Peace "tay",
Quote from: Tay on March 16, 2008, 03:24:27 AM
Peace Jonny,
It seems you're disagreeing just to say you disagree, when in fact you agree. What's up with that?
JK- Huh? Didnt you originally claim that eye witness testimonies ALONE, meaning without their poper evaluation, constitute evidence? That was the point i disagreed with.
I event that no one can possible say that they witnessed. How is this even in the same ballpark as the video in this thread?
JK- The one in the video also makes a claim that he has witnessed something. And as i said even if he has there are perfectly natural explanations for that. This is the point.
The subject in 11:17 is not the same subject in 11:18. Do we need to go through it in steps?
JK- [11:17] As for those who are given solid proof from their Lord, reported by a witness from Him, and before it, the book of Moses has set a precedent and a mercy, they will surely believe. As for those who disbelieve among the various groups, Hell is awaiting them. Do not harbor any doubt; this is the truth from your Lord, but most people disbelieve.
[11:18] Who are more evil than those who fabricate lies about GOD? They will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses* will say, "These are the ones who lied about their Lord. GOD's condemnation has befallen the transgressors."
*Now as GOD already indicated in 11:17 that witnesses report along with solid proof ofcourse we can imply this will always be the case. Besides 11:18 seems to be talking about the DOJ when everything would be in the open anyways i.e. FULL PROOF, so i dont know what your point is.
Random acts occasionally being true is not what's being discussed. A person's eyewitness account being neither provable nor disprovable, in this case, is what's being discussed.
JK- MAN do you know how many people claim to have witnessed Jesus in person or some other person they are mentally attached to? What should this prove IYO?
No, the problem is you fabricating an argument to try to strengthen your own. Please point out even a hint of me "taking true in an absolute sense" in this subject matter.
JK- Well i guss then the problem is as big as i originally thought. WHAT KINNA VALUE DOES THIS SO CALLED WITNESS HAVE?
You are wrong. The probability of you being part of my dream is actually 50/50 since I'm always either awake or sleeping, and I can't tell the difference. The question was designed to illustrate that you can't bring science into every discussion, this thread included, because it's simply overmatched by things it can't explain.
JK- DREAM itself is a relative term. In rare cases one may, whilst in a dream, claim that this is real whilst what is otherwise known as reality, is a dream. A constant dream in which things are stable would be defined as real by the observers within it, inclduing yourself, and youd have to live in it. Youd have to act rationally inside the domain your living. Reality is defined by a domain in which things can be repeated by observers other than yourself and you see them coming to similar conclusions. Dreams are defined as dreams in the first place exactly because they can be distinguished from reality in that theyr unstable with constant fluctuations. AND science can perfectly explain the phenomena regarding such witnesses:
A nice marriage is humility and science. This type of scientist knows where to draw the line - just as one shouldn't measure Shakespeare with a scale and a word count. You get irrelevant outcomes like .5kg and 15,000 words.
JK- As i said science DOES have very good answers for such "witnesses" as you can see in the clip above.
You want to try to undertsand a near-death experience, wait until you have one. Until then, you're shooting in the dark.
JK- can have NDEs. The brain releases its own natural drugs, which have a similar efect as string drugs taken externally, and in case of extreme situations such as NDEs it releases a huge number of them causing immense feeling of pleaure and euphoria. YES this exerience is wonerful but all natural. No one ever came back from an NDE along with some verifible prophecies or knowledge of the yet unrevealed like perhaps a new star, a new planet in galaxy x which could later be discovered. GOD Bless!