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Would someone explain 6:130 for me

Started by jaythikay99, March 12, 2007, 05:39:35 PM

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Salaams to all great minds!

I am a new member and learning new things on this enlightening forum, would some one explain the following verse which says Jinn also receive Prophets? is it true or i misunderstood it.

Thanks in advance

6:130. O you assembly of jinns and men, did not apostles come to you from among you,
communicating My signs to you, bringing warnings of this your day (of Doom)?" They
will answer: "We bear witness to our sins." They were surely deluded by the life of the
world, and bore witness against themselves because they were unbelievers.


Peace R. Hamza,

Welcome to the forum.

Quote from: RasulHamsa on March 12, 2007, 05:39:35 PM
I am a new member and learning new things on this enlightening forum, would some one explain the following verse which says Jinn also receive Prophets? is it true or i misunderstood it.
Thanks in advance

6:130. O you assembly of jinns and men, did not apostles come to you from among you, communicating My signs to you, bringing warnings of this your day (of Doom)?" They will answer: "We bear witness to our sins." They were surely deluded by the life of the world, and bore witness against themselves because they were unbelievers.

The "jinn" receive the same messengers as humans. This is evident from chapter 72. You see they "jinn" and humans are not separate. They are linked together. The "jinn" is an integral part of the human psyche.

For more information, please see:


الإسلام من القرآن
English: [url=""][/url]


Peace ayman and JM

Thanks for the links I'll try to read them

Thanks again



Ayman, I find that article to be most dubious, at best.

When you plug in "fantasies" into all those verses, it flat out makes no sense. Particularly those where it mentions Solomon. Leaders, again, when Allah addresses "the leaders and the humans", why would he refer twice to "humans" if leaders = humans?

Let's not just randomly plug in meanings and assume they make sense.

Arnold Yasin


Thanks Arnold, your article make more sense then respected Dr Ayman's.


Quote from: Arnold Yasin on July 24, 2007, 10:47:44 AM
Agree with OPF,

The meaning is determined by the context. See:,417,0,0,1,0

salaam all

sorry arnold i dont agree with you and yousef ali ,

the jinns are very much present in this world and living with us I'm telling you all this from my personnel experience, i have hundred encounters with them since my chiled hod and they used to come after me here in UAE  too in very aggressive manner and i stopped them to inter my home to protect my family. i have still one living in my home in Pakistan. last December when i went on my annual leave my wife asked me to evict him and stop him to enter over home but i refused i told her he is a good jinn and he is not dangerous at all he only start jumping when i come home but he will not bother you ppls. so when some body says jinns are not real  i dont agree with him.


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway


Peace "afridi",
Who says Jin are not real? All thts said is they ARE NOT SEPERATE BEINGS FROM HUMANS. They are PART of the NEURAL NETWORK which forms both human and jinn consciousness at various times. When you get very angry or fiery then the Jin is activated within you. Tht is one jinn. Another jinn are the hidden TRIBES of people who like sufis etc go out of the normal lifes and are not normally seen by people as bro Arnold has mentioned. jinn means hidden and can refer to more than one thing.
Your experience can be explained like this:
GOD Bless!
[19:19] He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son.


Quote from: jonny_k on July 24, 2007, 05:39:36 PM
Peace "afridi",
Who says Jin are not real? All thts said is they ARE NOT SEPERATE BEINGS FROM HUMANS. They are PART of the NEURAL NETWORK which forms both human and jinn consciousness at various times. When you get very angry or fiery then the Jin is activated within you. Tht is one jinn. Another jinn are the hidden TRIBES of people who like sufis etc go out of the normal lifes and are not normally seen by people as bro Arnold has mentioned. jinn means hidden and can refer to more than one thing.
Your experience can be explained like this:
GOD Bless!

Salaam jonny

Thnks for the clip but i can not hear any thing cause i dont have speakers and i can not use them here in the office so i dont know what they are trying to prove but my experiance is not like that.


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway