific research a woman is MORE LIKELY to catch a Papillomavirus (for those of You who do NOT know it..: That's a dangerous disease) if she has actual intimate relations with more than "only" 1 man within an 'idda/ a specific TIME PERIOD..?
Take care & I'm looking forward to Your answer,
Salamun 'alaykoum