Peace ay
it happended to me twice.
Once it was a very bad energy (or whatever). I had been sleeping when my husband cam into the room. I woke up, seeing him on the other side of the bed, with an evil green creature just behind him, trying to grasp him. I never was that afraid in my whole life, suffocating in fear but absolutely unable to talk and prevent him...until i really woke up. So for sure i was in a state in between, saw my husband for real and may be a creature from my dreams... dunno, it was really scary anyway.
The second time it was not scary, but rather strange. The presence was rather white light.
I was with a friend when it came into the room, from the roof by pushing the door ! My friend, rather used to this kind of intrusions just said "hello"...i was more like

Funny thing, though, even my son (then 7 years old) saw it the next day. I understood when he asked my what was this strange white light on the roof. He asked "mommy, does light walk around ?"
The presence though has not been spotted since and to tell you the truth, i'm rather relieved...