Contd from Reply 51, 64 and 66
وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّهِBrother Wakas rendition:
Quote2:196 And complete the conference/symposium and the visit for God.
My question was in Post 66:
QuoteCan Perlocution (Hearer's reaction to message) could be "conference/symposium" in the light of famous Lexicons?
My answer is absolutely not. Reason being "conference/symposium" is the translation of object of the verb: الْحَجَّ which is related to:

Beware, the Huj -
pilgrimage of the House is an obligation imposed upon such people
who have the capacity and wherewithal to travel towards it (the House) for the awe and reverence for Allah the Exalted. [Refer 3:97]
Further the word "complete" does not collocate with "conference/symposium". Yet further "conference/symposium" is not an act done by an individual, in individual capacity, but is a collective affair.
The Topic sentence is followed by a subordinate clause which further clarifies the state of affairs obtaining on the ground:

However, if on arrival you were
blockaded to perform it, then you are only required to send that which was readily available of garlanded mammals raised for sacrifice.
City and Place of Conference/Symposium is approved and clearance given to participants before they embark journey to arrive there on the settled date. No question of blockade.
It is a subordinate sentence linked to Topic sentence evident by prefixed Conjunction Particle: فَ denoting cause and effect relations between two things, states, events. It comprises of a conditional and apodosis clause.
فَإِنْ أُحْصِرْتُمْ : It is conditional clause comprising of Conditional Particle and verbal sentence: Verb: Perfect, in Jussive state as verb of condition; second person; plural; masculine; Passive; [Form-IV] Attached Ergative/Proxy Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِحْصَارٌ Verbal Noun; It stems from Root: ح ص ر. Verb signifies they were restricted, blockaded, not allowed entry to the place - Town where the House is located.
This conjunct conditional clause clarifies that if this was the state of affairs faced by the Pilgrims, the first clause would be impracticable, hence not applicable to such pilgrims to complete all the protocols.
It means, "Sequel to you having been blockaded entering the Town", and implicit message is then the aforementioned injunction becomes irrelevant in this situation.What should they do in such situation before going back/or being deported to their native Towns, cities?فَمَا ٱسْتَيْسَـرَ مِنَ ٱلْـهَدْىِۖ: It is Apodosis clause. It is a nominal elliptical sentence with elided predicate. Relative Pronoun: مَا is the Subject. Its Linkage clause is the verbal sentence: ٱسْتَيْسَـر Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; [Form-X]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِسْتِيْسَارٌ Verbal Noun; Root: ى س ر. The Prepositional Phrase: مِنَ ٱلْـهَدْىِ relates to the elided circumstantial clause for the subject of verb. Preposition indicates the relation which subsists between the part and whole, the species and the genus, When it precedes a definite noun, it often indicates an indefinite quantity or number.
The Apodosis clause thus means "Then you are only required to send that which was readily available of garlanded mammals raised for sacrifice."
Thereby, it indicates that offering of sacrificial mammal is the tail activity in the protocols towards concluding the Hajj and Uemraa.
And you people should not remove hair-
shave your heads till the reaching of the sacrificial mammal to his destined point.
This subordinate clause is conjunct to preceding clause giveing instruction regards what to do after having sent the Mammal. The verbal sentence: لَا تَحْلِقُوا۟ رُءُوسَكُـمْ is prohibitory command by Prohibitory Particle followed by second person, plural, masculine verb in Jussive Mood followed by its object: رُءُوسَكُـم a Possessive Phrase meaning "your heads".
The verb stems from Root: ح ل ق which signifies to peel off, to shave off hair. The command means that after having sent the Mammal, "You people should not shave off your heads". It is thus explicit that shaving off the heads is the last act to be done to conclude the Hajj where after the Pilgrims can go back to their respective town and cities dispersing the gathering. What is the waiting period for doing it?
حَـتَّىٰ يَبْلُـغَ ٱلْـهَدْىُ مَحِلَّهُۥۚ : This clause, treated syntactically as prepositional phrase defines the restraint time for shaving the heads. Particle: حَـتَّىٰ denotes purpose and acts as Preposition, Preositions tell the "position" of things or objects in relation to where other people or objects are located. They can show relationships between objects in space- where one thing is in relation to another, and they can show relationships in time, when an event occurred in relation to another event.
يَبْلُـغَ ٱلْـهَدْىُ : Verbal sentence, grammatically interpreted in the meanings of verbal noun. Verb is in subjunctive mood and its doer -subject is ٱلْـهَدْىُ: the garlanded mammal for sacrifice. The object of verb signifying reaching/crossing over is: مَحِلَّهُ a Possessive Phrase with pronoun referent to: ٱلْـهَدْىُ. The object noun definite by construct means the specific place of moving of mammal for slaughter.
It should be noted that only reaching of the mammal to specific place is mentioned, not his actual slaughter. Thereby, it is obvious that they are asked to wait shaving off their head for such estimated time that mammal is taken to appointed slaughter house.
Since commands are to be obeyed by all, a saving clause needs to be there for those who may not be able to abide by it for medical reasons.

However, if someone of you was sick, or with itching-irritation persisting in his head he is faced with, necessitating removal of hair or avoidance of shaving, thereby, an absolver is due upon him of choice; fasting, or to gift something to needy, or doing any good act.
This is dependent clause by prefixed Conjunction Particle: فَ denoting cause and effect relations. He who feels reluctant to carry out the order for reasons mentioned herein is required to do mentioned acts for absolving himself.
In gatherings, the possibility of head lice infestation is common. Head lice feed only on human blood and are only able to survive on human head hair. The best precautionary measure is to shave off the hair. On recruiting soldiers, they are also given a hair cut to avoid the possibility of its spread in the troops.