So, is there really a "hiyab", whatever it is, or is there simply some personal (physical) good manners that the Qur'an enjoins?.
I have more and more the impression, that what the Qur'an gives as a series of indications for conviviality in easy and comfort has been sex drived to make a of it not one of five pillars, but the pilar, and that even when we try to get rid of many unquranic conventionalities, we are still bound by them. In 24.31 among those to whom women can show their "zeena" the women of the family are mentioned. And with that, as far as I am concerned, off goes all the structure of "hiyab" as covering in front of the males because these could be (surely will be) excited. Since in 24.31 we are told the women to whom other women may show their "zeena", it must then be deduced that women must not show their "zeena" to any other women, that is to women who are not "mahram", just as it must not be shown to men who are not "mahram", . It must be concluded then that the "modesty" thing is not so much of a sexual recomendation as a more general rule of good social behaviour with people of any sex. Unless, of course, we take that in this aya "nisaa'" doesn't mean women.
So women's "zeena", the part that is usually translated as "their beauty" or "their hidden beauty", that part that supposedly could excite the males, should after all be translated as jewelry or accessories, and that they must not be shown to women either. So about what are we speaking here? Not about sexual temptation, obviously. May be about non ostentation? modesty, but not in any sexual sense? I had a sense of that long ago when I asked myself if male mahrams were all inoculated to be inmune to excitement. Whatever.
Every time I get a new insight into the hiyab swindle I get more and more ashtonished. This is one of the modern editions of the earth is flat. And while I agree that it is annoying and a burden being measured and inspected for your physical attractiveness, what cannot be condoned is to manipulate scripture in order to impose an obligation that does not exist and attribute to scripture an obsession that does not exist and attribute to that obssession the virtue of preventing all evils and of making of hiyabed women the salvation of the world and biggest part of the universe. And the extent to which this is done is really alarming, because such a lack of doubt in something like that cannot be natural. So there is a determination that, no matter what, the qur'an cannot not say that hiyab is an obligation.